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  1. Wow.. didn't expect that much response to this thread. thanks for the inputs. Honestly, giving up skydiving completely doesn't seem like an option to me. not being with the woman I love - even less so. Guess I have to look for a solution that allows both.. at least on long terms. The other thing said many times, seems true as well. Skydiving won't run away. Although if fuel prices keep going up like that, we sooner or later won't be able to afford it any longer. But that's a whole different topic. I could never understand how people could give up skydiving unless injuries, etc. force them to. But then, I never really believed in true love either.. that's exactly why I'm probably the only skydiver who doesn't have at least one tattoo. I even had to fake one with a magic marker to get past student status. It's not like we could really control that, is it? Wow.. lots of respect to that. Must've been great to do your first jump after 13 years.. ...Shooting heroine? I suspect some people who claim "it's not love if you can't do what you love blahblahblah" are hiding their fear of having to make a lifestyle altering decision... so true. all of it. It certainly is the whole package. Including the compromises. I think skydiving is somehow similar to drug addiction. It makes you spend all your money on it, lose some friends, find some new, sometimes ruins your career, health, etc.. And then, isn't it the lifestyle altering decisions that are the hardest to take?
  2. well.. some people are more rooted than others. I'm not worrying about my life. Just skydiving. but hell.. I've hardly been doing anything else in my free time, lately. two problems: the city's about 12000 ft above sea level. and how does that old saying go.. "if you want to make a million with a dropzone.."
  3. it's real at least for the moment, she can't move because she has roots, family, "a life" there.
  4. be with the person you truly love? - no, there's absolutely no chance to skydive where she lives. - no, you can't just move somewhere else with her. - no, if you decide to go there, you're not likely to make enough cash to fly to Eloy/Perris/Empuria twice a year - no, there aren't even BASE spots close by that you know of so, what would you do?