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Everything posted by arlo

  1. nicely said, vertifly. i'm guessing alot of folks that criticize and judge are the same ones calling all the homeless worthless pieces of shit, drunk bums too. hell yeah! kick those fuckers while they're down! impressive! i'm glad that your lives are so pristine. bravo! maybe some of you should take a long look at yourselves before throwing stones, eh? any one of you guys that ever stole a pack of gum or a cigarette from your dad's pack....haha. same boat. throw your stones. and for the dude implying that lara isn't a good friend? BTFU. unless you know her, you have NO idea what you're talking about. lara is a good soul and is compassionate and gives a shit...unlike alot of folks i'm starting to see.
  2. i love the leg lamp, so we'll get along just fine. cya in a few... a
  3. Paradise by the Dashboard Lights... Meatloaf. i actually had a friend that used this (along with some tidbits by iron maiden and what-not) years ago. it was great!
  4. hey bonnie- i was just reading where an 11 yr old organized a backpack filling thing for the kids too. she said the same thing: "an 11 yr old will know what an 11 yr old would want". so that is so touching that Jett poured her heart into that. some lucky little girl will have a box of goodies filled with pure love from another little girl. right on.
  5. hey florida peeps (or anyone else for that matter :) - if you're gonna donate clothes for brooke's family/friends, please let me know asap if you haven't already. i need to get a plan together to get the clothes to brooke by next week before i leave on the 24th. i will ask this: please, if possible, sort the clothes if possible. i think this will help brooke out because she's gotta sort them and put them in piles according to the sizes of the people that are getting them. it doesn't sound like alot of work, but multiply it by a buttload of bags of clothes and it can be time consuming. i just think it'd be super cool to minimize whatever work she needs to do because she's doing so much as it is. thanks sooooooooo much to everyone that jumped on this so quickly and to those that kept her family and friends in your thoughts. atlanta peeps....OMG. you guys rock! lianne & eric deren have centralized the donations there and have acquired alot of clothing AND gift cards as well. i think they are also meeting at Neighbors on weds to accept more donations to give to brooke. zhills...looks like a carload of stuff is ready to go as well. crosskeys...sounds like you get your turn in a few weeks. :) in order to get the clothes to brooke, we might need to do a little relay thing to get the stuff from deland to atlanta (in order to save on shipping costs). i've been in contact w/skinnyshrek and can pass it to him for a trip to the farm, but i have to work out logistics today. if anyone has any ideas, lemme know. brooke leaves for Mississippi on the 23rd, i think....
  6. i won't be able to make it up for the funeral wally, but please give cindy a big hug for me and extend my condolences to "uncle" bobby's family and fellow skydivers. with love and a big hug to you guys, arlo p.s. have one for me at the dz.
  7. i visited there in january for work, and i liked it (mainly because i found a korean fast food joint inside the food court at this gigantic mall ). that was enough to win me over. besides that, there's the garlic capital of the US (or world?) south of there before the exit to monterey bay. and there's this really cool restaurant in the mountains called Ciao! Bella owned by a guy named Tad, i think. everyone that works there is in the performing arts or attends the arts school there and i would recommend this to anyone that has an open mind!! ...and of course, the beautiful city of san francisco (and sausalito sp?) just up the road. so as a "tourist" visiting that area, i thought it was great. for those of you that already live there, wanna adopt me?. :) it's such a beautiful area. i can't wait to go back (when it's not work-related).
  8. god bless 'em. i'd probably ask the dude where he got the shirt. with all the crap going on in the world, a shirt with a few expletives would be the least of my concerns.
  9. arlo

    Got Duck Tape?

    actually, you're all sorta right. Duck Tape is a brand of duct tape.
  10. ATLANTA, GA --2 rooms available at 1 location --2 RVs (at skydive the farm) DUBLIN, GA --spare bed and private bath (w/kids + doggie + beer) MACON, GA --1 spare bedroom --1 motor home --1 camper TALLAHASSEE, FL --space available in a 3BR home --some apt space (skinnyshrek's friend) --camper can be made available to house family of up to 4. has kitchen, AC etc. --3 BRs 2 BTH available in parents' home; restaurant jobs possible PENSACOLA, FL --room for 1 person (possibly 2) CENTRAL, FL --1 guest room (w/kids and cat) --1 couch. any one with a truck or van that needs to relocate has a job here (gotta love hard work but it will be worth your while). DELAND, FL --1 guest room w/bath; couch, air mattress + additional space as needed, close to DZ (1 cat) OLDSMAR, FL (north of tampa) --pull out couch, floor space, air mattresses as needed WEST PALM BEACH, FL --2 bedrooms --1 master BR+bath + 2 couches+ cat. owner never home. kids + dogs welcome (no cats). Prefer non-smoking skydivers, but we can work something out if not... PM me plz! *TONS* of jobs here, especially in Health Care and Construction. COLORADO --1 spare room w/bathroom (pets + teen) SO CAL --1 spare bed (decent wine) --1 spare room near perris/'snore --3 spare BRs, 2bath, lotsa room; between perris/'snore (cats) DALLAS, TX --1 spare bedroom (+ doggie + snake) NEW MEXICO --couch ROCK ISLAND, IL --1 room; part-time landscaping job if you want it; DZ-quad cities OHIO --2 open rooms. can also pick someone up/shuttle them through ohio (I'm right on I-75) SMOKEY MTNS (NEAR GATLINBURG), TN --Spare bedroom for 1 or 2 (3 if your family). We accept pets and kids (2 dogs+ 2 cats + 10 y/o.+ smoke). CROSSKEYS AREA, NJ --2 BRs, hot tub, large deck out back overlooking a huge pond, (+2 doggies + beer) =============================== TRANSPORTATION can be worked out on an as-needed basis by many offering homes. can also pick someone up/shuttle them through ohio (volunteer located right on I-75) can provide shuttle from SO CAL airport to locations listed above in SO CAL can shuttle thru FL can shuttle thru GA can provide transportation around Austin TX and from NO if needed weekend transportation in the mid-TN area to where ever (has to be during off-time from work). ============================== also, for those that may want to extend past the skydiving realm, there's a website that will provide background checks for both parties: there's also some good info there as well regarding help agencies and what-not... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also: you can also volunteer to help them remotely match victims to homes. if you live in or around shreveport, they can use your help locally. another:
  11. check out the post in bonfire. Brooke Schultz' family and friends have nothing but the clothes on their backs due to hurricane katrina. PLEASE try to help if you can. thanks, arlo
  12. i got this from brooke as well: ----------------- arlo, I have friends and family that lost everything. Hell, everyone lost everything. If people want to donate directly to people in Bay St. Louis/Waveland area, like clothes etc. I will be taking those things down in the next few weeks. I know that you are the master at raising money and it would be going to very specific people that now have nothing but the clothes on their backs. the food and water situation is definitely good now. The national guard makes two passes a day with food, water, and ice but no one has clothes, etc. Let me know if you want to organize something over the next few weeks and I will deliver it in two weeks. thanks for your thoughts, brooke --------------------- also, she said that the folks are being provided personal hygiene items so that means lets stick to clothing and/or gift cards. she definitely knows what her family and friends need during this time. i'm collect items in deland/florida. so if anyone wants to send clothing or whatever, just give me a shout via email at groovicool@aol DOT com or call and leave a message at 3867369324 and i'll get back to you asap. if you're in atlanta area, contact me and i'll let ya know who is collecting items there. just in case you can't place a face with a name, brooke is a member of Sugargliderz 2.0 along with missy and kate. she's also one of the founding members of the pink mafia sisters. she's good people and she needs our help. let's show her friends and family what a difference we can make. blues, arlo p.s. laurel, i'm buying you a beer when we finally meet. you rock.
  13. from the rw forum for gold coast: "I wish I had better news but Gold Coast Will not be open this weekend because of the heavy presence of FEMA people. Currently the airport is closed to traffic other than emergency aircraft. I believe we should be able to operate the following weekend but I will let people know as soon as I get the word from the airport board. My phones are still only working part time so if you have difficulty getting through, just keep trying. On a note of irony, the airport asked if I would put a skydiving wind blade on top of their new tower since the wind sock was blown down. Of course, I obliged their request and only wished I had my camera at the time. Most everyone has been accounted for but we still haven't heard from Mark Garatie, Diane Berkshire, Kevin Tassin and Doc and Tammy Miller. If you guys get this message, please check in with someone to let them know you're OK. We will get through this trying time together. Keep all those that lost their homes and property in your prayers. Blue Skies, Mike"
  14. i have to echo those comments. TK doesn't waste a single minute helping those that need it. This applies to the folks at zhills too. people give so much of themselves and from their hearts to help and that is one reason i am so proud to call zhills my home dz. it'd be nice to see the other dzs step up and do the same. there are so many people that want to help but just don't know what to do. this is a fine example of how. laurel, i know you've sorta been adopted as the "spokesperson/organizer" for the gulf coast skydivers, but if you can find out specific needs for clothing too, i'm sure you can get that as well for those folks. i have a bunch of skydiving tees that are just waiting to find someone to wear them.
  15. yes. i've done it (and posted about it somewhere on another thread). that's why i find the humor in totally irrational behavior such as my own. if you're gonna spray, make sure to do it after you've ignited the lighter. otherwise, you're spraying a layer of hairspray on the carpet as well as in the air. too, you want to make sure it's all burned as it's coming out. any excess might cause a fire/hair ball. i know that was bad. for the record, excess hairspray on the carpet can and most probably will catch on fire if you're shooting the flamethrower at the spider. they die pretty quickly, though. oh yeah, i only did it the house. outside, it's a free-for-all. if someone does this and the can blows up, it's your own damn fault.
  16. ATLANTA, GA --2 rooms available at 1 location --2 RVs (at skydive the farm) DUBLIN, GA --spare bed and private bath (w/kids + doggie + beer) MACON, GA --1 spare bedroom --1 motor home --1 camper TALLAHASSEE, FL --space available in a 3BR home --some apt space (skinnyshrek's friend) --camper can be made available to house family of up to 4. has kitchen, AC etc. --3 BRs 2 BTH available in parents' home; restaurant jobs possible PENSACOLA, FL --room for 1 person (possibly 2) CENTRAL, FL --1 guest room (w/kids and cat) DELAND, FL --1 guest room w/bath; couch, air mattress + additional space as needed, close to DZ (1 cat) OLDSMAR, FL (north of tampa) --pull out couch, floor space, air mattresses as needed WEST PALM BEACH, FL --2 bedrooms COLORADO --1 spare room w/bathroom (pets + teen) SO CAL --1 spare bed (decent wine) --1 spare room near perris/'snore --3 spare BRs, 2bath, lotsa room; between perris/'snore (cats) DALLAS, TX --1 spare bedroom (+ doggie + snake) NEW MEXICO --couch ROCK ISLAND, IL --1 room; part-time landscaping job if you want it; DZ-quad cities OHIO --2 open rooms. can also pick someone up/shuttle them through ohio (I'm right on I-75) =============================== TRANSPORTATION can be worked out on an as-needed basis by many offering homes. can also pick someone up/shuttle them through ohio (volunteer located right on I-75) can provide shuttle from SO CAL airport to locations listed above in SO CAL can shuttle thru FL can shuttle thru GA ============================== also, for those that may want to extend past the skydiving realm, there's a website that will provide background checks for both parties: there's also some good info there as well regarding help agencies and what-not... also: you can also volunteer to help them remotely match victims to homes. if you live in or around shreveport, they can use your help locally. another:
  17. to catch it up: ATLANTA, GA --2 rooms available at 1 location --2 RVs (at skydive the farm) DUBLIN, GA --spare bed and private bath (w/kids + doggie + beer) MACON, GA --1 spare bedroom --1 motor home --1 camper TALLAHASSEE, FL --space available in a 3BR home --some apt space (skinnyshrek's friend) --camper can be made available to house family of up to 4. has kitchen, AC etc. PENSACOLA, FL --room for 1 person (possibly 2) CENTRAL, FL --1 guest room (w/kids and cat) DELAND, FL --1 guest room w/bath; couch, air mattress + additional space as needed, close to DZ (1 cat) OLDSMAR, FL (north of tampa) --pull out couch, floor space, air mattresses as needed WEST PALM BEACH, FL --2 bedrooms COLORADO --1 spare room w/bathroom (pets + teen) SO CAL --1 spare bed (decent wine) --1 spare room near perris/'snore --3 spare BRs, 2bath, lotsa room; between perris/'snore (cats) DALLAS, TX --1 spare bedroom (+ doggie + snake) NEW MEXICO --couch ROCK ISLAND, IL --1 room; part-time landscaping job if you want it; DZ-quad cities =============================== TRANSPORTATION can be worked out on an as-needed basis by many offering homes. ============================== also, for those that may want to extend past the skydiving realm, there's a website that will provide background checks for both parties: there's also some good info there as well regarding help agencies and what-not...
  18. BERLIN (Sept. 1) - A German woman laid waste to her family home by setting fire to it as she tried to kill spiders in a garage with a can of hairspray and a cigarette lighter. Police in the western town of Zuelpich said that when the aerosol failed to finish them off, the 34-year-old woman tried to burn them with the lighter. However, this set the area she had just sprayed on fire and the blaze spread to a hedge. "It was a series of unfortunate events which led to the damage," a police spokesman said on Thursday. "She tried to put the fire out with a garden hose, but couldn't. Instead her semi-detached house next to the hedge caught fire. It's now uninhabitable." Firefighters managed to extinguish the blaze and save the neighbouring house, which sustained broken windows and some charring. The spokesman estimated the total cost of the damage at well over the equivalent of $125,000. No one was hurt. "The family have had to look for somewhere else to stay," he said. "The spiders are gone though -- that problem was solved." 09/01/05 15:25 ET
  19. hi leanne and mike- if you guys hear from mike brown, please get an alternate mailing address from him so we can send him some money (dealer related stuff).
  20. ATLANTA, GA --2 rooms available at 1 location --1 RV (at skydive the farm) DUBLIN, GA --spare bed and private bath (w/kids + doggie + beer) MACON, GA --1 spare bedroom --1 motor home --1 camper TALLAHASSEE, FL --space available in a 3BR home --some apt space (skinnyshrek's friend) --camper can be made available to house family of up to 4. has kitchen, AC etc. CENTRAL, FL --1 guest room (w/kids and cat) DELAND, FL --1 guest room w/bath; couch, air mattress + additional space as needed, close to DZ (1 cat) OLDSMAR, FL (north of tampa) --pull out couch, floor space, air mattresses as needed WEST PALM BEACH, FL --2 bedrooms COLORADO --1 spare room w/bathroom (pets + teen) SO CAL --1 spare bed (decent wine) --1 spare room near perris/'snore DALLAS, TX --1 spare bedroom (+ doggie + snake) =============================== TRANSPORTATION can be worked out on an as-needed basis by many offering homes.
  21. regarding mike brown: "Dorothy from Relative just called & he's ok! He is staying with a cousin in AL & will probably be out of business for a month or more. His house fortunately was on higher ground, there was some damage, but no flooding. He was in Biloxi for part of the storm, over 14 hours of the most horrendous wind you could imagine he said. Please share with anyone else who's been asking, or anyone else you know that knows him. I don't know how many people he's been able to call." very good news!
  22. just keep us updated on what's going on with her. i live next to daytona so i can help on this end of things....
  23. big boobies? that leaves me out. but i can always find heather... good suggestion, btw.
  24. i'd like to suggest maybe folks do a quick "pass the hat" this weekend at your local dropzones or intersections. if we can't physically help anyone right now, at least we can do so with $$$. i'll be in zhills on saturday and if it's okay with melanie, i'll try it at nationals sun/mon/tues. anyone else in?