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Everything posted by Martini

  1. Mike, anybody that knows me knows that I'm no canopy nazi, just wanted to mention that flying a Stilleto at 1.5 with 350 jumps is a long, long way from conservative. Have fun, take it slow, stay healthy. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  2. 200 kph = 124 mph. Still pretty darned fast but a lot more reasonable, maybe that's what you heard. OTOH I've flown my V-2 at mach 1.7, it melted the leading edges of my wings off my arms putting me head down. Flying the leg wing alone I managed to pull out of the dive at mach 2.3 but had to unbutton my shirt to get enough drag to slow down enough (450 mph) to deploy my main. Naturally it was destroyed on opening but my reserve held together and I stood up the landing after a .3 second ride. The whole thing's on video which I sold to NBC but they're not going to air it until Jeb lands. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  3. Hmmmmm, before telling everyone what they should do maybe you should do a search and learn what a debatable point this is. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  4. Martini


    I'm definitely with the chop and IMMEDIATELY get a reserve out crowd, I don't use an an RSL for reasons that may not apply to you. Altitude over body position every time though. The reason I add my two cents here is simple, it's called muscle memory. If you practice and perform a delay between cutaway and reserve pull then that's what you're gonna do when you chop really low. You may not be pleased with the result. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  5. The published reserve size relative to measured area varies by manufacturer. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  6. Please get video of that move in a wingsuit [:) Update: Justin Shorb's video (nice!) has a shot of a wingsuiter swinging under the strut of a Caravan. Must be doable on a 182 then. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  7. 3-ways are easy, 2 on step 1 in the door. 4-ways similar but as I recall the last guy dives out with the 3rd exiting from a crouch. Mock it up, it's messy but possible. Even with a small step you can get 2 people outside. Haven't done 3-4 ways from the 182 for a few years but they're actually pretty fun. I've done solos exiting on my back while standing on the step with my back to the strut, I wonder if it's possible/safe to get a wingsuit in the crotch position? Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  8. New proposed repack cycle is five years. $50x3=$150 $75x2=$150 $750x.2=$150 I'm sure you won't mind paying $750 for a repack. Good deal for the riggers though. Oops, turns out the new cycle is 30 days! $12.50x12=$150 Interesting logic. No sweat for the riggers, right? Just sayin. What benefit to anyone should the longer pack cycle create? Should the jumper and the rigger benefit equally? (reduced prices for the jumper, less labor for the rigger) Or what? In the end neither the recreational jumper nor the rigger will set the price. It will more likely be determined by the DZOs. I need another glass of wine now, no interest in taking sides. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  9. I'm intolerant of intolerance myself. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  10. Mainly the wingsuit. Outside of that probably a long bridle, maybe a less aggressive canopy, cut corners if you like, I avoid velcro but still have some. Prolly other shit but really there aint much to it. I started on a totally unmodified rig. We never talk in freefall, ESP only. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  11. Adam, the seriousness of your problem isn't being addressed here. #1: A hard pull with multiple attempts at deployment can put you low and with bad body position. Think of the chain of events that can result. #2: Being able to extract your PC smoothly both by the hackey or by pulling the bridle is a BIG deal. If your pin is knocked loose or your closing loop breaks you could be facing a horseshoe malfunction. Get your problem fixed, don't blow it off. Lean on your rigger until it gets done. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  12. Since this has occurred numerous times and is an obvious safety issue it might be best to simply replace the bridle/pc. You'll be out $100+ but you'll have a safe, reliable system. And peace of mind. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  13. Hypothetically lets say I was to fly my wingsuit down past cypres firing altitudes.***
  14. Presumably you have the shrivel flap attached correctly, if sewn on backwards it could cause real problems. Even though your hesitation seems to have started after going to the BASE pouch you should take a look at your kill line to make sure it hasn't shrunk enough to cause problems, I've even seen a too-short kill line on a new PC. I personally wouldn't use a larger PC on a canopy that small. Incidentally the Sabre openings can be made far more comfortable by using a larger slider. I also jump a Sabre 1 120, The slider I use is from a Xaos 21 98. It's identical spanwise but about 2" larger chordwise than the Sabre slider if I recall correctly. It still opens fast but not hard. My openings are just right with the occasional short snivel, never a slammer. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  15. Yah, I've chopped mine twice. In a row. My Troll hasn't been WS BASEd yet. Ugly Sabre vid BTW. We might be a little off-topic here. Shrug. I love to take it low but since I've been talked to, yelled at, told I was gonna die etc. I brought my pulls up higher twice last year. So, being a perfect fucking angel, I generally throw at 2k. I'm not current so I'm throwing at 2.5-3. If I was flying a more aggressive canopy I'd throw at a less aggressive altitude. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  16. I jump V-2 with Sabre 120 @ 1.6, this combo allows for dirty low pulling. The canopy opens well about nine out of ten times. On the tenth jump don't pull low.
  17. I'm not sure what you expect to learn from this poll. I didn't vote. My deploy depends on a lot of factors, not just the obvious criteria you mentioned. Saying that it varies between 5000' and 800' won't help you establish a baseline. Do what you can afford to do, don't die and definitely don't hurt anyone else. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  18. If the BASE pouch was unreliable it wouldn't be useful in the BASE environment either. An accidental deployment while flying close to terrain could be fatal. I use the BASE pouch on my V-2 exclusively while skydiving. It's an easier reach than the BOC and provides muscle memory for W/S BASE. Using the leg pouch does require extra attention to keep the PC from getting loose in the aircraft or at exit. I wouldn't use the leg pouch for most aerobatics because of bridle exposure. I haven't been asked not to use it when flocking, if someone had a problem I'd switch to BOC. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  19. Another interesting mal can occur with a tube and not a hackey. If you stow with the tube snug against the BOC then you may be able to accidentally push the tube into the BOC with your thumb. I though it was really funny watching my two-way buddy do that several years ago. It wasn't as funny when it happened to me on the very next jump. My rigs have had hackeys since then. The tube is lighter and more resistant to bridle knots though. Personally I'd fill mine with a cork and wrap it with non-skid tape to avoid the problems that a slick surface can present. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  20. That's the funniest picture of Tony I've ever seen. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  21. Looks like a lost louse. Biggest fuckin crab I ever saw. She must've had chest hair that they shaved off in the E.R. I'd steer clear of that shit and stay out of the Red Crabster too. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  22. Get a load of the troll by konrad weibel at the wingsuit classifieds. Odd sense of humor. I imagine you're already flying the safest parachute, right konrad? Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  23. How many W/S jumps did you have on your Nitron before you ditched it? I got mine based on how much you liked yours at the time. But I absolutely hated the canopy (120 @ 1.6) and got rid of it PDQ. I seriously doubt I would have liked it any better loaded at 2:1 like Ed. Most people seem to like the Nitron for regular and W/S jumps. Not everyone though. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  24. Your sig line would make more sense if you spelled "dons" correctly. Otherwise it's just WTF. Sometimes you eat the bear..............
  25. You're right about the 50% increase, not the 33% i quoted. I can't agree about the extra charge being at all based on the amount of use the rig gets. I might make six jumps on a repack, you might make two hundred. What's that got to do with the amount of work the rigger performs? You pay for a service plain and simple. If the FAA shortens the repack cycle to 90 days from 120 should I expect to pay less for an AIR? Sometimes you eat the bear..............