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Everything posted by bodypilot90

  1. So you are asking me to pay for a system that I can't use and is substandard and slow and expensive, Oh boy just what we need!
  2. The money is not there, how are you going to change that? The same ones will run health care, same result.
  3. you believe they can run healthcare any better, cheaper or as fast. They can't. My bet is it will be as bad as trying to get SSD a 2 year wait. piles of paperwork. Long lines, poor care, delays in new drugs is coming with the obama koolaid plan
  4. If the gov't can't run a cat house and run a profit, how on earth do you think they can run health care? EDIT to add.....amtrack
  5. I wonder if you would be for Obama opening a tax funded dz on your airport. After all he feels education should be free, aff is learning. Train pilots as jump pilots and auto workers as aff instructors and dealership mechanics as riggers. jumps say $8, Aff $100. maybe use military AC as jump planes Ever see the brits dental work. Would you want to wait months for a MRI? It isn't cheap and it's not fast and not all that good.
  6. This guy is nuts!
  7. thanks, What do you think? Your tax money and no one knows where it's going.
  8. It seems like no one really. http ://
  9. looks like there is even moew stuff She is a racist
  10. If a white man would have said something like that about blacks, what would you say?
  11. John, I wonder if the city fathers could be held liable in the event someone could not get to a lock gun in time?
  12. Oh boy they think they had trouble before!
  13. About to pay off my house, buying some gold and some stocks.
  14. The same experts that said this?
  15. hmmm looks like the tree huggers have it all wrong
  16. She's out of touch with real people
  17. good luck my friend, pain is a evil. You are one of the strongest guys I know. Hey I think you owe pie, for what I am not sure but I know you do....
  18. my parents went florida to texas, 3 hours late, dirty cars, bad food, overpriced tickets. My dad will not fly and he was not able to drive. When was the last time amtrack made a profit?........never. When was the last time it broke even? Never
  19. when you are, or any one is ready to work on their A stuff @ sebastian, drop me a pm. I'll not be there next weekend but most sat mornings.
  20. Ian rocks, can't see the video at work Who did the 1st tandem?