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Everything posted by denete

  1. Can't let it go. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  2. Sweet. Can't wait to see and hear you brother! SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  3. Balloon slots available at registration? SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  4. denete


    I thought this thread said, "PUBE!!" SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  5. Looks like that one is mine. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  6. $215 left to go! Can't wait to hear it. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  7. Plays his guitar all backwards-like. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  8. And a hook-knife. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  9. +1 SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  10. Mine does a lot of outdoors stuff, including learning to skydive (AFF-1 at least so far). The best part is that she even made a spreadsheet that calculated how many times we have kissed, broken down by monthly averages. Yeah, she's a keeper. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  11. Hey, what was my girlfriend doing in London?! SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  12. I think of how I should live my though there was no tomorrow. And, that I should help friends no matter how long or short I have known them. I should live like Lee did. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  13. Why tonight? Why John? Why? SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  14. Replace your drive with SSD and you can get sub-10 second boot times with MacOS. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  15. I'm heading to the Farm tonight and I thought of the friends I wont see. I wish Jeremy was going to be there...and Jack...and Rodrigo. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  16. denete

    Skydiving Sex SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  17. denete

    Skydiving Sex

    *cough* redtube *cough* SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  18. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  19. Rodrigo was the most helpful, humble, and perfectly real person I have met. He would always offer help to anyone that looked like they needed it. I sat and listened to him for so many hours as he would talk about skydiving, photography, and his family. He was such a wonderful man. I will miss him. I loved seeing him as a father at the dropzone. His wife and Gabriel always made me smile. I'm sad still. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  20. Just a word of alert to peeps heading to Fitzgerald. As the parties might go on into the night, if you see people there that you don't know, introduce yourself. There were some locals who showed up last year and may have been the reason that the police showed up. If they aren't "one of us" or aren't acting like they should be (ie. in the best interest of PR for roamingdz, skydiving, etc.), talk with Spence. Better to step on someone's ego than to eff it up for the rest. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  21. I'll need a half-slot. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  22. I'll be at the Farm. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  23. Call Hans. He will tell you what will work for you. The Farm is the real deal. SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)
  24. For all of you who made it to SkyFest, I hope you had a great time. Tara and I took well over 3,000 photos and had to cut them down to the best for you to enjoy. I sincerely hope that ShootingSky can join SkyFest again next year and up the ante. We WILL definitely have the much-coveted neon green t-shirts in tow and available to jumpers. We probably were approached by 50 people who wanted to buy them. The photos are online now. Thanks for a great boogie, Hans and J! SCR #14809 "our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe" (look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)