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Everything posted by Royd

  1. You are right. First, accepting Biblical history as having credence helps a lot. The reason the Arabs hate the Jews goes back to Abraham. Ishmael, the firstborn but illegitimate son, became the father of the Arab race. He, and his mother were eventually cast out of the household by Abraham. Isaac, the legitamate son was second born, but received the blessing.He is the father of the Jewish race. As for the majority of the rest of the world despising the Jews this is only conjecture. They were the recipients of the Law of God and are a favored people according to the Bible. Christians shouldn't have a problem with this, but it disturbs many people. It's really no different than a rich man who gives his favorite child the biggest part of his wealth. Everyone else has a certain amount of resentment toward that person.
  2. Yea, the same thing happened to me here in Fl. back in the 70's. Oh, that was a cow pasture.
  3. Just taking your lead on good and evil. It's subjective, right?
  4. I know some soldiers went to prison for prisoner abuse, but not torture. I do not remember any stories of murder coming from Abu Ghraib. Do I actually need to check?
  5. Royd

    Fucking RAIN!!!

    Have you tried going to the NOAA websites to look at the satellite pictures? Zhill will definately be clear Sun.
  6. If I still smoked, I'd have to light one up to understand all of that. maybe I can remember my mantra and do a little TM.
  7. What exactly are you talking about? Shouldn't you be calling the Pentagon or someone important about this?
  8. Are you saying that the Islamists who cut a persons head off and >put it on film so that the world can see, really think that what they do > is good? That's why they put it on film for the world to see, because it is an act of goodness. These people know exactly what they are doing, and they are full of hate. Another one of those elusive, subjective concepts.
  9. Maybe the Law of Moses should have been in my original post. But of course, he didn't actually exist because the Bible is a myth.
  10. >What one cannot deny is the presence of good and evil. >This could be broken down even further: >Generosity vs. selfishness >Kindness vs. meanness >Courage vs. cowardice I knew someone would go down that road. Are you saying that the Islamists who cut a persons head off and put it on film so that the world can see, really think that what they do is good? Are you saying that it is only our perception that makes an action good or evil? How is it that in all of nature, only the human being does stupid stuff that goes against nature? Actually, I would say that a male of any given species killing its own young in order to breed again, would be considered evil.
  11. One can deny the reality of Heaven or Hell simply because noone that we know personally[ Although, there is an account in the New Testament] who has been there and back. What one cannot deny is the presence of good and evil. This could be broken down even further: Generosity vs. selfishness Kindness vs. meanness Courage vs. cowardice I'm sure there are many others. I doubt if science can firmly put its finger on such characteristics, yet they do exist, and envirornment cannot always account for such behavior.
  12. Reply To -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cornerstone of all law is rooted in the Law of God. Without that, law would be nothing more than the whim of the moment! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you really need an answer to that question? I'm sure that the founding fathers weren't reading the Quran, and the air headed, new age crap didn't exist, so what do you think?
  13. I'm in that group. I am a self employed carpenter who spends a large portion of my time fixing other peoples screwups. Becoming a business man is not really an option for me. If something major happened to me, I'd just have to take it in the wazoo.I'm sure I could purchase catostrophic health insurance. I don't believe the health community is going to throw you out on the street in the middle of a heart bypass because your insurance expires.
  14. Ask the Canadians about their wonderful health care system. Why would someone spend the years required to get a medical degree only to have his wages doled out by the government? There's a good reason Hillary care was rejected way back when.
  15. Catholic girls start much too late. Billy Joel, Only the good die young.
  16. I'm sure you would voluntarily give up 60-70% of you wages so others wouldn't have to work at all. BTW, those other countries are socialist, and compared to us their economies are a failure.
  17. That is not what it says at all. Curcumcision was given to the Jews of the old testament to act as a sign that they were set apart by God from the rest of the world, which, btw is one reason most of the world hates the Jews. The Jews also had a system of sacrifices that basically kept them in good standing with God. No other nation had these requirments. Everything was designed to point to a final sacrifice for the whole world, which was Christ himself. The Jews had come to believe that all of the processes were an end in themselves. Christ was basically saying that obeying every aspect of the Law , thinking that, that is all that is required of a person to enter heaven, was still missing the mark. It's no different than someone giving a million dollars to charity thinking that somehow that is going to carry any weight with God. When the final judgment comes, all of those good works will count for naught, if God's defense attorney is not standing beside you pleading your case. P.S. It really is that simple.
  18. So, are you saying that we should not provide aid of any kind to all of the nations whom we consider our allies? What's good for one is good for all. As for all of those Third World African countries, they've been on this earth as long as anyone else, and are still killing each other over who owns the most goats. Sounds like there's a need for some serious diplomacy. I'll bet Madeline Albright could straighten it out.
  19. Probably because the liberal press would have thrown it in the trash can. It would go against their preset agenda.
  20. This is the first and most important reason, even though the biggest portion of the world won't buy it.
  21. I'm actually in agreement with you on this, but it must be done in the private sector. As long as it takes more energy to produce biofuel than you actually make, it won't happen on a massive scale. If you chose to actually take on such a task, the radical environmentalists would do every thing that they could to stand in your way. Mike. I've not said anything about Iran, but since you ask; when you have radical Islamist who acts like a nutcase, I surely wouldn't trust him to just produce electricity.
  22. Do we have to go down this road again. One of the most consistent sources of wind power is off the Mass. coast. Fat face Kennedy was screaming,"Not in my back yard." What a bunch of hypocrites. Nuclear is clean and the technology is being improved upon everyday. All you can do is scream,"Three Mile Island."
  23. Romans8:28-30And we know that all things work together for good to them that loveGod, to them who are THE CALLED according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he callled, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Chew on this, all you unbeleivers. Unless God reaches down and touches you, you will continue to rant against something that you say doesn't even exist.