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Everything posted by bodypilot90

  1. one of those got us out of the "Carter mess". You remember 18% interest for a mortgage. Military that was with out funding. the only one worse for them was Clinton. you forgot one, Clint Eastwood. But how many of those are extremist wackos.... none, look at Jane Fonda, there is a real patriot.
  2. but visit one of the dzs on the east coast for a beach jump. e mail me and we'll get one going
  3. bodypilot90

    Pray for us

    Here's to all you and your unit for a safe and successful operation.
  4. I love this one!!!!!
  5. I liked the must1 sign. I hate war. Lost some good friends and a couple uncles. A few of my co workers still are suffering from what ever gas/nerve agent he (Hussian) used on our guys. But sometimes you got to do what needs to be done. Iraq has prolly 2 weeks to come clean. Anyone want to bet a few jump tickets on it.
  6. A good leader like Bush or Blair does what's in the best interest of the country regardless of public opinion. They are privy to intel that you and I are not. Iraq must be in compliance with 1441 or the real meaning of UN is the united nothing. And friends I lost in the Gulf war died in vain
  7. Bill, did the communists have a table set up where you were? I have heard there was by a very reliable source.
  8. oh so it's different if we (the Us)gas say the american Indian then Blacks I don't get it
  9. Na you need history to keep from repeating past mistakes aka League of Nations and Nazi Germany
  10. , that idea was nixed by the head inspector, he stated that there wasn't any more qualified people and it would take to long to train.
  11. any ideas on how to do that, enforce inspections w/o combat? I know they were not your signs Bill. What did your sign say????
  12. well the females are better off. They no longer have to wear a veil and I believe drive as well. It's a step in the right direction. Or is it . J/K what do you think of my idea tomake Iraq to pay with oil?
  13. the money part should be ez, take the oils fields and sell the oil till we have paid for the entire operation. Then help them like we did in afghanistan to set up a democratic form of gov't. I do not feel we will need a full scale war to liberate the people of iraq. Just take out the troops loyal to Hussian.
  14. why did I not see a single sign demanding Iraq abide by the UN agreement? Yesterday they found 40 missiles and 100 motors that were outlawed. Makes you wonder what the real motives are for the march..........
  15. well none of the others has currently used it on their own people. 3. They have a history of invading their neighbors ... but so do India and Pakistan and N. Korea (among many others). 4. They are in violation of UN resolutions ... as is Israel 5. They provide material support to terrorists ... as has the USA, Saudi Arabia, N. Korea, Iran, and a long list of other nations. We, the 20 nations tire of waiting for the french and maybe the germans (I think they will come on board next week). One thing at a time. if it was about oil for us we could take over Kuwait with out firing a shot. It is about oil and money for the French and the Germans.
  16. Funny how people assume the whole world has the same values as they do. In a world which kids are brain washed by hate. Words of holy men twisted to aid a mad man's plan to kill his own people. Sometimes the only way to handle a bully is to beat him up or hold him off with superior firepower.
  17. I'm sorry I just don't agree I believe we are well past last resort. if they don;t know it's turn or burn time they are idiots. With troops massing to attack if he had any ideas of changing he would have by now.
  18. I love florida, I just walked my dog in shorts and a teeshirt, barefooted :)
  19. Perhaps a review of how the African nations reacted when Bush told them how much "aids money" they would get. You would think they would be grateful, you would think they would say thanks, nope they whined and demanded more. Perhaps we should change our international aid to be like workfare. If the Us does not see progress in the areas the aid is aimed at the well (our tax $) will run dry. I for one am tired of ungrateful piss ant nations we give millions to. The problem is the gov'ts in the piss ant not the people, or is it?
  20. come on Bill, he's had years. If he can't see at least the US isn't joking by the troop build up. Iran had the good sense to release the hostages when they saw what was coming. He's like a used car salesman, you know he's lying when his lips are moving. Maybe we "need" Jesse Jackson to work it all out. I do not want war, I do not believe anyone does but maybe Hussian himself. It's time to liberate Iraq. I believe it'll hit the fan before end of the month. I just hope a hit team will take him out before it's all started.
  21. yea that's one point I agree with you. How long would you like to give Iraq to comply with the agreement. How many UN resolutions must be passed before action is call for? The lack of action on the UN's part is a insult to the military that not only died but that lives having heath problems from weapon Iraq doesn't have.
  22. ok let me ask you how long would you like to allow Iraq not to abide by the terms it agreed to after the gulf war. A. 12 years B. 20 years C. It doesn't matter because weapons of mass destruction are now illegal in Iraq? How long did the league of nations stand by and let Germany do what ever it wanted to?