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Everything posted by bodypilot90

  1. He's better than Coakley or Kennedy, not saying much but it is good.
  2. how did the teacher know the student's sexuality?
  3. No, I believe he'll try to make them citizens in front of people who are trying to come here legally.
  4. It's a bone he'll throw to his SEIU buddies, also he'll try to open the flood gates for illegals to vote so he can try to keep his job. I use to think he was Carter V2.0 but he's been far worse, don't you agree?
  5. Amanda @ skydive sebastian can hook you up, Hope you have a great time.
  6. They will thorw card check to the union, Very bad for everyone.
  7. silly boy, libs are never called racists. Even if they have been klansmen.
  8. who would go to Ft Pierce unless they have to? I work there, it's the arm pit of florida
  9. look at the sign above the blue sign, enjoy. It could be at any local dropzone.
  10. While walking around the Tulum ruins in Mexico a "anteater" looking animal came running across the road. Anyone know what it's called?
  11. So you are not doing the "right thing"? So doing the right thing is ok with other peoples money but not yours? all this health insurance is about gov't regulating your life. Next is a beer tax or ban maybe a french fry ban because it causes to health issues. Maybe a fat tax based on BMI. Instead of all this crap u libs are pushing how about tort reform, cross state boarder insurance sales? how about running the illegals out of our nation till they come in the right way?
  12. you mean like this one? I sure don't want it here. Boy that seem like such a good idea!
  13. So you provide insurance and paid sick days for the people that work for you? Or do you avoid doing that by claiming they are sub-contractors? If not why are you not doing the "right thing" for your people? How much will tandem and jump tickets go up if the Gov't decides that your aff and tandem people are really employees and can join SEIU? If they decide that skydivers that hook turn or have wing loading above 1.0 should pay five times what "normal" people do, what will you do?
  14. I got a pen, hmm sound like it should be posted here for all to see, give me a bit and I'll make one up
  15. Yea don't tell Andrea, but i heard she forgot how to belly fly!
  16. a few of the locals will be there, off and on. Glad you and Doc are coming out for some fun
  17. you mean like acorn is going to start ripping us off again.
  18. @ about 50 seconds on......