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Everything posted by jeremy_o

  1. Alright, thanks. I already found that then. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  2. Hello, Anyone know where to get an original Sabre owner's manual? I checked PD's site and all I can find is the general "main canopy manual" but nothing specific to a Sabre. Thanks for the help. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  3. I'd do it for free, no big deal as long as we are going to altitude anyway. It is the avgas that costs the real money now a days anyway...but that is another topic. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  4. One of the greatest guys I know, Mr. Bob Stumm in the green/black jumpsuit. World Teamer and DZO, well...he owns the planes at least. I have no doubt that he would jump with any low timer, over half of my jumps are with him I would guess. Including multiple 2ways, 3ways, and of course 4ways. There are many times that the total jump numbers in our C182 is over 30,000...INCLUDING me with a mere 150...that is just awesome right there. Edited to add: That is what it is about and you bet I'll be jumping with low timers in the future. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  5. jeremy_o


    You can't, it is no longer airworthy.. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  6. cool, where are you at? - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  7. Mads is a great guy, helped me out! Nothing bad to say about L&B here - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  8. "destroyed" ? - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  9. Wow. Quit because you can't find a rigger?? - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  10. Heh, nice. I also love launching 4 ways from 3500 feet - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  11. So? Also, have you tried the 132 yet? I didn't notice if you actually said that you jumped it. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  12. Sufficient slack of the reserve cable, if it is too short the stretching of the whole harndess can be enough to pull the reserve pin. Also, check to make sure you have enough slack in the cutaway cable. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  13. Been doing it all winter - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  14. Not trying to target you, but...umm, wait longer? I've waited for 20 seconds going second out on a 2way RW dive after a 2way RW dive. I guess it is a different situation, just be safe! I didn't understand the exit order at first either, my thinking was that freefliers would be going faster than belly fliers and then during deployment we would be right next to eachother. Now I understand that with a proper exit seperation (and the RW 1st) there is never an issue at my DZ.. I guess I can understand both schools of thought and see the reason for the debate but I'll go with what my more expierenced elders have suggested - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  15. Yup, I've been kicked in the face too.. We were keeping the formation "tight" Either way, I don't want my fullface DOT approved, no need. I wear my fullface merely for slight protection from people's feet or to hope that it would keep me consicious during a botched exit or something else unforeseen. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  16. Just the UK.. To the OP: I jump a Factory Diver, (the visor doesn't come off) and I like it. When the ground temp is below 15degrees F, I have to prop the helmet on my head under canopy. That would be the only downside, but I definately wouldn't jump an open face in winter like some of the crazy people I know do. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  17. Ah, this is the first weekend our Cessnas have been grounded due to the COLD. -2F on Sat and -6F on Sun for the HIGH..damn. Those engines just won't warm up.. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  18. Just a search, start there I guess. I, personally, would pick Cypres because they have been around longer. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  19. I like that one ^^ But what do I know, I'm just a newbie Good article, it isn't that long either.. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  20. I think you kinda said it yourself. Get a rigger's opinion, should be fine. (I am not a rigger) - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  21. Thanks for the compliment.. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  22. Is there a place to sleep? - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  23. We are looking at 19 deg F on Sat and 10 deg F on Sun, I'll be jumping if the snow stays away - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  24. jumping outta a heli tomorrow.. for the first time, ..well, if the snow stays away! - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.
  25. Seems about right, 170 +/- 20 is about what i have heard/seen for SL training. The jumps after should be about 30-40. - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs.