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Everything posted by thrillstalker

  1. what's wrong with road head??? "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  2. the expendables, salt (fucking amazing movie), green zone, surrogates "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  3. it is nice to know i am well though of
  4. i bet they sale the exact same midget porn at the adult store, you still might get a virus though... "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  5. easy fix, turn it off when you leave work. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  6. that makes sense. i am 23 and people are finishing school, moving, getting married, and just in general busy. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  7. shit i have 82 jumps in a year and a half. not hardcore at all. i haven't lost all my friends, just some of the ones i used to see on weekends and special occasions. i am trying to find out if this has happened to a lot of people. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  8. has this happened to anyone else. it seems that the longer i skydive the more whuffo friends i lose. every time the group gets together i am either skydiving or broke/saving money for skydiving. what to do... "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  9. Does he throw them like Randy Johnson pitches snowballs? Who cares about him throwing rocks? Scary thought. those a great commercials "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  10. aaawwwwww, are you a momma bear??? "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  11. that i could be turned into a vegetable, no bueno! "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  12. that is not true, i do! "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  13. where is the boobies option??? "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  14. ----------------------------------------------------------- +1 sold my last motorcycle 11 years ago to buy my first rig Same here.
  15. he has been good lately. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  16. hehe, so true! "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  17. welcome to the sport, it's a hell of a thing. here is a great book to get you acquainted with canopy flight. also the skydivers information manual (sim) is a good thing to read before your A license test. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  18. so you havent even talked to the instructor who "mistreated" you??? wtf it is bad to judge and find someone guilty without letting him/her explain themselves. for all you know he could have saved your life, or the life of everyone on board the aircraft. ignorance may be bliss, but in skydiving it is suicide you owe it to yourself as well as the instructor to get an explanation. if after the explanation you are still not satisfied with the dz in question, fuck them. until then grow the fuck up and get a helmet, life is hard. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  19. focus on the jumping, not the bitching. there is no place on the earth that you can go and not run into an asshole, dz's included. someone was an asshole. deal with it and get over it. i feel that was a helpful post. jump more bitch less blue skie "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  20. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  21. if you didn't enjoy jumping with that jm, dont jump with him again. it is your choice who you get in the air with and you need to be comfortable with those people. if you aren't tell the dzo you would like to have another instructor. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  22. yes but it is easier than packing in the dark edited to add: and safer too! "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."
  23. i haven't met anyone who openly has a third nipple
  24. i think it was the first one. it was the only episode of it on demand under the discovery network. "Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."