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Everything posted by beowulf

  1. Then the real question is would you be happy living with her and not skydiving at all? If you would be unhappy living that way then you should not give up skydiving to be with her. The relationship would not last if one person is unhappy all of the time.
  2. Because of the lack of evidence it is unreasonable to believe in such a theory. It's called faith. Faith is unreasonable.
  3. It's really very simple they each stand for what ever it is that will get them votes. He who has the most money to spend on advertisements wins. They really don't stand for anything.
  4. That is really constricting. Is this a real life scenario or just a "what if"?
  5. Ahh your back to grace us with more of your delusions! Try bringing some evidence next time.
  6. Due to the absence of evidence creationism should be relegated to the church, where they need no evidence. Science requires evidence. Evolution has lots of supporting evidence.
  7. I have just downloaded a trial version of Sony Acid Studio 7. I for one am now on going to take the time and put my own stuff together. I don't do tandem videos and have only done video for teams and fun jumps. I think everyone that is using copy righted music should really step back and rethink it. I don't want to be the one they use as an example. Acid Studio 7 is less then $60. I think it's worth it to be legal.
  8. I started jumping with a camera at jump 435. I think that was a reasonable number to start with, 500 would have been better. On my first jump I realized right away how much of a distraction having a camera on my head was. The video sucked and I was too busy dealing with the camera to even pay much attention to my flying. The more jumps you have with out a camera the easier it will be for you to deal with the added distraction of a camera and the better your footage will be. Cameras don't lie they tell you just how much you suck or how good you are. It's much better to wait and work on you skills.
  9. Exactly. That is so true. We all like to remember the good things and not dwell on the bad things that happened.
  10. That wasn't how I wanted it to come across. Basically things will never be like they were in the "good old days". So whining and bitching about how they aren't is not going to do any good. Trying to turn the clock back isn't going to do any good either. If NickDG really wants to change things for the better then maybe he should run for USPA Regional Director or open his own dropzone instead of bitching online. Don't try to make things like they were in the past, instead try to make things better then they are today.
  11. Change. Some things get better, some get worse. What is better or worse, is different depending on who you talk to. Change is inevitable just as there will always be people like you who resist change and long for the "good old days". Things aren't really any worse today then they were when you started, they are just different. Maybe worse in some ways and better in others. It all evens out. Try looking more at the positive changes rather then the negative. Ok now that sounds way to positive for me. So to change it up. Why don't you just quit whining and bitching about how things ain't like they used to be.
  12. I believe the free bag, pilot chute, toggles all stay with the container. Not sure about the repack card but if I had to geuss I would say it also stays with the container.
  13. The last few years Skydive Dallas as been sponsoring a Casino Night Fundraiser for Cancer. It's that time of the year, so come on out and gamble for a good cause. It's $20 jumps all day and load organizing for all disciplines.
  14. Illegal Prostitution is one of those weird laws. You can do it for free, but as soon as you pay for it it's illegal?!! Just dumb.
  15. Matteo should have all the landings on video. We had a lot of fun competing.
  16. DVDA 5, I get it now. It's an abbreviation of DVD Architect 5. Excuse me for being dense. Yes I did download and install it since it is free with Vegas Pro 8. I don't have a Blu Ray disc burner and won't buy one till the media comes down in price.
  17. What is DVDA 5? Blu Ray disc?
  18. All I know is when I take my video from my HC5 and write it to DVD in AVCHD for playback on a Blu Ray disc player it takes at least an hour to finish. I am using a quad core computer with Vegas Pro 8. I would think that would be too long of a wait for a video debrief. I don't have a Blu Ray disc burner mostly because the media is more expensive then I am willing to pay. Now if the video was already in AVCHD format then it would go much quicker.
  19. Does that media player play M2T files? I have not found any codecs for M2T or HDV formated files. I have to render as WMV if I want to play full screen on my computer.
  20. For video debrief you really don't need a Blu Ray disc player. In fact that will only make things take longer. It takes awhile to edit and render the video to AVCHD and write to DVD so it will play on a Blu Ray disc player. Too long for a video debrief. The best option is to have a High def TV and just plug the camera in directly via HDMI port. Then just use the remote that comes with the camera. BTW unless the are using a really big and expensive camera you will only get 1080i, which is much better then standard def.
  21. Matteo Gattini will putting on a swoop contest this next weekend for anyone interested in testing their canopy skills. There is no entry fee, just the cost of your slot.
  22. Team Vibe's Brandon Chouinard will be having a head down skills camp this coming weekend. It is open to anyone wanting to learn to fly head down and anyone that wants to improve their head down skills. This is a great opportunity to get some coaching. Plan on being at the dropzone early so you don't miss the ground school. There is no charge other then your slot! If you have any questions I will be sure to pass them on to Brandon if I don't know the answer.