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Everything posted by E150

  1. Congratulation - I know all to well how good it all feels. Nice one. Breaks the bank though. Is the US more progressive than the UK? I dont think you can get more pregressive that AFF (CAT 8) then SKY-U (CAT10/FS1). I think its fantastic progression. WARP is just a bit scrapy.
  2. Ditto, I did a tube for my 100th. I've done some rather funky, strange made up exits. One worked so well, it ended as a linked 3 way head down. NICE. You see there was this mad bird called Charlie . . . . . & I seem to recall a large rag doll called Precilla (who was starting AFF), an inflatable Corocodile called Martin (that nearly took my head off) and an M&M that lost its whole body on the way down (except one arm!). Lots n lots.
  3. E150

    BEER=SEX ??? !!!

    Humm, I know beer can do strange things. I guess there is some truth in that. I'd say it applied to everyone, not just skydivers. Hey, we have our AGM on Sat night, lets see if your theory is correct. (I can't efford to drink).
  4. Hi Jason, I cant put a face to your name, but I'm sure we must have met, or at least been on the same lift at one point. It was a fantastic trip. The weather got better and better. I extended my trip and stayed until 13th Jan. Did not want to leave :( I agree the party at Coyote's was top. I was still drunk in the moring for those 3k hop n pops! Eeeeek. I'm gonna get my arse back there just as soon as I can. I love it there. The people are the BEST. Jo
  5. I did my first low pull a week ago. I dumped at 2k and was under at 1400. My dytter was screaming at me (Flatline set at 1500). I can now see how easy it is to go low and how muscle memory is a definate issue.
  6. Born in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK. Live in Hertforshire, UK. Current DZ is Hinton, UK. First Jump was at Weston, UK. Want to live, work and jump in California (Elsinore).
  7. Nice job on the new kit :) I pick up my new rig on Saturday (only 6 months after I ordered it). The Sabre2 is great. I have been jumping a 150. V responsive flare. Loved it.
  8. Are they the students that NEVER came back? LOL
  9. Oooeeeer, I've heard about your coaching.
  10. Yer Will, & you joined in! Steve is a mad man ("I was not cold"). His nipple thing looked horrid.
  11. E150


    Look - It happened again! So, I decided to ask them who they are! j_brookbanks: Hey! Who are you? I keep getting messages telling me when you have logged in! jaded_in_iowa: lol i dont know... you must have added me to you list... jaded_in_iowa: dont think we have talked j_brookbanks: Oh well. Never mind. Stranger things have happend. Have fun. jaded_in_iowa: yep... you too... WIERD - LOL
  12. No - Have not got any. Im paid to annoy you lot. !!!!!!!!!!!!America Tommorow!!!!!!!!!!!!! You think I'm gonna work on my last day??? Huh
  13. Fudge-Packer - He already is!
  14. Beer! SF is a nice looking rig. Apparently, some DZ's dont let you jump Thomas Sport rigs!! Its something to do with a standard that they are not approved under. I dont think it applies to many DZ's tho. (I was told this by a tandem master at the weekend). I am getting a Atom Legend (a myth, I should have had it by now). Anyway, Happy Christmas to you, enjoy your rig.
  15. DOH! I should know that. I'm using one of those at the moment! Enjoy. . . . . . . Bottom, top, right, left!
  16. Vortex??????? Now that would be a suprise.
  17. I'm sure there will be some people there! Thats the first weekend it's back open. I myself fly back form the US on the 5th, so doubt I'll be up for it on the 6th. Have fun