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Everything posted by thrillstalker

  1. dogs can not have baking chocolate, milk chocolate wont kill them. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  2. about 100 to 150 bucks "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  3. if you get ground rush while skydiving like you do when bungee jumping, it means your dead "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  4. as long as you get the slider right is ok to trash pack "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  5. they have it for i phones, but not for i pad yet. i put the i phone version on my i pad to check it out. it is pretty neat and very easy to use. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  6. the first rule of the handshake is you do not talk about the handshake the second rule of the handshake is you do not talk about the handshake "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  7. same temp here in ga, but no wind "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  8. that is all good and well, but YOUR NUMBER 1 PRIORITY IS TO PULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do not ever rely on anyone else to do that for you. it is of the highest importance and 100% your job to do. pull priority 1.PULL 2.PULL on time 3.PULL stable i am in no way an experienced skydiver, but from jump one this is your priority. i didnt deploy my chute on my first aff jump, but i tried. my log book says, and i quote, "locked onto altimeter at 6k, panicked. tried pulling everything but handle." "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  9. i think the weirdness passed the acid point. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  10.;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread read that, it might make you feel better. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  11. Yeah, you would think they would get over that shit at some point. ??? "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  12. you could get an instructor to explain the magic spot. it will be the only spot in your vision that doesn't seem to move toward you or away from you. that spot that doesn't move is where your canopy is going to land (if none of the variables change ie dont change break setting, wind is constant ). the lower you are the easier it is to find. it takes some practice to get it down, but once you do it will improve your accuracy. plus it comes in handy if you have a long spot and are unsure if you can make it back to the lz. the book people have mentioned is great. once you have completed aff, i recommend doing some high hop n pops. this is pulling right out the door at altitude. you will have a 10 to 15 minute canopy ride. that extended canopy time helped me get comfortable under canopy. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  13. girl talk is pretty kick ass. pretty lights also has all their albums for free. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  14. +5 "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  15. finally a post that makes sense!!! "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  16. chuting star at pia "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  17. you have gotten out of the door on an airplane while it is flying. that's the hardest part, so you should pick it up easy. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  18. number 1 thing PLF, you dont need anymore tail bone bruises (your tail bone is the base of your spinal column). flat turns or braked turns are a life saver and you will probably need it sooner than later. i would talk with one of your instructors about it. one thing that helped my anxiety level go down was gaining trust in the gear. do some research on the gear, find out how many pounds of pressure it takes to break a riser, it's surprising. you aren't going to break your canopy, and if you do you have another one "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  19. they might not let you wear a full face on your aff jumps. it is very important that the instructors see your face, especially your eyes to know if you are responding to their signals. this is also the reason they make you wear clear goggles until you can jumpmaster yourself. call the dz you will be training at and find out what you need (but they will provide that through aff). "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  20. i hope you have made it to the strip club by now, you're running out of time... "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  21. it seems to me that you have done your time and given back to the sport tremendously. don't sweat it, and get out there and fun jump! "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  22. NO YOU WILL NOT BE OK!!! you need to get to a strip club asap to retrieve your man card!!! your testicles are about to fall off unless you take immediate action. on the way home from the strip club, present your man card to the counter at any liquor store. they will then give you a fifth of jack daniels. proceed to your place of residence and sit in a recliner while drinking said fifth of jack. make sure the television is on sports center, then invite all your male friends over. once they are there continue to get shit faced until you pass out. by the time you wake up your testicles should have returned to their normal size and location. if you do not follow the above advice you testicles as well as your self respect will be forfeit... FOREVER "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  23. too bad the dz doesnt have a tailgate, or does it??? "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  24. As long as it is 8 hours between bottle and throttle there is no issue. (Assuming you didn't binge drink over 8 servings an hour). THC is absorved by fat cells and can remain detectable in the body for weeks. Daily use would be detectable, and you would be considered under the influence of mind altering drugs. actually there are multiple compounds of thc. thc 9 is what makes you high, and that is only detectable while you are high. it is still in your system but doesnt cause you to stay high for weeks. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  25. that depends on what you have in mind "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."