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Everything posted by bodypilot1

  1. Size isn't always the thing that best defines a good TM. If you are relying on your physical strength for doing all you work on tandems, you will soon wear out! Finesse, technique AND alittle STAMINA are something you need to keep you going all day. If you master the technique of doing tandems, ANY size student become relatively easy. The heat will get you at times and slow you down, but some good food and some CARB intake, such as CarboFuel will keep you on your toes till sunset. As for the hung over TM's? 2 words....Bye Bye And thats for the DZM to handle.
  2. As I said..... *** Evidently Dave, you have MISSED the "some" in my reply to her? Glad your an exception!
  3. Evidently Dave, you have MISSED the "some" in my reply to her? Glad your an exception!
  4. The Parachute Center in Lodi is having formation 36 ways this weekend April 3rd. For those interested in possibly getting on some of the jumps in the future, and haven't recieved an invite, you may consider "lurking"? This will be a great way to "be seen" and get some experience you need to be on BIGGER loads! DZ opens at 9am.... Be safe.
  5. I just posted this in another forum, but I think it will fit here too.
  6. The TAF tandem progression will get you better results for learning. The 1 on 1 training you get doing the tandems and landing the canopy with the Instructor will help you learn faster. "BUT", make sure the tandem instructor is AFF rated, and can possibly do ALL you jumps with you? Some tandem instructors are just that, "tandem instructors". Some will just tell you to just "put your legs on my ass" and leave them there so they dont get in their way, and some could care less what your body position is or what your legs and feet are doing during the tandems. This will only lead to you having BAD body position and BAD leg awarness during your AFF segment of your TAF progression. Thus a curtain backsliding spin with your AFF Instuctor holding onto you with both hands sticking his tongue out at you? I do ALL my own Private Training now, from the 2 tandems, the FJC,and all the AFF jumps so I dont have to put up with a bad tandem master anymore. Just my .02 from EXPERIENCE Be safe.
  7. Well, if you ever become an Instructor and the DZ say's the "F" word, it usualy is something like your "FIRED".... And I haven't heard that yet.....
  8. You have to buy beer anytime you say the "F" word. Them are the rules.....(old school)
  9. Scott explained it well, but the other pointer is "STOP BEFORE YOU GO TO THE DZ AND BUY BEER!" Have fun and be safe.
  10. Great pics. Watched the video and it looks like you still have ALOT of forward speed as you pull judging from the angle your dag comes out of the tray and your feet get thrown forward though?
  11. Hey, I am just following the list..... If something happens just kick me to the side out of everyone's way, it'll heal eventually. If something really bad happens, just push me to the side, cover me with a little dirt , give my rig to a needy student and call it good. BTW, I am willing the remainder of my jump tickets to you, if you want them. I'll also print out this thread and keep it just incase to let your family know everyone (including me) has suggested you just jump more and get some more "experience" before jumping something too small for your experience level. Slow down and smell the grass, dont eat it..... Be safe.
  12. *** Jeff, also try working on accuracy. This weekend will be a good chance at Lodi to see what the canopy traffic is like when we do small formation 36 ways. Make sure someone is watching you also when doing your rear riser landings and has the sense to call for medical attention should you need it?
  13. *** Sounds to me like "you" need to become STAFF? Thats if you wanna make it a safer dz? Be safe
  14. Do you mean grommet to pin or grommet to reserve tray? *** Groumet to pin. Straight up as your container is laying back pad down as you pack.
  15. 2 line twists in 500+ wingsuit jumps. 280 on Skyfyer 1 and 220+ on S3. No cutaways. A few 90 degree off heading openings. Infinity container with NO MODS and packing Dbag groumet straight UP. NO modified PC or bridal. Canopy: Nitron 100 with an exit weight of 201lbs. You say you have line twists on your canopy even during normal RW jumps too? IMO I'd never suggest jumping a canopy with a wingsuit that is prone to line twists at all. OR learn to pack differently until you have NO line twists during a "normal" jump, and if you have the twists still while jumping your wingsuit it probably the way your deploying. Try slowing your forward speed by bringing in your legs and hold it for abit, then as you reach back for your pilot chute arch your chest alittle with your head high and you'll feel your forward speed decrease and your fall rate increase. Throw your PC "HARD EVERY TIME" and watch it start to get full extention and not go back into your burble. Also, pay attention to your legs, as your leg wing may catch air ,and if they are unsymetrical, may cause your body to rotate. Keep them closed through deployment. Pay attention to body position in your harness too during your openings when you are unzipping your wings. My .02.... Hope this helps you some. Be safe.
  16. The USPA FJC will tell you if you cannot do a "complete controlabilty check with your main canopy, to cut it away and go to your reserve. Because they have NOT had enough training to fly the canopy with the risers at this point. If they are jumping something like a 240 and they arent some where over 240lbs? Getting them a bigger parachute will be hard, but NOT impossible. And if you ever found yourself under your hard deck to cut away your main, without the ability to steer with your toggles or your risers or the knowledge how to? Your best bet is to do that other little landing thing we teach you in the FJC, the PLF, and hope you avoid hitting anything other than open field. Be safe.
  17. I've seen em' at the DZ, they look good, but now you need to have someone put some use on them to see how they hold up? Have my size?
  18. You don't.....
  19. His profile, nor his post states his experience. Surely you don't want to do something your not comfortable with doing. The USPA student program was changed in order to have the students get more used to flying their canopy using the risers and hopefully "keep using them" in order to be a good canopy pilot, and not just to get through their canopy skills section of their A licence card and then stop using the risers. If you choose to make the choice of cutting away a steerable canopy and using your reserve to land, I'd suggest getting more comfortable using your risers to land. Your landing will be abit faster but you wont have to use your "last chance", as reserves have been known to malfunction too? I suggest learning to fly the canopy using the risers and being able to LAND your canopy using them! Steering lines can break below the 3000ft or the altitude your comfortable cutting away at, then what will you do? If you say the canopy your jumping "lands too fast" using your rear risers? Then the canopy your jumping is too small for you...... Be safe.
  20. IF you were able to get your canopy under control and able to steer it with your risers, why don't you just land it with your rear risers?
  21. 275 spread over how many years? Be safe.
  22. Looks like less wing than the S3?
  23. A boats just a hole in the water you keep throwing money into
  25. ***Thats GOOD. As I have told some of the students I have trained. "If you dont understand something I have told you, or you may need to have it explained in a different way to maybe understand it better, PLEASE ask personaly and not in a forum such as this were you may possible get the wrong information. There are BMI's in here that can help you with what questions you need answered, maybe PM them directly. Try and get ALL your information from a BMI if at all possible.