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Everything posted by dirtbox

  1. I am with the Englishman... near tail strike... almost dead... You're dead or not, it was a tail strike or it wasn't but more on topic re 1 near tail strike every 27 days and toolbags going closes to the tail are those in giant suits that should know better yet we think standardising a system that is, by and large already standardised as it is a small pool of knowdledge that has been largely shared, is going to make wingsuiting safer... there are bigger boggie men to worry about in skydiving.
  2. Gday, sorry have been skydiving.. u know that thing you do when not on a forum (ok a night job and a night on the piss may also have been in there as well ) but yes Norway was the country I was aware of (they also banned triathlons) which is a country I plan on jumping making cypres the only option. I do apologize for the late reply, what I said was however correct and you found the answer without me guiding you to it, bravo young chap... edit to add: I didn't realise this rule only applied to Norwegian nationals, thanks for the info :)
  3. jump both, hope to never use either. My next rig (hopefully in a few weeks, first brand spanking new custom one) will get a cypres, only because some countries don't allow vigils and I want to jump in those countries. Otherwise which ever makes you happy, marketing aside I don't know that there is that much of a difference...
  4. well my personality isn't going to help me :P... that girl was tidy though
  5. missbrz can vouch for this one working; 'do you know how I am getting laid tonight?' 'No?' 'because I am stronger than you...' still talk to that chic, she was pretty rad. Other shockers include 'does this smell like chloroform to you?' or 'do you know how to play rape?' No? 'That's the spirit' Missbrz can also vouch for the fact that though I have been around the block a few times I am not creepy nor a bad person, also I think my accent means most things I say are not understood and people just laugh awkwardly at/with me...
  6. bwahahahahahahahaha....bwahahahahahaha...wait i am not done.... bwahahahahahahahahaha... Seriously? Getting to jump in South Korea is a pain in the ass (for 2 years there I managed 2 jumps from a Heli... I believe it is getting better though)... North Korea? good luck...
  7. hahaha that is what I thought by the topic... was wondering what the difference between normal and skydiving was? stickers and a stench or ramen noodles ?
  8. very true and it sounds like this suit may have just changed the game ...
  9. on the 12 ft bridle - hasn't this been discourage as it was blamed for one BASE fatality and there had been a few skydiving incidents? I can't remember where I read that (maybe BASEjumper.com) but I remember when I got my new pc/bridle I ended up getting a 100 in (9ft) with a 28" pc for a then 150 triathlon (now a 117pilot) instead of the suggested 24" one that is normal for the tri 150 but then I also haven't jumped anything bigger than an X. may or may not be useful as your skydiving/wingsuit knowledge does seem to be well above my own. Dave
  10. dirtbox

    AFF students

    I was... My first stop spins pre-course jump was a bit weak so we did it again. The next jump I got kick in my the head, it kind of drove the message home. Some courses teach new AFFIs well, maybe some others don't? That said there are some types of experience that just can't be taught, it has to be learned in the real world (kind of like EPS... practice them on the ground but until your first chop it has all just been practice, hope you get it right...)
  11. I am an AFF-I - can I now be a tunnel instructor? I have never been in a tunnel but I have 13hrs of freefall, I'll be fine right? If you want to be a tunnel instructor be a tunnel instructor, if you want to be an AFFI be an AFFI, if you want to be both then learn to be both but you can't learn one skill set and seek work in two different fields.
  12. Follow first person down, simple. If you can't do that get a different canopy. Next, punch the stupid fuck who set a down wind pattern, he shouldn't have done that but you still have to follow first down.
  13. I did a couple of jumps there and Thailand isnt too far away (two dropzones). They also jump in Japan. Guam has a tandem factory so no fun jumping there. It was 80,000w to jump in Korea from a Heli @ 9000ft. 3 words; Don't land off. Be licenced, current and own all of your own gear when you get there otherwise it is too expensive to do. A repack is 100,000w. PM and I can give you more info when I am not at work.
  14. based on something I saw the other day me things tony is going to use the over the shoulder type zipper in the new suits to solve this problem
  15. the screws are long enough to put the bottom plate back on underneath the mount.... Mine has survived 200plus jumps and living in the bottom of my gear bag no worries.
  16. I bet two biners and a piece of webbing attached after deployment through the FR dive loops would work. NB I have no real understanding of crew but looking at the pic and guessing its intent that is how I would rig it
  17. I watched a guy do his first 3 jumps in a GTI and then go to the brand new custom Ghost 3 his buddy had hooked him up with.... three jumps later he bought the GTI cos he had fallen out of the plane and scared the shit out of himself (think he may have gone for a spin or 3) ... food for thought
  18. A self packing parachute will save you $6 a jump if you use packers ohhh and a 1000 way (that's the REAL reason they are testing this whole space jump isn't it? so we can do 1000 ways?)
  19. the really should of thought through the 'we'll send all our prisoners to Australia' thing...sunshine, resources, teeth... they missed out on them all
  20. Why haven't we seen a crossbraced airlocked canopy? Granted I don't know much about smooping but looking at top end canopies the inlets are very small anyway and it it seems like it would solve the Dubia air-gremlin problem while creating a more rigid wing (which could allow different shapes as well?) I am most likely missing something so I wouldn't mind to be educated
  21. Eh read the rest of what I wrote... I just don't lime that it is becoming almost a norma and getting rammed down students throats that they have to do tunnel (some DZs here in Canada madate you do 20minutes, no ifs of buts). The rest of what I wrote suggested a student educate themselves and make a decision for themselves while also discussing with instructors at the DZ the plan to learn at.
  22. I'd say so. People have been getting their A a lot longer than tunnels have been around, it isn't needed and it takes away a lot of the experience [not to say it doesn't have benifits, i just don't think they outweigh the con's]. You probably will fail a stage or two so budget for that [I failed on stage like 4 or 5 times I think ]. Flipside, the other guy I work with the most who is far more experienced than I and is a tunnel coach, would tell you to go to tunnel, so read a bit more and make a decision for yourself, a lot of skydiving is like that... Better yet, talk to the instructors at YOUR dz [or the one you plan to learn at]. You'll get to know them and they will give better information than you get on here. Worth what you paid for it.
  23. hogwash! Disclaimer, anyone who knows me knows I am anti tunnel for AFF students. I am an AFF+I but I have never been in a tunnel. If for no other reason I feel you robbed yourself of the experience of learning to skydive BY skydiving, which I feel is a lot of what you are paying for... sad that people keep pushing to make something that should be exciting and all less than what it was when I learned. There are a million other reasons not to do tunnel but they are for another place. But then AFF deminished the experience from the days my father learned (early 70's... how many 23yro's know about Pope Valley or have original 8mm footage of people sliding into eacothers cells, before it was called CRW His stories sound cooler than mine somehow, less deaths in mine though)
  24. I want to learn more about the Precision tandem rig... stays closed even if the loop is snapped and the reserve clears the dorgue apparently 2c from a kid half way through the Sigma course...