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Everything posted by leapdog

  1. leapdog

    Why I don't

    Dude- it's worse to know who you love and give it and not get it back. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  2. Vagina= hatchet wound penis= cock or dick Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  3. Reserve repack around 60.00USD but each rigger has thier own fee. Could be more, could be less. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  4. I want me in an SO. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  5. Good, cuz apparently I have no luck in keeping a man around. That's it, I'm playing for the other team now! g Can I play with your team? Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  6. I'm dying to write somethign here, but I'm afraid I'll say something that will offend someone or someones friends or maybe a certain demographic. soI just typed this to get the bug out. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  7. polls Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  8. Then explain the ones tethered off of Cape Canaveral and Key West at 15K. I can't, can you? Sparky Wait, are they like the one tethered at YPG? FAA Part 101 Sec. 101.13 (2) a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no person may operate a moored balloon or kite-- (2) More than 500 feet above the surface of the earth; The balloons at the cape, Key West, YPG and several other locations are part of the Aerostat Radar System operated by the Feds. Aerostat Sparky Those aren't passenger balloons. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  9. A balloon can be tethered high enough for skydiving. Think helium envelope design, not the hot air version. teathered means connected to the ground. you gonna connect a balloon high enough for skydiving to the ground with out a pilot? Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  10. Sure about that? If it has I have never heard of it. that's not to say I would know 100% fact. got info on it? You may want to see some videos published by the Australian BASE Association. Base is not skydiving. I realize that you can teather a balloon high enough for base, but I said skydiving. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  11. Everyone- seriously why is everyone debating on any of this when the manufacturer's reports are not released. Further why when you all are skydivers and not AAD experts? I don't understand, is this discussion about which product is best or an investigation to report what happened and why? Someone explain, please. The original poster simply asked if Vigil had made a report public yet. The end. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  12. Find the owners manual for the canopy, there is info in there. I bet you can find it on the Manufacturers web site or by calling them. I have packed all sorts of different canopies in a flat pack, pro pack and a Precision pack all work well. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  13. not I. I figure it's simple, french seam with some F111 material. for the handle maybe some tubular nylon. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  14. Sure about that? If it has I have never heard of it. that's not to say I would know 100% fact. got info on it? Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  15. It's still an aircraft. Trust me, I have worked around these things for the past 15 years. the pilots have license awarded to them byt the FAA after meetig requirements and taking test and check rides. Who said anything about a pilot. Very good. How do you suppose that the thing gets airborn? Even if the pilot isn't in the baket. With a tethered balloon couldn't one just winch it down? Don't need no stinking pilot The issue was getting it airborn in the first place. also wenching it down means equipment able to pull it down. maybe... You could extent the dump valve rope to the ground if you had one long enough. Another thing I didn't think of was teathers are only about 50 feet. Teathering a balloon high enough to jump from hasn't been tried and I bet pilots have knowledge proving why it's dangerous to do so. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  16. It's still an aircraft. Trust me, I have worked around these things for the past 15 years. the pilots have license awarded to them byt the FAA after meetig requirements and taking test and check rides. Who said anything about a pilot. Very good. How do you suppose that the thing gets airborn? Even if the pilot isn't in the baket. Oh heck, hadn't you heard? Every skydiver worth their salt can get an aircraft off the ground. At least that's what they tell the pilots when they won't fly in bad weather...... I would love to see that... hold my beer and watch this... Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  17. It's still an aircraft. Trust me, I have worked around these things for the past 15 years. the pilots have license awarded to them byt the FAA after meetig requirements and taking test and check rides. Who said anything about a pilot. Very good. How do you suppose that the thing gets airborn? Even if the pilot isn't in the baket. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  18. It's still an aircraft. Trust me, I have worked around these things for the past 15 years. the pilots have license awarded to them byt the FAA after meetig requirements and taking test and check rides. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  19. And if the system is designed with the lines sewn on to the risers similar to the GQ150 system? Sparky Is this equipment you speak of designed that way? Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  20. You test the new canopy in an approved intentional cutaway system. then you test the harness with approved canopy. basically one piece at a time. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  21. And USPA. and then the local DZ may have a policy regarding students not cleared to jump master themselves jumping their own equipment. some student equipment used by DZ's have features on them that make it better for a student to have. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  22. Call the manufacturer rigging dept. Give them the serial number of your rig, they will be able to tell you with in minutes. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  23. I used an astra, and like it. I sold it with my old rig and plan on getting a Vigil. Some like the Cypress because they like all the security of the 4 year checks. Some like the vigil and astra because they like the idea of saving money not sending it unless it fires. plus they don't have tio jump with out an AAD or ground themselves because the AAD is out for a check. Do your research and make your own decision. Also I wanted to say that this thread reads like a debate in which non of us are experts. The Manufacturers are the experts. Riggers- remember that your greatest tool is the telephone to ask the manufaturer when you don't know. Let the manufacturers make thier studies and file reports. Non of us can say one way or the other why or if a product failed or not. Fact is, both AADs behaved in an undesired way because of what ever situation. only the manufacturer can say if it is a failure or not. Jumpers wanting to know if they should use product or another (AAD)- take in consideration what type of skydiving you do, where you pull, the altitude your DZ is MSL. And then make a decision on what product you should use. They wouldn't be on the market if they didn't function properly. Same thing with containers they all work, but how many times do you hear people say "I hate "x rig" they are shit." They aren't shit they work people use them, they just aren't popular. I used an astra everyone told me they were crap, but I did my research and decide that they aren't after all. Not only that but when I asked why the astra was crap the people who told me that, couldn't tell me why. Thus my research to make my own decision. I did get strange looks because the control arm of the astra is on the outside of the rig but the switch that turns it off/on is protected. Fact is, people get scared when they see things they aren't accustomed to. I think that is bad, seeing minor things that are out of the ordinary from time to time keeps us on our toes and thinking and asking questions. This is something I always tell new jumpers. Ask the experts. You want to know about free fall ask someone who is accomplished in that free fall discipilne, want to knnow about CRW ask a CRW Dog, gear- ask riggers. Any one of these people, if they are trustworthy, should have enough integrity to say I don't know and to point the one who is asking the question in the right direction. This isn't happening in this thread. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  24. leapdog

    92R MOS

    Who is Nito Rodriguez? Also- The Navy does, but I told them my packing tool was too small. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  25. Now lean forward and choke yourself. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker