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Everything posted by decompresion

  1. Phantom2 Wingsuit the fun starts at 55 sec and goes to 2:06 There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  2. Update to boogie costs Carolinafest 2011 $50 Registration $127.89 Gas $75 Speeding ticket $36.90 Beer $650 Jump tickets at $26 a ticket $7 Condoms $3 Whipped cream $17 Nipple clamps $48.69 Food $6.19 McDonalds (not included in food because it is not. Seriously disgusting) $64 STD test $20 to pitch in for bail(again) Total cost 1105.67 looks like your STD testing is getting more expensive...... I'm with all of those who say don't think really about. I usually plan on spending anywhere from $200-$500 on a boogie. I sleep in a tent, usually carpool, and I dont jump much at boogies, mainly just party. Plus, I usually don't have to buy my own drinks (yay being a girl) So boogies are pretty cheap for me. Damn right! STD test for $64? It used to be $10 and if you were a student it was free so people would get tested and not spread the love. I swear, next time, I am doing the "hot sauce double bagger" There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  3. McD is really that bad. I am still hurting. I am less than five steps away from the porcelain throne all day. That stuff is not food. It is poison. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  4. I totaled a car already, so my insurance is as high as it can go. The police officer was being "nice" and took 10 miles off the ticket so I don't have to come to court in Virginia after I told her I was coming back from a skydiving boogie ...and she was like "What is a boogie?" I had to show her the rig, logbook, USPA card and wingsuit before she believed that I just spent five days sleeping in a tent and driving 440 miles each way and paid $800 just to skydive. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  5. Update to boogie costs Carolinafest 2011 $50 Registration $127.89 Gas $75 Speeding ticket $36.90 Beer $650 Jump tickets at $26 a ticket $7 Condoms $3 Whipped cream $17 Nipple clamps $48.69 Food $6.19 McDonalds (not included in food because it is not. Seriously disgusting) $64 STD test $20 to pitch in for bail(again) Total cost 1105.67 There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  6. Leaving DC some time around Tuesday morning Leaving CarolinaFest some time on Sunday Share gas and tolls, because unfortunately beer is cheaper than gasoline these days. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  7. I jumped at 3 DZ's within 2 hours of DC Chambersburg, PA Aircraft: King Air Orange, VA Aircraft: Twin Otter Laurel, DE Aircraft: Twin Otter There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  8. I am glad your kid reads these forums a lot. He should notice that many posts on these forums are a bit...silly (including this one I might add.) To translate from Dropzone-ish to British: We don't know what we are talking about. And the two people here who do know what they are talking about: their voice is lost in the babble. I for one am jealous of his HD flying skills and I wish I had that kind of control on my belly. Can't wait to see him kick ass in Bedford this year. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  9. Much thanks, I just know that someone has a slider lying around and I wont have to replace the whole zipper There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  10. I have tried here in a bunch of places.... Did they use some special zipper or something, because I have tried sizes 8,9 and 10 "auto lock" nylon coil zippers both metal and plastic from YKK and got no fit. The actual zipper has a 36 and OPTI stamped on it Do you happen to know their model number or something like that? At this point I am hoping someone has a busted suit or a zipper that was completely replaced and they kept the slider. It is really like a 50 cent piece. Thanks There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  11. I emailed Jari awhile ago and he only has the whole zipper with the sliders. Emailed him again today, but I don't really expect a different answer. We shall see. I need a couple of sliders I prefer white. Can be used or new or whatever. Thanks There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  12. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  13. summary of the court case brought against the photographer Ronald K. Carroll for filming from the ground while John Christopher Vincent jumped from the arch There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  14.,+MD&daddr=Airport+Road,+Chambersburg,+PA&hl=en&geocode=FTrMUgIdIItn-yktAiRqt8u3iTENzStq93myJg%3BFfrwYQId-y5f-ynZ5z0NAp7JiTFppXC8dQJk1Q&gl=us&mra=prev&sll=39.476486,-77.442627&sspn=1.666338,2.469177&ie=UTF8&z=9,+MD&daddr=delmarva+skydive,+laurel,+de&hl=en&geocode=FTrMUgIdIItn-yktAiRqt8u3iTENzStq93myJg%3BFU0ZTAIdxJB--yGF7595AiHJmA&gl=us&mra=ls&sll=39.476486,-77.442627&sspn=1.666338,2.469177&ie=UTF8&ll=38.745515,-76.343994&spn=1.683709,2.469177&z=9,+MD&daddr=bloomsbury+road+,+Orange,+VA&hl=en&geocode=FTrMUgIdIItn-yktAiRqt8u3iTENzStq93myJg%3BFe-nRwIduP5Y-ykfroQdCBu0iTHVe0ZKTEDK9A&gl=us&mra=ls&sll=38.43407,-77.772014&sspn=1.691024,2.469177&ie=UTF8&ll=38.605066,-77.575836&spn=0.843516,1.234589&z=10 Chambersburg skydiving center (king air) (Lots of RW jumpers) Skydive Delmarva (Twin otter, grass strip)(You would have to cross the bay bridge:not fun on weekends and pay the toll) Skydive orange (Twin Otter)(lots of freeflyers) All three have student gear for rent. all three are awesome and friendly with a great vibe of local jumpers and tandems that keep the loads rolling. it would be easy to do 6 jumps on any weekend day even if you are packing for yourself and are "fat and lazy" like me. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  15. I am shamelessly reviving this poll due to the recent Perris Incident that has now made its way from the "incidents" forum to the mosh pit that is the "general" forum. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  16. What about a docked formation with backflyers? Is there a minimum glide ratio for the flights? Can we sew grippers to the Tib-Fib area in the leg and call that a foot dock or does it have to be the shoe? Can "inside" video be used for the speed racing? Great idea, too bad I have zero flying skills. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  17. I agree completely with Chris Spence. (My $0.02) It is important to know your canopy and be able to land in a tight "off" field or a slope or along a field with a bit of a crosswind. It can be a harrowing experience to land in an "out" without being confident in your ability to survive the landing. (Insert: arguments on overconfidence, decision making affected by lack of confidence, target fixation, tunnel vision...has been discussed in other threads and lets not rehash them all here, again) About landing off and fatalities/injuries:There are at least a couple of incidents with experienced flyers landing off and not surviving the experience. (Search the Incidents forum) To summarize: Since it is possible to "femur" right in front of the hangar then it is possible to do the same thing farther away. Also: If you are in a DZ with a huge landing area you can still "make it in", break something and it would take some time for someone to notice, because you landed "in" and no one noticed that you just never got up. Cellphones: if you have a $4,000 iPenis or $3,000 CrakBerry or some other expensive piece of plastic and Silicon then it is understandable that you leave it on the ground. I got a "Pay-as-you-go" deal with a free refurbished phone for ~$25 just for jumping, camping, climbing, snowboard...etc in a little ziplock bag. It works great, battery lasts forever and reception is decent. GPS, Map, Aerial: When I started flying a wingsuit, I had a picture taken from altitude of the surrounding 2 miles from the DZ in my pocket. It really helps with spotting and planning on the ground because most DZ aerials are of the close area only. When the season changed in the fall I got a new one because the colors changed (A lot). Also a bunch of wingsuiters are flying with GPS devices to record flight characteristics such as glide angles, vertical speed, distance covered and so on. Wingsuits and landing off: It happens. I am not saying it should or that it is a big deal or whatever. Statement of fact...wingsuit flyers also land off, just like everybody else. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  18. I know this is a loooong one but here it is: The "I landed off" poll Note that this poll assumes you are about to land off regardless of how you got into that situation. So I am not looking for "Pull high if the spot in long" and so on. I am really more interested to read all the ones I haven't got here. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  19. Ziplock bag+ Silica Gel (free!) Insert crappy phone Costs $32.65 and comes with $25 for talking and a phone (Attachment-but you can get a better deal) There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  20. Also to find if a skydiver is around (ass-uming they want to be found) I spend waaay too much time in front of "the internets" (Like a series of tubes) looking for random stuff "For communicating in a peer-to-peer manner, between mobile computers, when either there is no access point, or when the access point costs money, or when for privacy reasons, the users do not wish to utilies the access point."
  21. Got it! McCordia to the rescue There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  22. I did some searc and my two remaining brain cells got confused. I am looking for the video with the guy flying through a canyon at about 7minutes into the video but the whole video was kick ass flying with BASE and skydiving. In general, I am looking for videos to show my wuffo "friends" and have them go "Holy cr@p, can you do that" and then the answer will be "I wish! If I could do that...I would have videos of me" duh! Thank you There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  23. I have not met any skydivers here yet. The one place I called told me they would call me back with info about "fun jumps" but that just never happened. From what I understand there was a boogie day at the "other" DZ where the fun jumpers tried to jumps-start the fun jumping industry here. Maybe it did not work. The other DZ is reportedly open on Wednesday [pray](I hope)[/pray] so I will give them a call. If I bounce into Omri, I will give him a You Da Man There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  24. "Kinky, is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken." -Anonymous? He is not a pervert any more than she is a naive child. Socially, the couple might be frowned on but frown lines are for ugly people. Beautiful people (of any age) have laugh lines. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  25. For the past few weeks I have been hanging in Israel. An account of this trip is found here: What is much more interesting to skydivers is the "Photo Blog" under "Media" on the right side. Can you spot the boogie T-shirt? Also: I have been trying to jump in one of the two DZs here...there seems to be a kink in the system for "Fun Jumpers" (What's a fun jumper?) EFS There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers