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Everything posted by Royd

  1. Royd

    Welding Aluminum?

    I used TIG with hand fed rods.
  2. I can honestly say that I am proud of you for the steps you have taken. That gives you the right to stand on the pulpit and preach with authority. The problem with the majority of the environmental community is that it is about monetary gain. Gore probably hasn't lifted a finger in real life to alleviate the problem. Those are the people that I veiw with cynicism. Another thing is that the lifestyle the "greenies" would impose upon the world couldn't be survived by themselves for a week. They would run, screaming, back to their water flush toilets, gas driven cars, air conditioned houses, x-boxes and fast food. So, until I see them planting gardens by hand, preserving their own food, and riding a bicycle whenever possible, their arguments hold no water.
  3. You mean they don't wear anything under those burkas?
  4. >Do you want to "stay the course" on the Bush strategy . . . . I don't believe that sitting around, singing Kumbaya, is going to get the job done. At the end of the day, unless you personally convert to Islam, you are an infidel and deserve killing. There's only one way to deal with that mentality. It has to be completely crushed. There are reasonable Muslims, but they seem to stay intimidated by the radicals, even though they outnumber the radicals. Until they are in a position to gain an upper hand, which is what we are doing, there will be no change. What other way do you propose, to stop these bloodthirsty nutcases, than military strength?
  5. Sounds like some of the rap crap that some people try to call music. Same generation, same mentality. Are you just as offended when it's a cop killing song?
  6. this guy schizophrenic? Your one warning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was all in the wording, but I wasn't going to argue with the Boss. I did mean that the messages go from one side of the board to the other. I actually think that it is a trait of intellectualism. They want to keep everyone guessing.
  7. .We can look at Africa for an example of UN intervention and fewer dead people.
  8. That's probably why they look to God for their solutions.
  9. You can't be serious. The UN is totally anti American and anti semite. It is one big cesspool of corruption. Kofi Annan really impresses me as a charismatic world leader.
  10. I would say that when some country needs help, whether finacially, medically, or militarilly, we always seem to be the ones to step up to the plate. Even then, we are still despised. That makes us big dog on the block, and we get to call the shots. It's the natural law.
  11. Royd

    Welding Aluminum?

    Did it for about four years in the mid 80's. Mostly square tubing, building prefabricated greenhouse. Alot of fun. Much cleaner and cooler than steel. I really just like the pretty blue light. The quality of the welds really improves if you've got a foot pedal control. You can back the heat off as the weld gets longer. It keeps the bead even.
  12. Why don't we look at this as a giant science experiment, since the liberals so heartily embrace science. We are injecting an antibiotic of democracy into a body filled with Islamic disease, in hope of healing the region. Iraq just happened to be the most accessable point of entry.
  13. Actually, it's the other way around. We are Big Daddy, and occasionlly you have to put the smack down on the mouthy teenager, because they just don't know what they are talking about.
  14. Yea, last night I said to myself, " This stuff isn't really good for me." So I took the evening off and just watched that liberally biased show with Gena Davis. What a load of brainwashing garbage. So, like going back to the scene of a bad accident, I was back in SC this morning, to watch, and hopefully, contribute to the carnage.
  15. Have you taken a look at the pres. of Iran? Does the term "Loose cannon" mean anything to you? I don't believe Israel has ever done anything to harm Iran, yet, the Iranian pres. says Israel does not deserve to exist. Why should we care what the majority of countries, who can't even keep their own internal affairs running smoothly, think about us. I noticed in the original post that after the sunami in Indonesia, we are the good guys, but when we take a proactive move to protect ourselves, then we are the villians.
  16. Don't care. Those who refused to help in the first place , surely don't need to be listened to now. These Muslims intend to change the whole world through random violence. Where do you want the front to be?
  17. It's just another excuse for the "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." crowd to point fingers.No solutions, just blame.
  18. You and I are on the same page. We could eliminate tons of hot air if those who demand solutions, would talk less and work more.
  19. Thank God. There would be no Fl. On the other hand, glaciers in the northern part of the country might be a bad idea. What, exactly, as a whole , is the environmental community doing in real terms to turn this horrible situation around, besides screaming and pointing fingers? Why don't they start a campaign to get everyone who believes the hype, to only ride bicycles everywhere they go, or would that be just too much to ask, to get a handle on the situation? IMO, if you live within 10 to15 miles of your workplace, there is no reason why this can't be done. If this happened in LA alone, look how clean the air would be, and the traffic would be greatly reduced. Obese people would get thin, heart disease would practically be eliminated, the cost of health and auto insurance would go down. I could go on and on. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem!
  20. It sounds like you also have disdain for all of the gulliable ones who chose a simple liar over and "intellectual, elitist," liar. We surely don't need another finger wetter running this country.
  21. No, I don't. They would spend every dime on trying to destroy Israel, instead of actually building a functioning society. The two nations could swap lands, and in short order two things would happen. Israel would build a functioning economy, and the Palestinians would turn the place into a slum, because their only goal would be to get back over and destroy the Jews.
  22. Who was the aggressor in 1967, when Israel kicked the shit out Egypt. They had decided Israel didn't deserve to exist and tried to push them into the sea. All land captured by Israel during that war belonged to them. To the victor go the spoils. The Palestinians are a miserable bunch of cry babies. Both people live on the same piece of desert, yet the Jews have a functioning economy and society. Why can't the Palestinians do the same with what they've got?
  23. That's your socialistic liberlism at work.
  24. I have read most of your posts in the SC in the last couple of weeks, and I ask myself, is this guy schizophrenic? One minute he sounds like a hard line patriot, and the next he sounds like a flaming liberal. Usually, we stand on one side of the fence or the other. Those who think it's ok to suck a babies brains out 10 sec. before its natural birth, don't have a problem giving a perfectly healthy person who refuses to work, a handout for their whole life. As for instability in the Middle East, that's a joke. Those clowns have been at each others throats since they came out of the loins of Abraham. I actually think the Iraqis are starting to get the picture, and I believe that there is enough secularism in Iran that that place could be changed through the market place, much like what is happening to China. I think that you would agree that Islamic terrorism has to be fought at some point and time. Just be glad that it isn't the streets of London. Actually, you did have the subway bombings, but if I were an American liberal, I'd just say it was some misguided youths, and with a little counceling, they will be ok.