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Everything posted by linebckr83

  1. I don't think carrying a rapist's child to term, going through labor, and giving birth is just an "inconvenience". But then I've not been through labor the way you seem to have, Mrs. You are female, right, to have such an insight into pregnancy and childbirth. So what is it then if not an inconvenience? If it life endangering? Most of the time no. So why is it fair to kill one of the people involved but not the others? No firsthand experience with pregancy here, obviously, but I have a little more experience in this subject than you do apparently. You think your moral-less opinion should be the norm and I disagree. You sit on your computer and disagree with anything semi-conservative that you can find. You've never been a part of this scenario like I have. You haven't witnessed the tough decisions that need to be made, and the huge consequences for some of those decisions. You're a political armchair quarterback and nothing else. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  2. Whats the punishment? Being forced to have a child that you didn't intend to have? Sorry for 9 months of inconvenience in order to save a life. Pregnancy and death cant be compared in terms of punishment. Unless you are her husband "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  3. That's a hard question. Maybe if we start hanging people who commit rape instead of giving them a nice jail cell, they'll quit doing it. What if your mom was raped and you were the child? Would your opinion change? It's a shitty circumstance I know but its not the kids fault and he/she shouldn't be the one that gets punished for it. My girlfriend 2 years ago was raped at 16 years old and had a child. Her parents were anything but supportive so she knew she couldn't give the kid a good childhood. She gave birth then gave her up for open adoption. I met her a few times and she lives with a great loving family and has a bright future. To look at a little girl like that and think how people could possibly imagine killing her before she ever got a chance... nuts "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  4. Its a joke really. I'm not the religious type but seriously....who would have thought it would be accepted to kill a baby. Yea yea I get it, its not a baby until its born. Or in the 3rd trimester. Whatever people want to call it. Were not talking about animals here. Not some bird you shoot or chicken you hack up. it's a real human life no matter how you choose to look at it. Back when this country had a moral backbone, the idea of killing your baby just so you dont have to deal with it would have been ridiculous. And someone woulda whooped your ass for even mentioning it. In my opinion, its selfish. Thats it. Suck it up and raise your kid or give it up for adoption. Jesus what has gotten into people anymore. You abortion lovers should be happy your mother had bigger balls than you do and actually gave you a chance to live. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  5. Or maybe they're wound up because they are old enough to have lived when this country was great and now they see it going down the toilet because of all the lazy democrat welfare folk. Or maybe they're just old. Who knows. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  6. Yes! I had the same experience on an Icarus 330. Thought I was gonna have to chop too but then realized the same thing. Since it opens it full flight we were facing backwards because of our wind vaning knees. As we tried to kick out we would get 90 degrees and the wind just pushed us back to the starting point. I've learned the "stand up" technique where I ask the student to stand up like they are doing a toothpick jump into a pool. Sure enough, we began spinning out of the twists immediately! "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  7. Personally I dont understand why they even have the same name. They feel worlds apart to me. Definitely give the crossfire2 some research. I fell in love with mine from the get-go. Like others said, it can definitely swoop if told to swoop, but can also glide really flat on rears and lands great. Light toggle and riser pressures. And the openings...ohhh the openings! 300 jumps on mine now and not a single one that was even remotely snappy or "interesting". IMO the best advanced all-around parachute out there. If I could marry mine I would "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  8. I had the pleasure to attend an advanced course with Tommy 2 years ago. He's an awesome guy to talk skydiving with, and we had a great time going into town and hitting up some bars. Not only is he a great canopy pilot, but he's pretty sick on the dart board too. Some guys just have it all! "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  9. I don't care if he lied about the snack he ate for lunch. As Commander in Chief, and President of the United States, he is held to a higher level and expected to NOT lie to the very people he swore to protect. How is this related to a thug in florida getting shot? Who knows but apparently its relevant. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  10. And much much easier for someone to protect themselves. And with that statement, I'm guessing I probably couldn't defend myself from you if you had a knife. Which is why I'd prefer to have a higher level of protection. I agree, but my point wasn't about how easy it is to kill someone with a gun. I was only stating that if guns were banned, anyone intending to use one for criminal acts don't give a shit about guns laws. They'll use one anyway. The general population, who abides by the law and only desires to have a gun to protect them and their family, now does not have that possibility. So the same criminals have the same guns, everyone else has none. I wonder what that would do to the violent crime numbers. If everyone walking around a grocery store was carrying a conceiled firearm, do you think a thug is going to pick that place to rob? If he knew no one in there had anything to defend themselves with, he'd be much more likely to target that place. That's why I think those "no guns allowed" signs on the entrance doors to banks are a joke. For the same reason. "Oh, well I better not take my 9 mil into the bank while I hold it up, they aren't allowed. Guess I'll just take a knife." That guy doesn't care that they aren't allowed, but he knows none of those people standing in line are carrying. It should say "PLEASE bring your legal conceiled weapons in with you, maybe the next thug who thinks about robbing this place will think twice." "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  11. It doesn't really matter what you would expect, but statistics do matter and show that the gun violence in the US of A is much, much higher than anywhere else in the Western World. I'm not against private ownership of guns, but the average American gun laws are just moronic. Not that I care, there's enough Americans so we can afford to loose some of you to the epic fail AKA the right to bear arms for absolutely everyone. Not every American has a right to bear arms. Felons are not allowed to own or carry a firearm. Does that stop all of them? Of course not. A buddy of mine used to live in england and was a bouncer at a club there. He now does security here in the states. He said its a totally different environment. Across the pond, most people fight with their hands. So I have to agree with gun violence being higher here. Having said that, I personally think its the society of America that influences violent crime, not the ability to carry a gun. Like I said, ban guns and the same people will find something else to kill people with. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  12. I've never understood the anti-gun stuff as a way to reduce violent crime. If I wanted to kill someone, and guns were banned, it'd make no difference. 1. Someone who is ready to commit murder couldn't give 2 shits about gun laws. They'd still use one if available. 2. If guns miraculously disappeared and were never to be seen again, a murderer would go grab a knife, bow and arrow, ice pick, whatever works. I have avoided a lot of confrontations with people out of fear that they are carrying a weapon when I'm not. I don't know if they were, but I wasnt gonna find out. If guns were banned, I'd expect to see a rise in violent crime because the thugs know the innocent law-abiding person certaintly isn't carrying one anymore. For the average person, its a defensive mechanism. For the criminal, its just 1 of many tools in their bag. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  13. Good thing I don't plan on borrowing anything from you Since when are you the judging authority on how long someone can loan something? Like I said two or three times, if he was "suffering" from not having it he would have asked and it would have been in his hands the next day. We were very close, he would have called and said "hey fucker give me my reserve i need it" and that would be the end of it. I apologize that my loaning etiquette during this time was not up to skypiggie's desired level. Like I said already, it has been resolved and cleared up and I'm pulling it out tomorrow. I love internet forums. Everyone is the perfect human specimen "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  14. I wasn't replying based on issues with possibly damaging a rig in the event of a motorcycle wreck (which would be the least of my concerns while I'm sliding on concrete at driving speeds). For whatever reason, I assumed he was asking about the possibilty of a deployment while riding. IMO it's low. Get a gear bag and then you only have to worry about your bike and body in the event of a lay-down. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  15. They are very different. I am equally surprised as this is all news to me. After finding this thread I contacted him and we've been discussing it the last few hours. It will be returned in the next few days. Quite the miscommunication but it has been solved. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  16. I'm still jumping it. Well, as of last weekend. It'll be coming out of my rig tomorrow since I now know he wants it back. It's been about a year, and it was a reserve from a backup rig of his that sits in the closet. Quite frankly I don't fun jump a whole lot anymore so I really forgot about it until I saw this thread. Moral of the story: Stolen gear list - reasonably helpful Asking for your property back - also helpful "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  17. I'm the "friend" that was loaned the reserve because I didn't have one. Funny thing about this story is, the OP has never sent me a single text/email/call asking about his reserve. He's been to my apt on several occasions and knows exactly where I live. In fact he showed up to the dz a few months back to pick up a newly repacked rig and never said a word to me. Police report? Stolen? Maybe if you simply called and asked for it back I would have known you wanted it back "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  18. Ive seen many people just wear it like a backpack. You can tuck your handle in the pouch if it makes you feel better, but seriously, how often do you get a premature deployment when you crawl out on jump run? And if common sense didn't tell you already, make sure to pull the handle back out before you go skydive.... "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  19. I say you get punishment equal to the crime you committed. If you rape someone, you get raped yourself. What would keep you from doing that, living a life with free food/tv/drugs/friends or getting raped yourself? "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  20. So Zimmerman bashed his own head into the concrete hard enough to cause bleeding? I get it, to stage it like he was getting his ass kicked.... At what point did you decide that this isn't deadly force? You think someone can't die from that? We get it, you're a self-proclaimed badass so this wouldn't happen to you. But if it was me, I've seen the damage concrete can do to a brain and I have every intention of stopping someone from doing that to any way possible. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  21. I started at age 20 also (4 years ago). Although my dad did a tandem the same day I did, he has different views of doing it frequently. I wasn't financially dependent on them either, but their support was important to me. Their views are similar but the way they handle it is very different. My mom, who is definitely not the adventureous type, usually just hides her fear. My dad throws out the typical "where are you gonna quit?" "what about if x happens?" "youre gonna get hurt doing that" etc etc. The difference is that my mom came out for my A license check dive, then again for my 100th and 500th jumps. She sat and talked to the ladies her age who are mothers as well, and saw that the operation isn't what she expected. She is now supportive, but I know she worries whenever I'm at the dz. She knows it won't stop me so she doesn't try to convince me to quit. In return, I try to be safe as possible because an injury or fatality would be devestating to her. I tend to just ignore my dad's comments and eventually he quit sharing his opinion. I do know that he brags to his friends about it when I'm not around. They will worry, no doubt about that. But there are things you can do to lessen their anxiety: 1. Invite them to watch. The vibe and safety-orientated nature will help them see its mostly normal people doing what they love. 2. When talking about it, focus on the positives. Dont mention what went wrong, who got hurt/died, etc unless they ask. Don't lie about the negatives if asked, but focusing on the positives will show them how happy it makes you and that it's really important to you. 3. Do your part to stay safe and not give them a reason to worry. I remember that time period like it was yesterday. Nice fall weather, sitting in class not paying an ounce of attention because I kept staring outside trying to imagine what it was going to be like. All through the student progression was an extremely exciting time of my life! Absorb every bit of it
  22. If I notice myself gaining a couple pounds slowly, I'll use MyFitnessPal to moniter what I'm eating. It's always surprising to see what I really eat even when I think I'm doing good. Hell, if you get religious about doing a food diary like that, you never want fast food because it sucks so much to log it! That website has almost every food from every restaurant in its database. But I agree, when people really see how bad that mcChicken and fries really are, it's a little easier to say no. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  23. I agree. At 6'2" and 220lbs, mine is 28.2 which is overweight bordering obese. The "medical recommendation" for me is 148-195lbs. 148? That was 8 years ago. Last summer I was much heavier. Just graduated college, got a desk job as an engineer, living on my own eating all the worst foods and never doing anything active. I believe it when some people say fast food can be addictive. It was tough never having energy, always getting tired and never wanting to go out and enjoy summer weather. Since then I've lost 30lbs, workout most days of the week if I'm not already doing something, and practice a strict calorie deficient diet. With 12% body fat, I really really doubt I'm at an unhealthy weight. Most of it is muscle, which makes the bmi scale useless. I don't know what groceries cost me last year when I was usually just going to taco bell or pizza hut anyways, but it wasn't near as much as what good food costs nowadays. I see it in everything I buy. The ramen noodle or spaghetti-o's route is much cheaper and easier than cooking a fancy chicken dinner. So according to the bmi scale, yes I'm fat. According to my doctor, family, friends and the mirror, no I'm not. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  24. Our climb time decreases too....but thats because the pilot gets pissy, levels out at whatever altitude we are at, and says "get the fuck out of my airplane!" "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  25. It might have something to do with how those graphs above look like they were made in Excel 2007 in about 3 minutes. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52