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Everything posted by bodypilot90

  1. at work we use a work order, i made it to a word doc but the lines move around when filling in the work order. See attached Anything I can do? thanks
  2. are you married? she has a bit more than just a ear.
  3. no i said he was booted by Harry and friends for not being in lock step
  4. The mid term was what i was speakiing about. He would not goose step with the libs on the war, so he was dropped.
  5. Shouldn't the president know how many states there are?
  6. No, they'll just say they are not sure it was happening.
  7. thanks for your reply. It kind of follows what I have heard from the Canadians I have spoke with. what if the gov't came up and said riggers are making to much money. we are taking over your loft and you will only charge $25 reserve repack. How many riggers would leave to find other work? Free market is the only way to go. I left a well paying job w/o good benefits for a less paying job w/ great benefits because I decided it was worth it. would it be worth it for others maybe not. Also would you want your loft run like amtrack
  8. Insurance you can't use because you die waiting is no deal at any cost.'headaches+are+caused+by+stress'/
  9. CANADA'S HEALTH CARE SYSTEM -- POOR VALUE FOR YOUR TAX DOLLARS Canada's taxpayers are not receiving the same sort of value that their counterparts in other nations are when it comes to universally accessible health care insurance, says Nadeem Esmail, of the Fraser Institute. For example: Canada has the third most-expensive universal access health insurance system; only Iceland and Switzerland spend more as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) on their universal access health insurance systems than Canada did. In 2007, waiting lists for access to health care in Canada reached a new all-time high of 18.3 weeks from a general practitioner referral to treatment by a specialist; this wait time is 54 percent longer than the overall wait time of 11.9 weeks back in 1997. The number of Canadians without a regular physician is estimated to be around 5 million. The journal "Health Affairs" recently published a study of six universal access nations, which found: Canadians were more likely to experience waiting times of more than six months for elective surgery than Australians, German, the Dutch, and New Zealanders, but slightly less likely than patients in the United Kingdom. Canadians were least likely to wait less than one month for elective surgery. Canadians were the most likely to wait six days or longer to see a doctor when ill, and were least likely to receive an appointment the same day or the next day. Access to medical technologies is also relatively poor in Canada: Canada ranked 13th of 24 nations in terms of MRI machines per million population. Canada ranked 18th of 24 nations for CT scanners per million population, 7th of 17 for mammographs per million population, and tied for second to last among 20 nations for lithotripters per million population. Source: Nadeem Esmail, "Canada's Health Care System- Poor Value for Your Tax Dollars," Fraser Institute, June 2008. For text: For more on Health Issues:
  10. guess this lawsuit wasn't needed then..... . If it was so good why would you need to get more insurance. Makes you think there is a reason!
  12. You want the people that run amtrack to run health care. no thanks. Are YOU going to tell the doctor he must take a 30% paycut and be happy. Look at Canada takes what months to get a MRI. I can get one in hours or less in the USA. NO THANKS
  13. is this racist?
  14. maybe you missed see this...... All I have heard is about how glad they are to nominate a black man.
  15. says it all
  16. i think i saw it on cbs, I will look. he was a bit embarrased about how he was living and didn;t see that he had any hope of improvement
  17. Did he or did he not stay in a church preaching black liberation theology. Share the wealth with others, un loving Marcists. those are facts you may have a hard time accepting but it's true none the less.
  18. I saw a tv interview with his brother. He didn't seem happy to me. If i had a brother living on a dollar a month and I lived in a multimillion dollar home, it might be time to look at my values. Don't you think Like i said before the B. H. Obama seem ok with handing out your money but less so for his.
  19. i know how to untwist brake lines. the line twis curl back.