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Everything posted by frequentfaller

  1. No. why care? professional athletes having been taking this shit, since it was invented. before that, I've read, they took amphetamines and other drugs. players like Babe ruth and company. These players reach such a competive level, that they will do anything for an edge, and if they think others are doing it, which they are, then their egos will make them do it, to keep up with the other guy. THEY have to be the "best". Are there any freefly enhancing drugs? i need to dose up. Born ok 1st time.
  2. I dont know. - pray to god (who is actually an advanced alien kid playing a video game called earth) to hit reset button - choose a side democruds or repukelicans and fling shit at other side. - buy a nice tent, sleeping bag, 45, lots of ammo. Born ok 1st time.
  3. I agree that the road is wide as hell, so the middle has a right and left too. I dont think anyone who agrees with rush down the line is middle, but a middle person might agree with something he or franken your other example says. truly a middle person could find something he agrees with from both. Most people demonize the side they have not chosen. we need to think more independently. both sides or neither side, but i dont know how that would be done. there are very devisive issues that wont be compromised. Born ok 1st time.
  4. I think most people are middle of the road. They label themselves one way or the other because they feel strongley about 1 or 2 of the issues that the party supports. those 1 or 2 issues differ from person to person. Thats why our 2 party system sucks. even if you lable yourself dem or repub, you probably dont agree with most of your party. now that the dems have president and majorities in house and senate, they'll try to push everything that each group in party is in favor of, even though majority of people wont like it. same thing the repubs did 8yrs ago. then it starts over, or by that time, we'll be providence of china. cause we owe them too much $$ Born ok 1st time.
  5. she felt like cutin and pasten. i felt like responding. but thanks for your concern of my time. Born ok 1st time.
  6. i'm not a "bush bot", but to listen to people rant about crazy conspriacy theroies like, start war so they can get rich, or lies to the people ,so they can toture the innocent alqueda guys. i just call bullshit where i see it. dont like rush, he needs more oxycotin. unconditionally i dont want u.s. attacked by terrorists. which error do you refer to? he has made a number of errors. all preidents do. all people do. bush is very unpopular. country going through tough time economicaly makes leadershio unpopular. economic problem is entire government fault (pres/congress/senate) again i dont like rush. i'm athiest, dont think he is god appointed. clinton was never tested. he was lucky to be president during easy times. war does cost too much(lives/money)but, correct thing to do, with intelligence reports about wmd. (multiple sources u.s.,great britian, france) economy is total govt fault. corruption on both sides(power corrupts) 9/11 couldnt have been prevented, by anybody. terrorists had a great plan. hard to defend against suicidal attackers. Born ok 1st time.
  7. they thought he had wmd. he said before he was hung, that he bluffed the whole time because he didnt think u.s. would ever full on invade. just bomb here and there. he wanted iran to think he had wmd, so they wouldnt attack his diminished forces from desert storm. strategicaly? iraq was the correct move. having another puppet democracy. and u.s. military base in middle east. stabilize middle east even more. bush administration thought beaten oppressed shi'a would welcome us getting rid of their sunni oppressor. wrong. they hated christian invaders much worse. the intial war was nothing. i think u.s. casualty was less than 100. the ocuupation and rebuilding was the bush administration miscalculation. but what was their choice at that point? leave and let the country turn even worse than it was with hussein or stay and try and fix they best you can? who benefits? no one yet. only history will know. Born ok 1st time.
  8. i said war costs too many lives and too much money. it always does (lemme splain ...WE AGREE) family businesses? um, could it be politics? yeah they both wealthy. have been for most of, if not all of their lives. did they make money off iraq war? yep, donated to charities, even cheney's haliburton stock option payouts are given to charity. they already both rich as hell. muuhahahaawaw " lets take over iraq so i can give more money to charity" muuhahahahahaw. who benefitted from the war? dont know yet. it is starting to turn around over there. are they saints? no. they both still rich as hell. did they make mistakes? definetly. thinking people in iraq would help us, once we got rid of hussein. nope. they saw us as christian invaders of holy muslim land. econmomy? war is expensive. but the economic collapse of banking is both dems and repubs fault. Born ok 1st time.
  9. its hilarious, that people think the republicans went to war to get "oil money" for their buddies. the war definetly cost too much in lives and money, but all wars do. he also wasted a bunch of money in africa, but nobody in the press ever wants to write about it. When President Bush came to power in 2001, the US spent $1.4bn a year on humanitarian and development aid in Africa. By 2006, the figure had quadrupled to $5.6bn a year. And it is likely to get bigger. The centrepiece of Mr Bush's aid to Africa is the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (Pepfar), a five-year, $15bn Aids prevention and treatment programme launched in 2003. His most recent budget proposes doubling the funding to $30bn over the next five years. it has helped to fund anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs for 1.3 million people across the continent. Before, the US funded ARV treatment for just 50,000 people. Born ok 1st time.
  10. either way is fine. If you "believe" you won't be rewarded to a clouded afterlife. It means you understand logical reasoning and the "broad strokes" of science. If you don't believe you won't be tortured for eternity in firey pit. it means you dont understand logical reasoning or dont want to accept the obvious. either way science will be unchanged by "believers/nonbelievers", but society is affected by religious dogmata view of science. Born ok 1st time.
  11. yeah, the shitty economy is both parties fault. bush admin spent an assload on iraq is where that trillion went. i know it was a campaign promise he made, but they shouldnt shut down guantanimo. Born ok 1st time.
  12. i read and try to learn from people like nerdgirl. she is actually a geek, i'm a nerd. geeks are smarter than nerds. asked god to bring my dead cat back when i was a kid. dint happen. dont believe now. ask who? so you love orthodox jews or shi'a/sunni muslims..cause guess what? they fuckin hate you.(they dont like me either) why? their RELIGION they have since the beginining of religions. especially the abrahamic faiths. Born ok 1st time.
  13. I didnt say everyone becomes atheist. just explaining how people evolve away from religion. thats whats great about science. when more is learned, science is alowed to change. not.....the bible says this! the end! you'll be ok as long as you believe. the rest of us who say and ancient text isn't enough, are to be tortured for eternity. if i created a bunch of beings which i loved and cherished, i think i would make it easier for them to know what i want them to do. any proof. even a hint, thats not faith based, or I heard a voice in my head. I agree again. anything. more like millions of people do crazy ass shit in the name of religion. are you going to see any muslims or jews or, buddhists for that matter, in heaven? or is that what the hate between them is all about? if i kill the blasphemers god will like me better. my rule book(bible\koran\torah) is the correct one. Born ok 1st time.
  14. The number of believere is not proof. religion is "taught" to most, as a child. children usually believe everything their parents tell them. while growing up, we read, learn, and aquire more knowledge of the world around us. athieism is not a religion. it happens gradually over time. we learn more as we get older, then start questioning what we are taught. everything, science, religion, politics, ethics, sports...everything. science - easy. if you cant test it, prove it, and repeat the test, its crap. religion - crap. cant test it and cant prove it. faith = unprovable/untestable + wishfull thinking Some question religion because it has 0 scientific proof. some accept religion for fear of punishment. questioning or non belief is one of the worst sins. there would be a larger number of people questioning the validity of religion, if it wasn't for that torturing of their soul for eternity clause. why would a being create me, give me a mind smart enough to question, leave 0 proof of existence, then send me to hell for eternity, because I was created too intelligent. there will be a lot of "good" souls being tortured for eternity, because they were created with a thrist for knowledge. if he loves me and wants me in heaven, give me the scientific proof i ask for. not some brainwashed bible thumper quoting ancient text, or some ambigious "you aren't listening correctly" crap. The people who are listening hate each other.christians hate the catholics, catholics hate the mormons, jews hate the palestinians, muslims hate the jews. which one of you is listening correctly? or maybe there isn't anything to listen to. Born ok 1st time.
  15. how dare thee ask for the right thing for the wrong reason. Do like nfl football players. ask for touchdowns! some of them will get their prayers answered, some will be damned in defeat. (sorry I watched all the playoff games this weekend) Born ok 1st time.
  16. "we pray to you to cure every case of cancer on this planet right now, and whilst your at it can you please feed the millions of starving children, and perhaps end war and hatred." sounds pretty good to me. what would be the correct motive? Born ok 1st time.
  17. I think religion is evolving too. from early polythiestic religions based on eclipses and superstitions to more modern religions that have had to accept, and adapt to scientific discovery and scientific theories. why would gods orginal word need to be revised? (old testament - new testament) Born ok 1st time.
  18. JEB 2012 mccain vp he will only be 77 palin as secretary of state..ha ha get it secretary. rumsfeld secreatry of dafence. this time its iran goin down Born ok 1st time.
  19. you makin fun of my crest? Born ok 1st time.
  20. this would be it. Born ok 1st time.
  21. why stop there? lets kill everybody that causes problems. nukem now list: gaza\israel\iran\egypt\syira\....oh fuk it the whole middle east. china - they are using too much oil and we owe them too much money nkorea - i dont like that kim jong dickhead vietnam - clean up our win/loss record russia - if we dont get them 1st they'll get us. france - snotty bastards cuba - payback for bay of pigs / cheaper good cigars mexico - solve immigration problem canada - dont like their antartica and npole - melt all the damn ice. tired of environmentalists telling me to be green. make al gore ride that bomb like dr strangelove movie. that should fix it. cept for a little radiation fallout and nuke winter Born ok 1st time.
  22. except for the beachfront part, its just crappy desert land, with shitty neighbors The jews would have moved out years ago if it wasn't for religion. We'll kick the cubans out of cuba. rename it jewba. Born ok 1st time.
  23. The only way to solve the mideast problem, is to invent a mind eraser bomb. religion is the problem. there is no reasoning with either side, when they believe the afterlife will reward how they hate and kill each other. Born ok 1st time.