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Everything posted by johnmatrix

  1. I have seen some fucked up shit on the internet in my time but I think I just reached my limit.
  2. I have been tripped up by it before - thinking it's on and it's not. I think if the camera has been off for a while the first button press wakes it up from being 'asleep' and then you need to press it again. I just start recording and check it myself before I put on my helmet.
  3. Thanks for the review.
  4. OK. I was once told by a rigger that this wasn't the best method as it leaves no tension on the lines.
  5. When you mean moving the bag to the rig - do you mean, stowing the lines bit by bit and shuffling the bag along as you do so? Or do you mean picking the bag up, putting it next to the rig, and stowing all the lines then? Because it's the latter method that I was talking about - I think it is much more likely to end up with oddly ordered lines. The former method I would think is fine, I just prefer dragging my rig as I can sit in one place and do it. As for tension knots - I've never had one, don't know of anyone having one with a stowless bag, so you'd have to ask someone with more experience than me I think.
  6. Honestly I don't reckon he'll end up doing it, but if it does I'd say it's just going to be a matter of time until he gets sick of it. Ultimately the big question is how do you go about getting a wing dock with your fins on.
  7. What I mean is that there is tension in the lines between your hand and the rig. As opposed to moving the bag to the container and just spooling them in there from a big lump on the ground with no tension in there at all. I'm not saying anyone should do one way or another, just trying to explain why I do it the way I do. I just prefer it that way. I'd do it your way too if I felt like it but I'm just in a different habit. As you mention - yes, there is no tension in tailpockets/stowless bags. And also yes, dragging the rig across the floor probably isn't ideal but neither is a tension knot.
  8. Like this, at 33.00
  9. PD 176, and Sabre2 190. Someone was filming me on a few jumps and I saw it there. Since then I've gotten more footage from rear facing camera that looks a lot better. No hard openings though, my openings definitely improved. The openings will be faster, but not necessarily harder. From container opening to line stretch is what is sped up by not having stows - during this phase you're not really decelerating at all.
  10. I prefer pulling the container towards the bag while spooling the lines, to maintain tension.
  11. I'd give it a go. I'm no expert - BUT: My guess would be that line wear wouldn't be as bad as it would be from already existing causes like the slider coming down the lines - or brake lines rubbing up and down inside as you give toggle input - sure there might be some wear but they're not under lots of tension as they come out of the bag pocket. Sure, more bulk might be a problem for packing, but either they'll go in there or not. Give it a go, you've got a reserve. :) P.S. Done around 300 jumps now on the UPT semi stowless bag for a V353, but with spectra lines. I found that lines were coming out in clumps early on but that might have been my bad packing technique, seems to be OK now.
  12. Thanks - but if he does follow through on his idea to use the same canopy for CRW and WS he'll probably need a Lightning as thats what the other CRWdogs are jumping. I did tell him just to wait until he'd jumped a Lightning, and flown a wingsuit (with his Pilot), and then see how he feels. But that's interesting - my initial thought was 'hell no' but then I couldn't think of a good reason why not, with a sail slider and D-bag, and toggles that don't stick out of the riser covers, it doesn't sound too bad. And yes I know the landings are shit but they still land OK.
  13. Anyone here ever used a Lightning CRW canopy for wangsuit jumps? A mate of mine is about to start CRW and wingsuit and was asking me if he could use the same canopy for both. I told him I wouldn't use a Lightning for WS but now I'm curious - anyone have experience with this?
  14. Some of the CX models had different dimensions and thus different boxes for them, so you'll need to specify which one you have - CX100 / 110... etc. And sorry, no I don't have one spare at the moment. :)
  15. I feel a wingsuit is more valuable than a child and we should all be more than happy for it to take 9 months or more to gestate. It's not a Big Mac, it's HUMAN FLIGHT. Surely you can wait a couple more weeks.
  16. You could stash it in the leg wing area perhaps if it doesn't go under the suit.
  17. ... [cut to video of person talking excitedly in bar with their arms out in flying position]
  18. I would like to see on the updated website a personality test that answers "Which wingsuit are you?"
  19. Thanks DSE. Been lurking these forums ever since I started jumping, over 5 years ago, and your advice on camera and wingsuiting has been extremely helpful.
  20. That was awesome. :) Thanks!