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Everything posted by TheCaptain

  1. one of my favorite bad skydiving scene Kirk He's dead Jim
  2. I really have a hard time understanding why this video ever made it off of the videographer’s camera. It seems to me that while (IMHO)this is 100% the TI failure to handle the situation correctly, they had time when they got down to “think” about what to do about the video. It would have been very simple to just state sorry my cam corder malfunctioned and did not record the skydive and give them a refund for the video. Kirk He's dead Jim
  3. WOW, that is an impressive display of how not to be a tandem instructor. I really did not think you could possbily end up in a side spin that was started after the drogue was set.Twice he had it under control until he stopped flying it in order to try and correct/punch his student. I personally hardly ever correct a students body position, I just find clean air and fly it. Kirk He's dead Jim
  4. at the bottom of the page you will see the manual Kirk He's dead Jim
  5. I really can not see this being an illusion right after the canopy is fully inflated the jumper is walking left of canopy flight on the ground and the canopy starts deflating. Kirk He's dead Jim
  6. Nice video. If I am seeing it right at 14:13 one of them is on the ground right as his canopy is fully inflated Kirk He's dead Jim
  7. When the gopro's are stacked on top of each other, what is the preference for which one is used for shooting video and which one is used for shooting stills? Kirk He's dead Jim
  8. Kirk He's dead Jim
  9. You can still buy Gopro Hero 2, new on e-bay tht will work great for stills (with .5, 1 or 2 second options). I know that is not the answer you are looking for but that was the answer I and many others have used Kirk He's dead Jim
  10. Canopies that open in full flight are very difficult to get out of line twist. I know and have used all three of the meathods Linestretch tried. Kicking out and having the student help kick out, If you pull the "right" toggle sometimes the canopy will just unspin itself and lastly bringing the twist down into the risers(the closer the line twist are down low most of the time the pressure of the harness wanting to spread will untwist it. He tried all three and none of them worked and by my book he did the only thing left to do. Great Job JJ, nicely played. Kirk He's dead Jim
  11. I just ordered one from e-bay at the above item Kirk He's dead Jim
  12. Quote I have realised that I would rather have a lucrative career Quote You may need to redefine lucrative to being able to buy mac & cheese and pay rent or live in a tent. You do not get paid if it is bad weather or if there happens to be no students. If you do a search in the forums you will find lots of threads on instructors pay. I only do it part time and for me it works out really well. From what I have seen for those that skydive full time as a career it is more about a life style choice, have lots of fun, lots of skydives and just get by financially. Kirk He's dead Jim
  13. Always liked Have a drink on me AC-DC, Blind in Texas WASP, or Mas Tequila Sammy Hagar Kirk He's dead Jim
  14. I have noticed more of these combos for sale. I have an older VX that I really like everything about it other than the rouge hard opening. It is due for a line set so I was thinking of putting a JVX line set and slider on it. For those of you who have done this what was the result? Did it help openings? Did it increase the performance? or was it about the same Kirk He's dead Jim
  15. That is a very interesting thought. Here would be my perspective on that. I think there is an expectation based on price. If someone is paying $70-$100 for a video, I would think they would expect to get what they paid for. A quality product show casing them and their jump experience to the best professional level possible. I would also think if they were offered a video for let say $20 -$40 then their expectation might be a lot different. I would seriously question if someone paying up to $100 would be happy receiving a video that is extremely shaky and may not have them in the picture much due to their inexperience and high adrenaline. To maybe put this in a photographer’s perspective if you were hired to take pictures for a wedding for $600 or more and the quality of picture is that of a camera phone(this meaning off centered shots/ missed shots of the major wedding events). I would not think the wedding party would be happy at all. However if they were only paying $100 then I would assume while they may not be happy with them they would accept them due to the cheaper price Kirk He's dead Jim
  16. In my experience, the idea of just buying it and holding on to it until a much later date goes right out the window once it is in your hands. At least that is exactly what happened when I did one of those kind of purchases. Kirk He's dead Jim
  17. How many wingsuit jumps have you done? Any suit in the Super Mach One class or larger are for experienced wingsuit pilots. These suit demand attention and are not meant for beginners. I only ask due to your profile jump # being 260 Kirk He's dead Jim
  18. I had several discussions on this one last year: When exiting the aircraft do not jump up, leave with all wings collapse till you see that you cleared the horizontal stabilizer!!!! Kirk He's dead Jim
  19. It is my understanding that the CX210 and later does not have the 30MM threads for external lens Kirk He's dead Jim
  20. Now that defines real door fear Kirk He's dead Jim
  21. When I started skydiving, I picked up a second job in order to fund it. I told my now wife but girlfriend at the time that my primary job income would be family money but the secondary income was mine. My second job varied from 5 to 40 hours a week so that became a larger issue due to the weekends being set aside for skydiving
  22. It would be unsafe in alot of aspects, harness fit, and most importantly body position for landing. I sure hope this is not about your other thread "just venting" Kirk He's dead Jim
  23. Well, Id say those claims are a bit unfounded. I already follow a pretty rigid diet, eating about 1500cals a day (a relatively small amount for someone my size) and I do my fair share of exercising already, doing two hours of martial arts a week with biking, running, and hopping on the elliptical machine 1-2 times a week. And while I havent LOST weight, Ive certainly changed my proportions and changed a lot of fat in to muscle, especially in my upper body. That's why I was talking anout exercising a smidge MORE. Maybe cut down some additional calories and increase the amount I exercise. Im not some bum who stays inside all day, I mean yeah I enjoy my fair share of video games and being on the computer, but Id take being outdoors over that any day. Nah, Im just a large dude who was born to be built like an oak, not a twig :/ For starters it really would not matter if you are 245 of fat or 245 lbs of muscle you are going to fall very fast. If you happened to somehow get your license to skydive, the vast majority of your skydive’s would be spent alone as you would fall too fast for most skydivers. As for the wingsuit thing, once again that is a hug amount of weight and you would be falling too fast for most to want to skydive with you. Yes, they make giant wingsuits that would make you fall slow but it would take 100’s of jumps on the smaller ones to work up to the larger ones. If you think you are being singled out in life now for your size you have not seen anything as your weight will definitely be a hug hindrance in skydiving. It is not that skydivers are mean but when everyone is paying for the jump, most want to make the most of that money and skydive together(not try and chance after someone that is falling too fast). Unless you are a power lifter, one thing you really need to stop lying to yourself at 245 lbs you are obese (you are not just a little over weight). I am 6’2” and I currently weight 225lbs with a 50” chest of muscle and I am fat(most all my extra weight is in my gut/love handle area). I am currently in the process of losing weight. As for your workout and caloric intake that is really all left up to interpretation. When you are doing exercise it is important to look at the intensity of the workout too. When running, doing the elliptical, or biking, how long and fast are you pushing yourself. When you are done are you sweating and a tad exhausted or are you just on the machine doing an easy pace. I see lots of people at the gym that never break a sweat or even slightly push themselves are you one of them? From my understanding for best results you want to vary the speed, sprint for a section then go to a brisk pace and repeat that cycle. As for your caloric intake it is very important to look and the make up of what you are eating. Is there lots of lean protein in it, or is there lots of fat and sugars in it? Also it is important when you are eating too. Are you starving yourself most of the day and having 1500 calorie dinner? When looking at your calorie intake are you including what you drink too? One last thing I personally have fought with my weight my entire life at 17 I weighed 278lbs. A year later I dieted down to 168 lbs. I spent about 8 years around 175lbs. I then got into working out and put on muscle and at a point some fat. The last 10 years my weight has fluctuated between 200 and 230. When I get up to the 230 I diet down to the 200 mark or as close to it as I can get and in the proceeding 2 years I get back up to the 230 mark. I know my ideal weight is 190 as I have been there several times. I also know that yo-yo dieting is not good and I am trying to find a better balance to stay at my lower weight too. Losing weight can be done it is just really hard work. Kirk He's dead Jim
  24. not sure this is exactly a heart break song but I played this one alot after I broke up with my ex. I found out she had cheated on my alot. I was in bed waiting to go to the doctor for a really bad cold and she thought I had left. She was bragging to her friends in the living room about all the guys she had cheated on me with over the 5 years we were together. NIN -- Reptile …she spreads herself wide open to let the insects in, she leads the trail over to me to show me where she’s been. She has the blood of reptile just underneath her skin, seeds from the thousand others drip down from within… Kirk He's dead Jim
  25. TheCaptain


    Trust, IMHO is the most important thing in a relationship. Lose that and then it is time to lose the relationship all together. Kirk He's dead Jim