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Everything posted by DougH

  1. I am standing firm as a reformed conservative who actually values personal liberties, doesn't base my politics on fictional writings, and holds firm to values such as intellectual honesty, and the fair and consistent application of the law. Not sure how I should label myself though.
  2. Home prices have continued to rise after the standard deduction changes, and the SALT limitations. It barely made a dent on demand. The much bigger problem with home prices (and rent) is supply. New building is deliberately restricted by current residents and local governments.
  3. I have been reading a lot of articles lately with the basic premise that we are ill prepared for a war with China or Russia after twenty years of spending lives and treasure on failed nation building and the war on terror in the middle east. I hope that never gets tested, but I also hope we get our shit together because it could possibly be my two young kids who will have to fight these battles.
  4. An unfortunate fact of life. Huge pieces of shit are sometimes able to obtain success, instead of getting flushed into the sewer where they belong.
  5. Many Christians, Muslims, and other religious types judge and spread hate because of peoples sexuality. Here is the math on that... Hate, casting judgement, holding prejudices is a willful reprehensible choice, it is immoral. Owning your own sexuality is not. So if you are a religious type who willfully acts in terrible ways to other people simply because they are being their own true selves then I will judge and hate you for being an overall shitty human being. I don't hate people for being religious, I hate certain people for their actions. Big difference!
  6. No offers at all, or none that were agreeable to the owner?
  7. Religious bigots are making a choice with tragic consequences by living a life of hatred, hypocrisy, and moral failing when they will simply be plunged into nothingness after death. If their magical spaghetti monster did exist and there was life after death they would find their messiah waiting at the pearly gates to throw them out of the kingdom for being such terrible hateful people. The Jesus depicted in the bible accepted prostitutes and outcasts, and wasn't afraid to beat the asses of hypocrites on the temple steps. Most of you "religious" folks wouldn't stand a chance.
  8. I gathered. I guess with two kids under the age of 4 I am feeling less humorous about it because I don't see it getting any better in the future for them.
  9. You misunderstood, my anger has been bi-partisan but not evenly distributed. I was a Republican from the time I could legally vote, I could argue for small government, personal liberties, and fiscal responsibility with the best of them. Maybe you can find some hint of that still remaining in the party but I have a hard time seeing it. I think the last few years have laid bare how hollow some of those ideals truly were. I'll continue to have some major disagreements with Democrats policy agenda, but I would need electroshock therapy before I could consider myself to be aligned with the Republican party ever again. How's that saying go about the company you keep? Jewish space lasers, election deniers, QAnon conspiracy theorists, science deniers, religious bigots... no thanks.
  10. At this point I find nothing funny about this. I am so beyond mad that so many people I held in high regard have turned out to be absolute fucking morons.
  11. This has become a right wing lightning rod over the past week or so on Facebook. Claims of government cover-up. Claims that Biden is withholding Federal assistance (FEMA memes are Soup Du Joor for that one). Lots of people are overnight meteorologists and chemists.
  12. DougH


    Just like Ukraine is getting support from the Western world, the legit contributors of this forum should get support in the form of permanent bans of blatant trolls.
  13. Electric shock should be the punishment for dragging up years old posts with no added contribution other than being painfully pedantic. Zap zap...
  14. DougH


    Since management refuses to perma ban the troll, can you at least do us a favor and ignore him?
  15. What the fuck does that mean? Do you think there are "enabling parent" who are influencing or enabling their young children to be gay or transgendered, and when you add gay TV representation there is some sort of critical mass being reached? That makes as much sense as the piece of shit religious types that think they can program children back to being a heterosexual, and leave horribly broken people in their wake. I am way more concerned about people programming hate, repression, bigotry, than I am about gay TV characters swaying my two young boys as they grow up over the next two decades. The boogeyman goes to church on Sunday, it isn't the gay couple down the street.
  16. "It makes me feel 'something', so I don't want to see it" It is almost like they have this deep seated fear that keeping gays off TV is the only thing that is keeping them from driving a Prius, downloading Grindr, and voting party line for the Democrats. Their thirst has really resolved since Will and Grace wrapped up, and they don't want to go back to that place.
  17. DougH


    I simply can't understand why management continues to allow his presence on the site. I guess if there was internet and back during WWII I would be wondering why Nazi sympathizers and supporters were allowed to pollute the forum experience.
  18. I was thinking something more Constantine ala Keanu. He hangs them in a dramatic fashion and they get sent straight to this mythical hell that the priest are always threating us with.
  19. I wonder if the imaginary man would find certain people beyond redemption and forgiveness? My personal lord and savior the flying spaghetti monster is against all executions except for mass murderers. No real question about guilt once you rule out an insanity defense. He doesn't redeem anyone or forgive sins, people can do that themselves, but he just happens to think that someone who perpetrates a mass causality isn't going to turn their lives around.
  20. In the sci-fi novel series The Expanse, the Earth continued to be the primary source of "biologics" and complex chemicals that were a necessity for all of the space colonization. I wouldn't be surprised if that plays out in reality if we ever colonize beyond the limit of our atmosphere.
  21. I would suggest you don't debate the merits of your sources with people who get the backing for their ideologies from cereal box decoder rings, and reading patterns in the dog shit that got stuck to the bottom of their shoes. You seem like a nice guy, and I don't want you choking to death on the irony.
  22. DougH


    I don't think we should blame the victims. We are all victims of the troll's posts, and managements decision to continue allow the troll to remain here as detractor to the forum experience, and a interloper. Sorry Mod's, but it is true. Grandma shouldn't respond to that email about the Nigerian Lottery, but she isn't the true perpetrator.
  23. DougH


    This used to be a interesting thread about current developments in the war. I have to say that the trolls ability to shit all over almost every single topic in this forum is impressive. Not impressive in a good way, but still impressive.
  24. It is usually in your policy agreement that terms of coverage include your explicit agreement to allow them, or appointed third parties, to subrogate claims. That doesn't mean that there is actually an opportunity for them to go after a third party for a portion of the cost, but they are in their legal rights to try. I wouldn't recommend ignoring them if it was a skydiving accident. You can head them off at the pass and help avoid headaches for your DZ and other parties if you take the time to explain that it was an accident, that no one else contributed to accident, and that you yourself made the error. Good time to mention the waiver too. If you get an ambulance ride or worse they will know it was skydiving related, and if your accident was serious enough they are going exhaust all efforts to get their information, might as well keep some control over the process. Also keep in mind most states have pretty serious laws about providing false statements in connection with insurance matters.
  25. DougH


    Why is management affording him the opportunity to get paid at the rest of our expense.