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Everything posted by Royd

  1. So, by this statment, you have validated my point that continuation of bad behavior is one of the driving forces behind a cure for aids, or have you decided that your time is limited and you are going to live life to the fullest as you perceive it: screw the consequences. To listen to you, one would assume that there is no virtue or reward in living of life of self control, which, by the way, generally takes far greater strength and resolve than just blowing through life, consequences be damned.
  2. Following the crowd and doing the same as everyone else is not what I would call living on the edge. A self sustaining lifestyle is not someplace most people care to go. Now, if I chose your lifestyle, and said consequences be damned, I'll take my licks without complaint, then I'd be living on the edge.
  3. >I should amend it to include anyone who comes into accidental >contact with the disease. Just to be clear, I'm not including those who got drunk, got laid, and just can't imagine where they would've gotten it.
  4. You have pretty much answered your own question. If a person does all of the right things and the contracts the disease through genetic predisposition, that person should be the first to receive treatment. How many people have you seen getting treated for lung cancer, and refuse to stop smoking in order to give treatment a decent chance? Do you remember Mickey Mantle, the baseball player. He turned out to be a drunk, but because of his celebrity status, he received a transplant liver and was dead within months. I personally consider that a waste. If you have a forty pound beer belly and complain about a bad back, you do not deserve my compassion. The pregnant woman, on the other hand does.
  5. I am sorry for your situation. I do not know you personally,nor am I attacking you personally. In todays society of promiscuity, where just having sex for sex sake is the status quo, one would do well to approach every potential relationship with a "guilty until proven innocent" mentality. Your life could be on the line. Again, I am not picking on you personally.I do not know where, why, or how you met your boyfriend. Chances are, that cheating on his mate was probably a lifestyle with him, and there were probably red flags that you chose to ignore. Especially if you were in love with him. As for my victims list, I should amend it to include anyone who comes into accidental contact with the disease. You have pointed it out quite clearly. Sex should not be a community activity, which it seems to have become. I have personally been celibate since 1990, after my exwife-God rest her soul- decided that a party lifestyle was more important than living a quiet, peaceful life with a jerk like me. I would prefer to live in a self imposed exile, and remain healthy, than be exiled by my community because of something that I brought upon myself simply because I had to fulfill my sexual lust. If those who have contracted the disesase through, as I put it " bad behavior", had practised as much saftey and precaution as is used in skydiving they more than likely would not be where they are at. As for being ignorant of aids, I don't need to know all of the medical jargon to make me knowledgable. Staying away from large crowds of people in the winter will greatly decrease your chance of getting a cold or the flu. If you don't have to do it , don't.
  6. Thanks man, I'm totally in awe. Absolutly beautiful!
  7. One could argue that a man has the same need. He finds a wife and has children so that they can look up to him, admire him, obey him, and call him Father, just because he likes to be happy. Any irony there? Are we back to the argument of relative moralism? Adjusting morals to make something appear to be OK. If not, what purpose,other that pure procreation of the species, does a person have to bring children into this world?
  8. There are only three situations where a person is truly a victim of aids. Children who are born to someone who has the disease,Someone who has received a bad blood transfusion, and someone who is the victim of rape. There is a simple prevention. It's called" keep it in your pants." I also believe that alot of people want a cure for all the wrong reasons. The desire to continue a lifestyle of bad behavior is not a legitimate reason to prevent a disease. If someone says "Don't touch it, it's hot." Why should anyone feel sorry for you because of your foolishness?
  9. I agree with that statment. Silience is complicity. There is no way that much activity can go on without "innocent" bystanders not seeing something. When some mother or father is tired of their children's lives being threatened on a daily basis, and picks up an AK47 and starts blowing away some terrorists, then things will start to change.
  10. One could argue that a man has the same need. He finds a wife and has children so that they can look up to him, admire him, obey him, and call him Father, just because he likes to be happy. Any irony there?
  11. I second that for the US, but we have a bunch of warm, fuzzy, feel good politicians, who think that these people will boost their base. We need to get back to serious immigration control.
  12. Those are Gopher tortoises. They don't stay in the same hole all year. I acatually had one dig its home under a peice of buried concrete that I didn't know was in the yard until I decided to fill in the hole. Pretty amazing.
  13. Bachelors don't need sheets. I sleep between two comforters, never make the bed, which allows everything to air out during the day. No opportunity for lice or bedbugs to get started. It's just so much simpler.
  14. The whole thing is a ploy by a community of grant seeking, money grubbing, do nothings, who really hate the concept of something called work. If it were not this issue, it would be something else. I'll bet that you couldn't get ten percent of them to help in the reforestation of the rain forests.
  15. They have classes for that, too.
  16. That's probably because it's easier to spell - one dozen roses!
  17. Royd

    I HATE

    Once they started using computer enhancment on action sequences, they all became over the top. Give me Bullitt anytime.
  18. That's only because she's hot, and has a cutting sense of humor. She's good!
  19. Careful there. We might bring some hardcore socialist/ communists into this discussion.
  20. No, they were generic looking American blondes.
  21. According to the secular side of this discussion, if something cannot eventually be grasped and understood by the five senses, then it cannot possibly be real. Being spiritual is admission that something outside of the realm of oneself, can influence our thought patterns. The gathering of likeminded people to support and stengthen one another in their common bond, only seems to raise the ire of certain people when spirituallity is the common bond. As I wrote in an earlier post, going to church week in and week out is like being stuck forever in the 12th grade. There's just got to be more to it than this. That is where we must separate Christianity and religiosity. One is the performance of God and Christ, the other is the effort of man.
  22. If we had more honest citizens packing, we wouldn't have problems with prison overcrowding.
  23. When they woke up that morning, and they had choices to make. They could have gone out, and gotten jobs like most decent human beings. they made the wrong choice. Two less slime balls on the street!
  24. semantics] Militant, yes. God-hater, no; for to hate God, one must first acknowledge the existence of God. Well, she was obviously angry at something, because you can't be angry at nothing. Maybe she was just a displaced man-hater.
  25. Hmmm. Don't you remember Chamberlain appeasing Hitler. Someone should have taken him out early on. It might have saved your country tons of grief.