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Everything posted by bodypilot90

  1. no the duh is the inability (unwillingness or otherwise) to enforce it's resolutions. Iraq is not abiding and never intended to. The UN and Iraq are putting the world at risk. The time for 2ed chances are over. I don't want war but just like WW2 it's time to act!
  2. what do you think? Has the US membership in the UN become nothing more than a drain on our tax money. Has it become the "league of nations"?
  3. ***What part of MASS MURDERER of his own people don't you believe? (Germany and France seem to believe it)... What part of SUPPORTER OF TERRORISM (rewarding suicide bomber families) don't you believe? IF you're a supporter of "green" views, what part of ENVIRONMENTAL RAPIST (Desecration via burning of Kuwait oil fields) don't you believe? What part of BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS POSSESSION (Germany and France believe Iraq DID possess them) *** "They" (the left) never want to talk facts, just feelings. Iraq has had enouph time. I say it's time to liberate Iraq and take away the what they should have destroyed years ago. For the French and Germans it is about oil and money. And maybe while we're at it time to rethink our membership in Nato and the UN. We gain nothing by being a member that I can see. Also perhaps it's time to rethink our aid to the thankless governments that get and use our hard earned tax money.
  4. Jesse Jackson, He seems to be the poster boy for all 3. Funny because he claims to be for the poor blacks and he isn't very poor. Anyone know how he gets all his money? I do
  5. well I feel so much better now that Iraq has made weapons of mass distruction illegal. I'm sure all you "Patriots for Peace" will sleep well knowing Iraq has changed by making this one decree.....what a joke.
  6. The weather can be fickle this time of year. I'll see ya at the dz. :) Maybe we can get a beach load going.
  7. I doing a reline anyway and I found out pd offers center lines uncascaded as a option
  8. would there be much/any benefit to having a line set made for my spectre. Just thinking since I got to replace them, would this be a good idea. How would it change the way the canopy flys or would it?
  9. would there be much/any benefit to having a line set made for my spectre. Just thinking since I got to replace them, would this be a good idea. How would it change the way the canopy flys or would it?
  10. My well for my house went dry today and I found out I my need a new lineset. Looks like I'll have to wait till next time
  11. how long did it take for a new line set?
  12. so is it better to send it back and have to done at the factory or just as good to have the local rigger do a line set supplied by the factory.
  13. if you'd like details of the jump perhaps I can get him to join us on here or for a online chat. You guys interested?
  14. yea, might be a bit painful at terminal
  15. nope it never happened to me. a new jumper was asking. I pack for me.
  16. I agree trillian rocks.....give it a try
  17. it was asked of me and I didn't know. I think I've paid for 5 pack jobs. However a bag lock or something like that I think I would expect something in return, maybe not I still chose not to use one.
  18. If you use a paid packer and you have a packing induced mal and lose your main, at your dz who would pay for it?
  19. No guarantee, I just like to stack the odds in my favor. The safest place to land is at the dz for the most part. I have seen a lot of injuries from skydivers almost making it back. True good judgment is part of skydiving and I accept personal responsibility in this sport. Part of accepting that responsibility is making sure to the best of my ability that we exit the aircraft at the correct point. Mr Mouth is named in the dz wavier to be excluded from responsibility in case of injury. I bet he would fight to the death if I suggested we take him off the waiver. let's watch out for each other!