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Everything posted by arlo

  1. NIN in orlando (td waterhouse) tues oct 25th. carl cox in tampa (club underground) thurs oct 27th. 'nuff said.
  2. la...DAMN, girl! look at you GO on your headdown!! SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET flying, chica!! :) a
  3. who? me or them? (and wally, yes, i was there when the cops showed up....wasn't the first time )
  4. was i at the first one? i know i was at 3 or 4 consecutive. i do remember a few of us almost getting decapitated by limbs while riding in this "thing" on wheels. edited to add: yep, i think that's the one because i think that's where you and i finally met, billy. sounds like the entire MB crew from Zhills will be there. man, oh man. it's sounding better by the minute. the earliest i can make it there would be saturday afternoon...which is fine. will miss the frogmore stew, though...sometimes i miss home.
  5. it's been a few years since i attended a HMB so it would be cool to see some familiar faces from SC there. is johnny going this year? i know he loves that boogie as well....
  6. thinking about it for now. 5-minute plan for me, but there is a strong possibility. :)
  7. still not sure if i'll be there juuuuuuuuuust yet. going to see lil' bro in aiken and might just swing by that way instead of atlanta...unless the storms stays super far south. give kriss my love and i can't wait to be an aunt!!!
  8. so i was thinking... how cool would it be for the folks at the harvest moon boogie to offer a discounted boogie fee ($20?) for anyone showing a valid FL license that shows up for the boogie to get away from Wilma? this could make for an overflowing town, though. thoughts? wally? who's in charge of that shindig nowadays anyway?
  9. flocking for sure. good rule of thumb is to include your friends every chance you get. flock.
  10. oh good christ. i forgot you (dom) and sandy and aubrey are all gonna be working together. each of you to your own corner! i smell trouble brewing.... and don't listen to anything ANYONE there says. they're ALL a bunch of assholes and they wear pink crotchless underwear.... ALL of them. ... especially johnny and bill (happythoughts). FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT'S GOOD AND HOLY....RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!
  11. suck to live in fl? are you joking me? that just gives us an excuse for extra days off to take a short vacation to say, atlanta! :) i'll be headed to SC this weekend anyway.... cya wilma. speaking of...maybe they should have "theme" names for the storms. astro, betty, charlie, dagwood, etc.
  12. if you like tail, you'll LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE flying with the MoFoHos. be nice to them you might get a shirt. be bad and you might have some battle wounds you can brag about to your grandkids.
  13. BIG CONGRATS for a job well done, paige!! what an awesome donation to JFTC!! a
  14. arlo

    finally! an easy way to help get some food and basic needs to folks that need it. it'd be cool if each dz would "adopt" a family or two and help them out. :) check out the whole website. what a good least i think it is.'s friday.
  15. sorry for the delay. the person with the info has been terribly sick for the past several days and he's been working STUPID crazy hours trying to close this out. there's more work to do now than during the event. GET WELL RICHARD!! we love you!! without further ado... RAFFLE WINNERS: #10: $25 gift certificate for GoWear clothing went to Ellen Coena #9: Half-off Tony Suits Cargo pants went to Lara Marshall #8 Free Parasport Italia Skytronic FX Audible Altimeter went to Vladimir Zanadvolov #7 Free Parasport Italia Evo Open Face Helmet goes to Michael McMullin (dz.commer) #6 Free Parasport Italia Z1 Full-face Helmet goes to Leon Bailie #5 Free SkySystems USA Oxygn A3 Helmet went to Dave Withrow #4 50% off Blade or Nitro main canopy by HiPer USA (thanks beezy!!) to Pavel Osipov (who needs to sell this...he's just doing AFF ) #3 50% off Blade or Nitro main canopy by HiPer USA to Michael Kamszik #2 50% off the Vector 3 container by Relative Workshop (thanks Rosi and mark and bill!) goes to Peter Godbold #1 100% a Mirage container valued at $2100 goes to none other than our own dz.commer Russ P. a HUGE thank you goes out to all the sponsors of this event. without you, this raffle would not have been the success it was. Congratulations to all the winners. Thanks to everyone who not only bought tickets to help support the cause (sorry grue or mike neal!! i couldn't rig the free container drawing! ) but also to the folks like Dan (dz.commer Katzurki)who volunteered to help sell tickets even though they weren't participating. while i'm here, big thanks to rosa too. she was a godsend when we needed someone to help. congrats again!
  16. see? that's the problem with some guys. the girl tells him what she wants and he just doesn't want to listen. did someone say dessert?
  17. good luck to everyone on the DWR attempts!! i wish each of you your personal and team best and safe skydives (and a new world record, of course )... go get 'em billy! arlo
  18. wtg paige. :) your hard work is paying off.
  19. i'm really looking forward to seeing varekai in st pete in dec. i saw mystere! many years ago in las vegas and it stole my heart!! absolutely beautiful!! the giant snail was my fav. ;)
  20. varekai is a traveling show that will be in: Hartford, CT Sept. 22 to Oct. 16 Charlotte, NC Oct. 27 to Nov. 20 St. Petersburg, FL Dec. 1 to Dec. 18 Miami, FL Jan. 20 to Feb. 12
  21. IDSA: HPV Vaccine Gets High Marks in Trial By Ed Susman, MedPage Today Staff Writer Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. October 06, 2005 ------------------------------ MedPage Today Action Points Explain to patients that the vaccine is not yet available clinically but the results of this clinical trial are promising. Note that the vaccine covers 70% of the strains of HPV that cause cancer and, therefore, will not prevent all cervical cancer. This study was published as an abstract and presented orally at a conference. These data and conclusions should be considered to be preliminary as they have not yet been reviewed and published in a peer-reviewed publication. ------------------ Review SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 6 - An investigational vaccine aimed at cervical cancer has proved 100% effective against cervical pre-malignant lesions associated with the most prevalent strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV), according to researchers here. Results of the Phase III study of Merck’s quadrivalent recombinant vaccine, known as Gardisil, are to be presented Friday at the Infectious Diseases Society of America meeting here. In the FUTURE II trial, an international multicenter study, the vaccine protected all 5,301 women who had no study protocol violations for receiving the shots and who were followed for an average of 17 months. By comparison, 21 cases of pre-cancerous lesions were detected in 5,258 women given a placebo vaccine. The vaccine, which protected against HPV strains 16 and 18, is given three times: day one, month two, and month six. The difference in protection was statistically significant at the p
  22. that's your beautiful shot, eh paul? :)