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Everything posted by skipbelt

  1. Thanks to failed "trickle down" economics, the top 1% owns 40% of the entire nation's wealth. Let that sink in for a minute. 1% of the people own almost half the money of the United States. we don't tax wealth directly , yet !
  2. I always find it disgusting that those who served honorably, were attacked so viciously by those who did not serve or did not even bother finishing that which they signed up for. i served honoraby 17 years ! hopefully i will not be attacked viciously for that !
  3. yes , a corporation is an artificial person with no designated expiration , all it's expenses are taxed, not all are deductible , any profits over and above expenses are taxed at the corporate rate. the term corporate welfare comes from incentives , tax and otherwise to attract or retain corporations. where the vast majority of tax liability resides is in payroll . state local , federal withholding , fica , ssi , etc. the net taxes a corporation generates far exceed any incentives or corporate welfare . as to lib if you love government welfare , be proud of it , or , don't be a lib. any bashes by me are not to include wendy , who(m) has been very decent as of yet !
  4. there has to be some connection from irony to logic !
  5. unless you read the book , you probably don't know the real context of the phrase !
  6. illegals broke into colin powell's house[url]
  7. did you read the swift boat book you criticise ? unfit for command ?
  8. So it's an arms race: wage-earners will fight back by amending their W-4s to claim more exemptions/allowances. That's a current option, but if the model were switched to letting the government take its cut and then send us the rest, the ability to do this is likely to be greatly curtailed. No doubt. I imagine that's why the Brit govt is proposing this: to increase its cash-on-hand by curtailing taxpayers' opportunities to under-withhold. In any jurisdiction, it's all about whose ox is getting gored; and with good reason, neither side trusts the other. On the main, taxing authorities would rather collect as much money up-front, and then fight over the refund; while taxpayers would rather hold on to as much gross income/gains as possible, and then fight over the final amount due. it depends on whose money it is !
  9. there's no such thing as corporate welfare , only government , which libs love !
  10. it's really difficult to win confrontations with police !
  11. So much for "honest debate." how many in a tango ? I'll debate you at any level you care to have a go at. Any time, any where, any style. redundant !
  12. So much for "honest debate." how many in a tango ?
  13. your given is not mine , thank GOD !
  14. i really identify with your tolerance is offensive quote !
  15. wow , now it's a mod double team , and no i won't join your menage a trois !
  16. Is that another example of your "honest debate" skills? no , are you psychologically gay ? you seem to be very excitable to objects of affection !
  17. alot of symmetry there !
  18. quade , don't be jealous , and no i won't date you !