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Everything posted by skipbelt

  1. kudos to poster who mentioned lbj , i mistakenly omitted him , he would rank 1 slot better than nixon on my list. thanks to all posters , hope you are enjoying thread !
  2. we MUST pass this bill to discover what's in it ! - nancy bela pelosi -
  3. Well at least there are no capitalization or spelling errors in these posts we await your list , or do you concur with the reference you posted ?
  4. don't forget purgetory !
  5. could you omit all after "left " ?
  6. Can we diverge for a second and talk about spell checkers and capitalization as well as some semblance of proper useage of the English language? no , back to topic.......
  7. I can't imagin how you EVER got the title MOD....You are an instigator, NOT a Moderator! skyriders bp will be just fine after he posts in " worst presidents " list !
  8. audience , all together , we don't understand !
  9. am i on your exceedingly nice list ? i have no plans to be abusive to libs here , i yearn for honest debate trying to conservatize , with some good natured jibes here and there !
  10. To my knowledge there are no prison DZs. But you are missing my point. See here you will only be incarcerated for a few days (say Monday through Thursday) and then you will be released for the weekend to go jump or better yet go commit your next crime. I tell you it is the career choice of the future up here. Unless of course you happen to land a choice "for life" job in the public civil service complete with it's generous tax payer paid pensions. i will not consider your offer unless you get me jumps on the canadian " house "
  11. worst carter followed closely by clinton then ford nixon bush 43 bush 41 kennedy reagan obuma is proving to be a real piker part of the lib "in" crowd "in" ept "in" competent "in" experienced and rapidly rocketing up the worst list !
  12. So, you think having a concealed weapon is some sort of immunity shield? Interesting. I'm curious if you believe the Secret Service was carrying concealed weapons when Ronald Reagan was shot? yes quade i'll shield you too ! Wanna take a guess at how many cops get shot each year? A gun isn't a shield no . i'll use your olive branch as a shield while dispatching your attackers !
  13. AS currently used by the current crop of consevetards...... anyone that does not kick it to that fringe right linedance... is a lib in the collective wee little peapod mind. as used implies knowing motivations , what is it with you libs judging others intent ? unless you're psychic stick to judging actions . and by lib i mean complimentarily !
  14. do they have skydiving while incarcerated up in the great white north ?
  15. So, you think having a concealed weapon is some sort of immunity shield? Interesting. I'm curious if you believe the Secret Service was carrying concealed weapons when Ronald Reagan was shot? yes quade i'll shield you too !
  16. lib is not a perjorative , it's an exact legitimate description , come on libs , man up be honest own your title , and be proud of it. now demonrat , that's a perjorative !
  17. bush has been getting a lot of blame from the obuma administration , will he now get credit ?