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Everything posted by leapdog

  1. I was on the second ride up to meet the formation. The first load went to about 18,000, then with the vidiot on front float, the plane took a 45 degree banking turn just as he exited. So it could decend quickly. I don't think the pilot knew he was still floating the exit. It was on the video! It took a few minutes but the pilot hook turned the king air in for a landing (into the wind) and stopped on the taxi way beside the runway where we were waiting to load. We had a helper with the stairs and were lined up in proper order and loaded like a nascar pit crew. I heard several dogs yelling go go go. The pilot drove the plane around the rest of the way and to take off like it was a borrowed fararri. I'm not sure if he even stop to look for air traffic. We went to 7,000 and exited on the built and waiting base. Starburst at about 2,500 the 24th had just docked and there was a hand on her canopy and a split second later the formation broke. It was a very bitchin jump! The energy in the plane on the ride up was intense. I didn't want to be over amped while docking the formation so while riding up I grabbed Harry's harnes and started shaking him and yelling YA,YA,YA to get rid of the energy. Everyone else was quiet but you could feel the amped tension. ...and that was only one of the great things that happend over the toadsuckers reunion weekend. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  2. That's two cases.... I'll drink Corona I already bought mine for when I did my first, and I didn't loose my shoe. Start learning your rigger knots and tie em on. ;) Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  3. Boogie info. http://www.skydivecarolina.com/downloads/weekly_updates/weekly_update-7-5-05.pdf See you there! Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  4. Congrats? I'm glad you like CRW. It is a new found love of mine as well. I pretty much started the same way you did. I asked someone that new a little about CRW and he docked on me and I piloted a two stack. After that I attended a beginners class held by CRW dogs. If I may make a suggestion, Please get with someone in the discipline and learn CRW the safe way, with the right equipment and knowledge of emergency procedures and procedures for doing CRW to prevent emergencies. I'm not trying to give you grief. After all without proper knowledge, you didn't know any better. just looking out. No one needs microline scars, or missing fingers from the lines cutting in a violent wrap from a high performance canopy. Knowledge, and the right equipment means safer, and safer means more fun. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  5. Calling CRW dogs! Who is jumping CRW at this boogie? I'm traveling from NC about 8 hours drive. Devante Rodriguez Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  6. I've got photo evidence of your existence... good to know that might come in handy some day when the prosecutor calls. having evidence of my existance is good. Having evidence of my pressence during some certain events may not be so good. this is why I hide behind my Rodriguez brothers name most of the time. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  7. Thanks to all the ECSC locals for hosting a great weekend! I'm so depressed right now sitting at work. I'll be back again before next year. You are all welcome at Rodriguez land in Chester any time. Great pictures Bobo Loco. I saw I was in one bearly visible but most of the time I like it that way, no evidence to convict. Can't wait to see the boogie DVD that Gary is putting together. How do I get a copy and how much does he want? Devante (Damien) Rodriguez Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  8. Is anyone interested Shipping: Buyer Pays Shipping this is a competition CRW canopy, built like a triathalon but with all the CRW make up, extra reenforcements, retractable pilot chute, tail pocket, mesh slider. As explained to me by aerodyne research. colors are red and black. the canopy is 1600 USD brand new I'm asking 1300 USD. it is coming to me in the mail. I messed up and bought this one when need I need a lightening instead. I'm new to CRW and didn't know that the canopy matters. all my buddies are jumping lightenings. As long as the rest of your team or the people you jump CRW with have Triathalons then this will be good for you. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  9. this s good to talk about, for newbies to learn about. I was really asking because I wanted some cool looking shoes. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  10. That's obvious. Try connecting large rings on the riser to a mini harness ring...good luck. Impossible to do. Really!? Hmmm Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  11. Thanks guys! I'll be there on the 22nd. Not sure what time. I guess my first question will go unanswered. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  12. I don't see an issue with using mini rings or large rings. Mixing small (on the riser) with the large (on the harness) is ok, but not the other way around. Here is a link on Bill Booth's opinion. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/safety/detail_page.cgi?ID=19 Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  13. While I fail to see what this has to do with CRW, I can see it's your first post... Maybe "General Skydiving Discussions" or "The Bonfire" forums will yield the answers you seek... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Considering some of the shoe Nazis I've seen doing CRW, I tend to think that this does belong here. Thanks for the welcome everyone. I thought that since the real snobs were doing RW freefall, I would post here. By the way, I will be at Maytown on the 21st. The 22nd I take my oral practical for senior rigger with Dave Dewolf. I don't have my own lightening yet. but if someone was willing to let me use one I would love to get some learning jumps. I have taken a training camp for beginning CRW jumpers with Frank Fowler, and jumped with him four times this past weekend trying to learn run backs and rot's. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker
  14. I was wondering if anyone knew of a website that you can design you own shoe. as if they gave you a starting point and you colored it. I have notied some jumpers with shoes that look like vans but don't have a van logo on them they have a custom logo and colors that look as if they picked them to match their jump suit or rig or canopy. Gunnery Sergeant of Marines "I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker