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Everything posted by bodypilot90

  1. Do you have a link to the article?
  2. change?,2933,485445,00.html
  3. Below is an updated ‘101 index as to why Spending Does Not Equal Stimulus: HIGH COST TO AMERICAN TAXPAYERS After Congress appropriates the FY’09 omnibus bill, they may have spent over $1.6 Trillion in less than one month! The current “stimulus bill” is on track to be the LARGEST SPENDING BILL EVER enacted by Congress, making the New Deal look small in today’s dollars. 2010 spending in this bill is more than double New Deal spending in 1936. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the cost of borrowing this money is estimated at over $347 billion, bringing the total cost of the spending package to well over $1.1 Trillion. The “Stimulus” Bills Your Family – $819 Billion is equivalent to borrowing $10,520 from EVERY FAMILY IN AMERICA. This borrowed money is equivalent to what the average family spends on food, clothing, and health care in an entire year. If Government Spending solved recessions, we would never have recessions. BAD IDEAS – “THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE” The hidden liberal policy agenda inside the ‘stimulus bill’: Over $142 Billion in Federal education funds: Nearly double the total outlays for the Dept. of Education in 2007 – making good on Reid-Pelosi-Obama education promises to the NEA. $87 Billion Medicaid bailout: If we keep bailing states out without any accountability, they will have every incentive to continue irresponsible spending. It forces fiscally responsible taxpayers in states, like Indiana, to pay for the fiscally irresponsible decisions by bureaucrats in states like Illinois. Expanded Medicaid coverage and SCHIP: Congress is using the stimulus to push forward their liberal health care agenda. This incremental strategy will ultimately move the country closer the tipping point where government will control more health care spending than the private sector – leaving individuals and families will less control over their personal health care decisions. Green Jobs?: The myth of ‘green jobs’ merely means replacing one job lost, with a new job that fits the left’s agenda. It is a zero sum game. More than doubling spending, the stimulus also has over $35 billion for the Dept. of Energy. DOE’s current budget is $23.8 billion. Redistribution: Refundable “Make Work Pay” Tax Credits for people who don’t pay taxes Pork Spending: TV Coupons ($650 M), Nat’l Endowment for the Arts ($50 M), Hollywood ($246 M) BAD RESULTS No Jobs: While they have not been able to support these claims, Pelosi/Obama promise between 3 & 4 million jobs, yet House Tax Committee staff can’t estimate even ONE job will be created. Ineffective: The Congressional Budget Office estimates that only 52% of the spending in the ‘stimulus’ bill can even be spent by the end of FY’10. Well short of the 75% benchmark. “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.” – FDR’s Treasury Sec. Henry Morgenthau Jr., architect of the New Deal. BETTER IDEAS – TWICE THE JOBS, HALF THE COST Make the 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts permanent, instead of raising taxes in 2011; Reduce Marginal Tax Rates for Individuals and Businesses by 10% creating new jobs. Adopting just this one proposal would create between 500,000 and 1 million jobs in one year. Reduce the Death Tax to at least 15% ($5 mil. individual exclusion) Enact long-term reforms and budgets for entitlement spending, putting long-term obligations from Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, front and center in the budget process. Assess and enforce long term spending rules in Congress. Get us out of debt!
  4. Explain how condems have anything to do with stimulating the economy?edit to add It's pork, pardon the pun
  5. barry's trillion buck baloney Hard to believe the messiah is going to print money for condems, or is it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pelosi says birth control will help the economy. Is she right? Posted: 05:00 PM ET From CNN’s Jack Cafferty: The $825-billion stimulus package that President Obama wants on his desk by mid-February is supposed to start turning the economy around. The President talked about transparency and has even announced that a Web site will give an accounting so people can keep track of how the money is spent. He’s also vowed that there will be no pork in the bill. House Speaker Pelosi recently said that contraception would “reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.” Over the weekend lawmakers got on their soap boxes. Democrats were out peddling the plan and Republicans were pointing out the problems. On ABC, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended hundreds of millions of dollars in the stimulus package earmarked for family planning. She said family planning reduces costs and explained that the stimulus plan includes assistance to states and part of that includes children’s health and education. That includes contraception, which she said will, "reduce costs to the states and to the federal government." What exactly did she mean? Are the millions of dollars for birth control supposed to stop people from having babies? She’s starting to sound like Chairman Mao. When asked if she had any apologies for those remarks, Madam Speaker answered, "no apologies." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Australians are well-known for their innuendos and careful choice of words but the following takes some beating!! During a talk show, a part time Councillor of a town in NSW was asked for his thoughts on the torture of Iraquis. He replied " If hitching an arab's nuts to a car battery saves one Australian life, I have three things to say . Red is positive Black is negative Make sure his nuts are wet
  7. If you have ever wondered whether it is better (or worth the extradollars) to fly first class or economy,this photo should answer your question.
  8. but the IDF is not putting bombs on kids and and blowing them up are they? If shite heads in mexico or canada was shooting rockets into the US. I'd say have at them. If your close friends in hamas were not hiding in schools, housing areas like cowards that they are making the areas targets. Clean up your own house before looking at others. I have no respect for hamas or anyone who supports them. You want to beg for aid, use some of the money they get from iran for making bombs. Have hamas run out of gaza and I may think about aid. Until then it's like giving money to a crackhead.
  9. Anyone, painting a little broad with the paint brush. Or do you mean any Kennedy. If he can't handle turbo tax i don't think he's smart enough to do much. So then it's all right and they should get a free pass? I guess he could be asking us to by 850 billion in condems and pork. Oh wait obama is asking us to do this.
  10. The one thing on my mind today is really a question: Who are we? What kind of country have we become if we are willing to be led by liars and cheats? The people we elect are called “representatives” — a highly technical term that means that they're supposed to represent us. But more than just representing us, they represent our values and our principles. But the question is, are they? Caroline Kennedy thought she could get into the Senate despite reports of tax evasion, nanny problems and rumors that she might literally be in bed with The New York Times. President Obama’s treasury pick Tim Geithner, has — at best — iffy book-keeping skills and terrible judgment. Congressman Charlie Rangel — the head of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee — also conveniently forgot to pay federal taxes and is also being investigated for his ethics. Congressman John Murtha — the head of the Defense Appropriations Committee — has allegedly doled out millions of dollars in funding to a couple of Pennsylvania contractors who the feds just raided. Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is accused of literally trying to sell the power his state loaned to him. And, most disturbing of all, the man who said he's going to change the tone in Washington by keeping the lobbyists out, has now put one right into his administration. President Obama's nominee for deputy secretary of defense, William Lynn, has been a lobbyist for the defense contractor Raytheon. Of course, it’s not just this current crop of leaders and it’s not just Democrats. Corruption and lying has become a bipartisan effort and we can only blame ourselves.
  11. sounds like youi were married to him Tell us how you reslly feel.
  12. Barry brian obama's spiritual mentor was a racist, I guess you forgot that, or would like to forget that. I have not.
  13. but would you pay $100,000 for a pinto, Lecar or a vw thing? Maybe not a ban in your eyes but makes it unreasonable to market.
  14. move to sunny florida J/K if you can find the radio fuse pull it and see if that corrects your troubles. If it does a new stereo is more than likely in order. Short of that, is to go to a "auto electric" shop and have them check your electrical system. hope this helps
  15. like I said not even a week in office and you see all the "great things he has done" I don't, he's using tax money to kill unborn babies and trying to hood wink us into spending a trillion that the nation does not have. Sorry no free pass for Brian Obama messiah of the gullible. I don't hate him because he's black! I do not hate him at all. I dislike his politics and I believe he is a racist. I Also believe he is extreemly naive. Do I hope he fails, no. On the other hand I do not trust him, he's got to earn that.
  16. sorry but wait till he's been in a whole week before setting him up for sainthood, You are falling into the media hype. I have not seen anything good from him yet, don't expect to. Looks as if he is a spend spend spend guy. So where is the change?
  17. bahahaha sure looks like the messiah is flawed. looks more like Brian than jesus. (as in life of brian)