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Everything posted by skipbelt

  1. by can't he means should always !
  2. interesting , thx for posting !
  3. very well sir , please carry on , add me to your cheerleading team !
  4. what if this guy broke into a libs house ( backyard ) , i know the libs LOVE the nimby principle , but in this case libs, please be tolerant turtlespeed or some productive conservative ( redundant ) would you clickify this ?[url]
  5. yes his is...It was almost sinful how much I enjoyed listening to yall. You know . . . Maybe the nay sayers are right . . . I guess you could change this around to tresspassing in your yard, not breaking into your house. Both illegal, but one is a lot harsher tan the others. However - I think the rest still stands. trespassing , illegally importing produce with possible insect , contagion infestation illegal avoidance of quarantine , conspiracy ( if in a group ) wire fraud if funds are tranmitted for the purpose of gaining illegal entry , kidnapping if one parent remains behind . probably a lot more. all serious offences . all excellent reasons to control our backyard !
  6. And if the robber had just minded his manners, he would have gotten away with the wallet, which the concealed carry guy wasn't fighting over. But when the robber turned around and shot at his victim, then that's when the victim's fangs came out, and the concealed carry guy justifiably returned fire in self defense. Fortunately, the intended victim was the better shot. karma in overdrive !
  7. theo van gough ? they got that covered . sun tzu ? no slouches in that category either !
  8. this could be the best topic EVER. kudos to the correct answer to my green hornet trivia. talking about how hollywood exaggerates for effect , watch any scene with a helicopter lifting off the soundtrack has engine and rotor rpm increasing till the hover stabilises DRIVES ME INSANE back on topic fight scenes with an aviation twist the fight scene in airplane with otto who was otto and why were they fighting ? and same movie how long did the fight last with the hare krishna ?
  9. agreed , in addition when it comes to human existence belief and faith are inescapable !
  10. done and done. we need to sic donald trump on her !
  11. I think ole Larry Craigs and Ken Mehlmans grasp.... was a reach around aren't those guys gay ? i thought you libs hated if anyone publicised gays personal practices . not very tolerant of you libs . oh you who have the market cornered on tolerance !
  12. fight club , a movie about a club made up of amateur fighters , who fight ! most excellent . how many of you know the name of the green hornet's sidekick. and his real name ?
  13. i see your point i acknowledge your point that 0% threshold is difficult to cross many cross back and forth over it even mother teresa toward the end was hounded by doubt for those who believe no proof is necessary for those who don't believe no proof is possible . attribution to follow !
  14. thank you for proving my point by twisting my standards ! Lame response of the week. darnit , just got dialed in on billvon , now kallend !
  15. it's o.k. to have high moral values , even if you can't live up to them . man's grasp should exceed his reach. pave a mile of highway , drive a mile pave a mile of runway , fly around the WORLD !
  16. No it ain't don't you mean "isn't" tsk tsk. ...I mean tisk tisk He is speakin in "tonuges"... to make sure there is comprehension in the flyover portions of the country some have the gift of tongues , some have the gift of interpreting tongues . it's best if it's a 1 to 1 ratio . evidently you don't have the gift of interpreting ?
  17. potstirring is my middle name , not really sure what you mean by starting shi tea. i imagine you mean ad hominum attacks !
  18. You missed again. I never said hate. I strongly dislike much of what I see, it's true. I don't waste spiritual energy on people who don't deserve it. Who's talking about spritual energy? We're talkin' bandwidth. the who is precisely stated. now define we're !
  19. The Federal Reserve are the ones who are destroying the USA with their ability to create money out of thin air and turn around and loan it out at interest. We the common people are nothing but slaves to the elitist Central Banking cartel. There would not be a problem with illegals if there wasn't the need for cheap slave labor. Plus it does not matter if a Donkey or an Elephant lives in the White House, they are the same. The President of the USA is nothing more than a puppet to their Central Banking masters. The only difference between a Donkey and an Elephant, is if someone breaks into a conservative's house they will probably be shot. If someone breaks into a Liberals house, they will be greeted with hugs, pillow fights and teddy bears. Have you hugged a thug yet today? cheap slave labor ?
  20. You missed again. I never said hate. I strongly dislike much of what I see, it's true. I don't waste spiritual energy on people who don't deserve it. mh . the brits don't have a radical muslim problem ?
  21. The conservative approach would be to promote the maintenance of traditional institutions and support minimal and gradual change in society. What has been proposed in Arizona is a radical change; not conservative. Desperate times call for desperate measures... quade doesn't understand conservatism , thank God. as for bolas, desperate only to the extent the arizona state law MIRRORS federal law !
  22. thank you and bless you for seeing and saying the truth . my experience leads me to observe i recognise the truth when libs squeal about it !