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Everything posted by bodypilot90

  1. Yes they do not stay untwisted due to memory. Maybe wet them and hang them under tension?
  2. lets see Billy on the beam or is that really you
  3. funny stuff
  4. Any way to get them out? Other than replacement?
  5. no one is "swift boating" B. H. Obama, he wrote of him in his book and has visted him 2 times. So that boat won't float......
  6. but comrad B. H. Obama wants to share the wealth. I just don't see him doing what he's preaching even in his own family. He's willing to give your income away to victims (dead beats), but not his.
  7.,CST-NWS-brother21.article Looks like he can't even take care of family, makes a dad proud.
  8. snook, can't buy but best there is.
  9. assemble it yourself and have the rigger check it. or ask the rigger if you can help. Tip them well if they do.
  10. He's still at it! He said it was all over and yet what time was he at the hotel? Would your wife believe that story?
  11. You must have looked up Crosskeys skydiving on skyride. it's in atlanta. Here's the secret, It's not the real cross keys
  12. so you admit it was the right thing to do.
  13. seems like a tanker should be able to refuel all the fleet. also from what I heard from someone in the Air force the grumman tanker was slow and unsafe to use under a "break away" Also was limited to what airfield it could use. Seems to me this all good stuff.....
  14. How does tax the oil companies more make fuel prices drop? Explain how this works. Seem to me adding the gov't to do anything only adds to the cost. In the long run it will cost everyone more. Oh except the DNC when they cheat on paying the gas taxes. The same ones they want you and I to pay.
  15. Gasoline = teetering between $4.60 & $5.00 p/gal (USD) i'm paying 3.78 a gal never paid over 4.08. where do you buy your gas?
  16. went to sebastian without my rw partner today. Met a great group of people. Thanks guys and gal hope to see you soon
  17. It's very simple.....Don't break the law and you will not have to pay any fines and go to court.
  18. [url]*** Does he stand for anything?