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Everything posted by Royd

  1. The cornerstone of all law is rooted in the Law of God. Without that, law would be nothing more than the whim of the moment!
  2. At some point their real colors will be run up the flagpole, then the minions may begin to see the light.
  3. It has already happened. They are classified as "hate" crimes.
  4. Actions have consequenses. The people put Hamas in charge knowing fully well what they were all about.
  5. I'm glad to see a conversion to common sense by a dose of reality.
  6. Went for a 25 mile bike ride just for the pleasure of it.
  7. Royd

    Peanut Butter

    I rerigerate my pb because back in the 70's I read about aflitoxins that can develop in pb. I spread it on hot toast with jelly. A bit messy but good.
  8. These radical Islamists are bent on the destruction or conversion of anyone[not just the US] who doesn't have their 12th century mindset, and are as transient as the wind. The day may come where we have to fight them on ten fronts at the same time. When their forces are overwhelmed, they simply blend into the crowd, and with our pc way of dealing with such situations, it's going to be difficult to crush the enemy. Which side of the aisle always want to play patty cake, instead of taking care of business?
  9. Why put fruit in some sugary syrup? Salt brings out the flavor of everything, or at least makes it taste salty.
  10. If that is kudzu on the ground in your last picture, you've got bigger problems than ants and bees.
  11. Condi. Besides that fact that I think she's hot, she oozes class and is extremely intellegent. Plus, with her presence in the White House, she would knock the biggest part of the liberals' victim mentality in the head. A black woman president. What else would there be to bitch about?
  12. How far back into history are you willing to that argument? Are you saying that there shouldn't be troops in any country three years after the biggest part of the job is over?
  13. I don't have the knowledge to post to other websites, but if you will look up C.S.Lewis you will find that he went through the same processes in his acceptance of God. His ability to reason is better than most. Have You ever read John Bunyon's, Pilgrim's Progress, an allegory of the Christian's journey through life?
  14. I have seen this many times by people who deride Christianity. The word God is a proper noun, and should be capitalized. I did the same thing when I started in this forum when using the words "Muslim or Islam." I'm not being sensitive. I'ts just the right thing to do.
  15. The key word there is "natural", meaning things that we can access through the five senses. In Reply To -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the way, depending upon only the five senses to provide all of one's input, just seems so confining and small. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think the point that is being made here is as Paul would say, [KJV]"For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do." Sin dwells in every human. Once we recognize it, and try to fight it, then the battle is on. The desire of the flesh against the desire of the spirit to be free from sin .A good example would be an alcoholic of even a smoker trying to break the habit. Great question! The problem with the adult intellectual mind is that all of the ducks must be in a row before a single step can be made. As a child, did you ever go on an adventure with your friends, not knowing what you would find around the next corner? You took that trip by faith not knowing whether fortune or misfortune would come your way. Unless you were playing army, I doubt that you sent out a scout to be sure that the way was clear. Matt. 18:1-5 Jesus said that you must come to God as[ or like] a little child in order to see Him. A bonfire can be started with the smallest of flames. I can only refer you Saul's conversion to Christ on the road to Damascus as evidence of proof positive. One minute he's persecuting Christians, the next, he's a beleiver in Christ. He never waivered from the message, knowing that what happened was real. I'm sure sceptics would probably say that he had stroke or something like it. Once again, God does not require a doctorate in faith to beleive in Him, only the simple faith of a child; even as an adult. The gift of salvation is a miracle in itself, because a person's thinking and actions can be changed in an instant. In my thinking, God performs many miracles in order strenghten a person's faith. In other words" God, give me a sign." One cannot touch love, feel love, see love, or taste love, yet ask anyone who has ever experienced it, if it exists. That's the closest that I can get to explaining faith. You know that you're in love, and noone can prove you wrong. ----------------------------------------
  16. You are talking about karma. Atheists don't even beleive in that concept.
  17. It's amazing that we could get all of the unbeleivers together on one website.
  18. Sounds like the slippery slope of liberalism is just about past the point of no return!
  19. Reply To -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- According to the Scripture, the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit, so, as long as they try to find physical evidence, their efforts will be in vain. One must have a spiritual awakening to see the things of the spirit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The key word there is "natural", meaning things that we can access through the five senses. This is one reason pagans made their gods out of wood or stone. Even the most intellectual of civilizations, which, I'm sure, today's intellectuals, think lived at the top of the heap, i.e. the Incas and the Aztecs, had many visible gods. Go back and read Windcatcher's original post in "I'm a Christian....." The born again experience is not something that we work up to convince ourselves that there is a god. Weren't you the person who's friend was in a motorcycle accident, and became a beleiver? By the way, depending upon only the five senses to provide all of one's input, just seems so confining and small. ----------------------------------------
  20. According to the Scripture, the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit, so, as long as they try to find physical evidence, their efforts will be in vain. One must have a spiritual awakening to see the things of the spirit.
  21. Don't you just love how the Israelis take charge of a situation? You would think, by now, the Palestinians would figure out how to avoid such problems.
  22. Oh, never. That borders on being a hate crime.
  23. Which party is always romancing the welfare crowd, felons, and illegal aliens. That sounds like a crowd of intellectuals to me!