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Everything posted by skipbelt

  1. I nominate this as rhetorical question of the day. by and large wealth is earned , almost without exception in this country poverty is earned !
  2. Optimistic for easily predictable destruction. non sequitor
  3. Hey they have a service... I am paying them to do things I find it hard to do since I am old and decrepit. She cleans the house, he does the yard work and moves stuff when I need to move stuff around. Its their business..and I like supporting local business people who are willing to work. be ready for a big surprise when uncle sam reaches for your wallet . their compensation won't seem so reasonable then. unless it's off the books and thus an illegal transaction , then carry on. funny how the 1st illegal act precipitates others ! Do you file a 1099 when the exterminator comes to your house to spray those bedbugs?? i must compliment your reparte , an excellent riposte!
  4. Hey they have a service... I am paying them to do things I find it hard to do since I am old and decrepit. She cleans the house, he does the yard work and moves stuff when I need to move stuff around. Its their business..and I like supporting local business people who are willing to work. be ready for a big surprise when uncle sam reaches for your wallet . their compensation won't seem so reasonable then. unless it's off the books and thus an illegal transaction , then carry on. funny how the 1st illegal act precipitates others !
  5. I think he's asking you to make references to other websites clickable by using the "url" markup code located below the text box on the right hand side. i entered url in first post , on edit it's still there , beyond that idk .
  6. it's why we have rods , and cones ! Are you implying that color has an impact on your voting record? how were you able to formulate that question ? wasn't it you who brought up black and white ?
  7. I'm sure there's a "Mission Accomplished!" banner lying around someplace that they could use. attribution bush 43 !
  8. You should really take the time to learn how to use the forum correctly if you are going to post here. more specifically ?
  9. real currency is wholly valid , at least till now !
  10. philosophy is not inherently factual , yet is eminently debatable in regards to this koran verse Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve . i'm inclined to interpret it as infidel disposition # 3 1 convert 2 subjugate 3 kill nice of them to point that out as they behead you ! as to Jesus Christ , most of his public life is well documented by multiple eye witnesses , can we assign some degree of fact there ?
  11. No, the problem is you apparently lost the ability to read English shortly after titling this thread. Which is a shame, because this is something a grade schooler can understand. apparent to who(m) ?
  12. this illegal broke into our house and...[url] not here to work in the traditional sense !
  13. How about biting the hand that feeds ? Hillary ? (After all, she has traveled time for the good of all.) Secretaries of State don't run against their President for his 2nd term. It should be fairly obvious why. i thought obuma would be a better president than hillary , i'm quite prepared to admit i was wrong !
  14. diary entry , dear diary , billvon agreed with me today , a BANNER day !
  15. their wanting to work should be prioritized behind best interests of the U.S. and citizens being afforded first opportunity at any jobs available !
  16. buffy , o.k. barbara eden , kudos to mention her . j.r. played her master back to witchcraft which was taken totally out of context[url] see it that has an impact !
  17. big bedbug boom on big island of NYC , either of you been there recently ?
  18. almost without exception that net worth enables retirement from earned income !
  19. by definition progressive taxes are redistributive !
  20. You don't really like money do you? So on top of taxes you would be good with tithing 10% more to the state religion??? No thanks... I prefer to say no to those who would find it easy to impliment a theocratic nightmare in this country. like muslims ?
  21. No need... I do not frequent the kinds of places you do where you find things like that. you assert ! I affirm. It is pretty easy to avoid such little creatures with even a modicum of cleanliness Other peoples milage does seem to vary by affirm do you mean swear ?
  22. No need... I do not frequent the kinds of places you do where you find things like that. you assert !