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Everything posted by E150

  1. Not yet. Don't expect to be able to jump it for a while. Weather, money etc. I'll be at the DZ anyway, wanna get my packing certificate. You going at all this weekend?
  2. Nice one. How did you manage to get a sponser? Thats top. What you getting? I got my new gear last weekend. Here is a pic.
  3. E150

    Barrel Rolls

    Me too - getting some freefly pants.
  4. Re: 'Getting invited onto big ways' I was generalising. I'm certain not everyone is like this. I ment your more likely be asked to join a big way, with fewer questions asked. Here (in the UK) its question question question (which I think is a good thing). If I got invited onto something I did not think I was ready for, I'd say 'No'.
  5. I found the two US DZ's that I have visited (of which I'm certain are both regulated by the USPA), to be more relaxed in their attitude than the UK. I find American people to be a bit more layed back than the Brits. This is what I observed. . . . . * No flight line kit checks (certainly no signatures taken). * No designated jump master. Everyone just kinda askes about to see what each is doing and gets in/out accordingly. * No designated spotter (because no jumpmaster), the first one out tends to do it. * No questioning your jump numbers/qualifications if you get on the plane to do freeflying (or 'humm - not in that kit your not'). * More likely to be invited onto a big way (10 ) without being asked how many jump numbers/qualification you have. * Can pull at altitude if you get clearance. * Can take inflatables on a jump without asking permission. * Can do any form of bizzar exit without being asked what the fook you were doing (when you land). Just things that I noticed, I'm not saying every DZ in the US is like this. You just have to look out for yourself a bit more, cos you don't have a jump master making any descisions for you. It has advantages and dissadvantages. I must admit, I like the way the Brits look out for everyone so well. But, I also like the slightly more layed back fun side to US DZ's. I'm sure it must depend on the DZ owners and staff a bit.
  6. E150


    Well you missed a very good night.
  7. E150


    I've wanted one for over 7 years. I've put it off to make absolutely sure. Now I know I do. Just can't work out exactly what I want. Got to be something simple and smart (on my back).
  8. Only ever got excited about skydiving. Have not been on a rollercoaster for yonks. I guess it could be fun and would make a good day out with friends.
  9. Stuff the sensation - I'd be way to shy.
  10. Cool - we may get some piece and quiet at Hinton. What a pleasure to look forward to!
  11. E150


    Must admit.... If I were to be going out with someone I'd prefer him to be a non-smoker. Not for the smell or anything, but just because I would worry about him and it would make it harder for me.
  12. E150


    HEY GOOD LUCK. It will be one of the best things you will ever do. I'm one of those annoying people that smokes when drinking. Just been thought a bad (to me) spell and smokes about 5 a day for the last 4 weeks. I can see why people find it so hard to give up. I am gonna stop form NOW. I mean that. Thanks for starting this thread. From what I can tell, the people that 'go cold turkey' as it were. Seem to be the most sucesfull. They make that decision and stick to it. Do it, knowone can do it for you. DZ's are the worst place to get caught up in an unhealthy lifestyle. Sitting in the sun (OK, so not int he UK), smoking, then craking open the beer when the sun goes down. It's a hard routient to break, but thats all it is really. Once you have anew routine, that will become the norm. Smoking is fucking nasty.
  13. E150


    Yer - then the next dilemma is what? (I know where)
  14. Very true. But why have 2 different reserve proceedures? Surley its better to stick to one (cut away, reserve). Yip - I'd cut away from a polit-chute in tow.
  15. E150


    Least he knows how to make those smilie things work!
  16. E150


    LMFHO (I still want to get a tatoo 7 years I've waited to make sure. Cant efford it)
  17. E150


    It was at the International Hannover hotel on the A5 near Hinckley (not far from J18 of the M1).
  18. E150


    Top! I'm sure they could have found a bedroom.
  19. E150


    At least you know what time you finished!
  20. E150


    Have to agree. I love my comfy Vans. Had Scetchers last year they very un-comfy, the fact that they were too small may have had something to do with that.
  21. E150


    bsbd? I guess it is rude?
  22. Put tape around your fingers before you pack. My hands did the same just when I was packing my own (cc 4 times a day for 3 weeks).