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Everything posted by linebckr83

  1. I hope she doesn't get the death penalty. That's what she wants because it is the easy way out. Let her rot in prison. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  2. And there are some people, and some "news" outlets, that would find a way to praise Obama if he started WWIII. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  3. Of these drunk drivers who get in wrecks and kill people and/or themselves, how many are blowing/testing .081%? My guess is the huge majority of people are not at or near .08% but much higher. I don't see the point of lowering the threshold...unless of course you offer the state money for each person it catches breaking the law...then it makes total sense. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  4. The psycho pack is mainly used with new canopies, to help get them in the bag while they are still new and slippery. I've done it a few times and didn't notice any difference in opening really. It might affect your opening characteristics a little but not much. The XF2 is known for its good opening characteristics. 400 jumps on mine and none have even so much as caught my attention. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  5. Very good points. Like I said, I was privately schooled so I'm well versed in the idea that evolution was set into motion by some supreme being. My point was simply that no one knows for sure if this person exists or not. If so, organized religion would crumble. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  6. Nope. I'm not claiming to know what is or isn't the truth, but to say something is absolutely not true, you must have solid indesputable evidence. I'm anxious to see what he knows that the rest of the world doesn't know. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  7. Do you have solid proof of that? "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  8. You'll have to point me somewhere because the articles I read were pretty vague and didn't go into detail. Having said that, if the federal government and nearly half the state governments choose to enforce the same idea, I doubt it's as evil as you make it out to be. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  9. So what's the ultimate decision then? Teach kids that no God exists at all? That's the default nowadays. Maybe schools should offer different classes for this subject, and the parents/kids can choose which one they prefer to learn about? My point is, telling kids they cannot learn about intelligent creation is just as wrong as telling them they cannot learn about evolution. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  10. When I learned about that, I was taught that it wasn't forcing any particular set of ideas, and that the main focus was to encourage young adults to make their own decisions. I never got the impression that anything was being forced. Just like some people think it is crazy to believe in a god, many of these people think it is equally crazy to not believe in one. Until the day that science can undoubtably prove there is no existence, there will be religious people who want kids to learn what they believe to be the truth. I spent all my time in private schools. I was taught a great deal about evolution. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  11. Well I'll throw one out there... ever hear of the Kansas Preservation of Religious Freedom Act? What does preserving religious freedom have to do with forcing religious beliefs in school? The same level of protection has been in place at the federal level for 20 years now, and 20 states have passed similar bills. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  12. Please clarify. It sounds as if you have scientific evidence that proves religious dogma to be incorrect. I know of no school forcing religion on anyone. Maybe you know better than I do since you live here too? "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  13. Personally, I think it's a joke how much money is spent on drug enforcement. If you want to get high in your house, I think you should be able to. They don't care if you get drunk, what's the difference? You can hurt yourself with either one. I'm sure there are valid reasons, but I just don't understand why the same rules as alcohol can't be used. I.E. minor age, no driving, no supplying minors, etc. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  14. Eh, I have been to a lot of places and still enjoy being born and raised in Kansas. I wonder if there's something wrong with this state besides that it is a "red state." And very flat. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  15. No its not. And I think you'd have a hard time arguing that in a court of law. What about drinking and driving on public streets and highways? I'd say that is an inherently dangerous activity, not just to yourself but others. That's why it's illegal. Owning a gun isn't a dangerous activity. What a select few people decide to do with it, well that's a different story. Same goes for cars and alcohol. We aren't going to ban them just because some people choose to be idiots and use them to kill other people. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  16. Please - bush league. You sure are a sensitive guy. Next time, before you assume someone is trying to pull a fast one on you, try to understand that maybe it's a real valid question and not a personal attack aimed at you. You said: "Long story short, the statutes either have no practical effect, or to the extent they conceivably might, they're already effectively null and void, due to the principle of federal preemption." So I'll ask again, does this mean that the state of Kansas is wrong and the federal government can in fact do whatever it wants regardless of state law? "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  17. So you're saying the state is wrong and the federal government can in fact do whatever the hell it pleases regardless of what a state says? The rebuttal letter from the state says that the constitution is not written that way. So, what/who stops the federal government from doing whatever the hell it wants? Sounds like unlimited power to me... "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  18. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  19. Well, I don't spank my kids. Plus, they're adults now, so if I did that it would be .... illegal. I didn't mean you specifically. According to the law, what makes a parent spanking their kid legal? "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  20. So what makes spanking your kid not illegal? "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  21. What a load of bullshit. I was disciplined many ways as a kid. Grounding, timeouts, not getting something, and when I did something really bad I got my ass whipped. . And look how you turned out How did I turn out? Well to help you out: A bachelor's degree in a field similar to what you teach, cum laude, a good career while training to be a test pilot, a clean driving and criminal record, with parents married 30 years this fall. Not many 25 yr olds can say that. So yeah, I wouldn't say I turned out too bad In fact, I could claim that I have a better understanding of right/wrong than many other people my age. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  22. Thanks funny, I got spanked a few times as a kid and I never feared my parents. What I feared was doing something bad enough to warrant getting a spanking. Sounds like successful discipline to me. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  23. The root of your problem is that you believe a spanking is "battery of a child." If it was battery, I wouldn't have cried for 2 minutes then ran to my room to pout before falling asleep. Are you overly dramatic on everything you argue about? "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  24. Who defines offensive contact? I doubt you are the defining individual so there was no reason to include it. Spanking is not offensive to me. It is to you. Luckily you won't raise my kids and I didn't raise yours. I was slapped once. When I was 17 and had a shitty attitude and said some things to my mother that weren't very respectful. Guess how many times I've done that since then? I've seen the same thing happen in front of cops and they couldn't care less. So what's the law on that? Apparently you got lucky and your kids listened to every word you ever said. That's not the norm for kids. So tell me this, what if they just refuse to do what you say? What do you do then? Everyday I see parents tell their kids to stop doing something, they keep doing it, and the parent gives up. What does that teach the kid besides the fact they can do whatever they want? "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52
  25. What a load of bullshit. I was disciplined many ways as a kid. Grounding, timeouts, not getting something, and when I did something really bad I got my ass whipped. My parents are far from child abusers or violent people in any way. When I got the belt I knew I better not fucking do that again. That's discipline, not battery. Congratulations, your star children got lucky and didn't need that sort of discipline. When I was a kid I liked to push the envelope and that's how I learned what not to do. Raise your kids how you want and let other parents do the same. Parents who batter their children should go to jail. Yes they should. And as I'm sure you are aware, to constitute battery there must be "bodily harm or offensive touching." If you think a quick spanking results in bodily harm you need to get a grip on reality. It's safe to say I wasn't a victim of battery as a child. I'm sorry your parents were so violent with you as a child. "Are you coming to the party? Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!" Flying Hellfish #828 Dudist #52