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  1. Just finished a bottle of liqour. Southern comfort type. Went down easily with coke.
  2. F^(= me boots. Dem knee highs that just drive U crazy, or is that just me.
  3. When I was fit (and fingerscrossed will be again) I could run a good run was thirteen stone, resting pulse rate of sixty. 70kgs resistance on the arms and chest and 100 kg on the legs. Used to do one to two hours daily. Now im over weight. So I guess Im gonna get of my fat ass and slim down. Get fit again. I used to really enjoy it. Miss it almost. Certainly not the lower back problems I got now. CV and resistence. 4-5 days a week.
  4. Not untill after the group stage, then Im sure he'll play. England VS Paraguay Should be a good match.
  5. Its got a be UK, two world wars and one world cup. Think we're due another forty years on. Dem Nazi. Or Brazil. god know's I Love a Brazil.
  6. That so sounds like me.
  7. Am one. Facts of life.
  8. Still think two 20 min runs twice a day and a row with resistence.
  9. Thinkin bout buyin it next year when the cash comes through that and a Ducatti. Very tempted.
  10. What do you think of this car? OFT or Its a gas guzzler, expensive insurance but nice.
  11. Chemical plant, souded like a low flying aircraft with an incredible roaring sound following the boom. No one hurt, luckily. Happens every so often, being the industrial capital of the UK, near enough, something goes every few year. Hydrogen, something and ammonia. Big boom, kinda cool.
  12. Fever fine hajjes. Rip smacker.