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Everything posted by SmoothAl

  1. Hey calledisrael, I put my order in for the brace you posted. Hopefully I'll get it in the next week so I can give it a shot in the tunnel. Thanks for the suggestion! SA
  2. Just a side note...whoever gets the dinner at the Magic Castle, please let the reservationists know that you have the gift certificate from the Koji benefit. I want to make sure I get to meet up with you. Alfred aka SmoothAl
  3. Hey Thanatos340, Just adding to your post. I've been a member of for years, but I only pop my head in here once and a while. I'm back again to reconnect before I finally get back out to Perris to start jumping again. So..."Hi!" SA
  4. Thanks everyone. I did have a meeting with the surgeon last week. He checked out the appearance, the mobility, and strength of my arm/shoulder. He saw no reason to keep me from being back to full activities! I am going to do a few more weeks with the PT, then I hit the tunnel, with normal workouts. I'm still going to get some sort of shoulder brace also. I'm in no rush to get injured; I want to take as much precaution as possible. When I do get back out there, I'll have to meet up with some of you in Perris! SA
  5. Ahhhh...that was great! I needed the laugh today. Sorry, can't pick out the song though. Congrats on joining the community. SA
  6. Uhh...I just got some obscure site...what's the actual address, squarecanopy? SA
  7. Well, it was 4 years ago when I finally grounded myself, because it was a reoccuring problem. I have since then, seen an orthodpaedic surgeon who said he'd rather not cut me open but would like to see what physical therapy could do for me first. If I was to make no progress then we'd talk about the knife. I'm waiting on an appointment to see the orthopaedic surgeon so he can review the PT's review of my progress... I'm excited to get back, but I'm being patient. Safety first. SA
  8. Thanks for that. I guess I'll have to do small blocks of time then. Was there any time in the tunnel when you felt as if your shoulder was going to roll out of the socket? That's my concern at this point. The couple of times I went up, after my bad landing, my shoulder rolled out, it was pulled back and up; I had to reach under my body to pull it back in close to my body. SA
  9. Excellent! Thank you for the posts. I'm looking into the different braces that have been suggested. I appreciate your help. If all goes well I'll be in the wind tunnel by May and in the sky by September! Can't wait! If there are any other suggestions, please throw them my way. SA
  10. Hello all! It's been a while since I've been on the boards. I'm back to ask for some suggestions. I had a landing accident about 4 years ago, where I tripped in a hole and fell like Superman. I popped my left shoulder out of wack, got it back in and had issues trying to jump with it after that point. I'm now working with a physical therapist to strengthen/repair the muscle that was torn near the rear back of my shoulder. He said he had heard of people using weight lifting shirts to help restrict too much movement from the shoulders, and he mentioned that I might look into one for the day I get back to the DZ. Basically, when I'm stable or the person I'm holding onto goes too high or too low, my shoulder would roll out. Does anyone know of braces or anything else, i.e. weightlifting shirts, that could help keep my shoulder from rolling out again? This would only be used as an added piece of protection. The therapy has helped with a lot of strengthing. SA
  11. Now, see, that hurts. I, personally, have taken some time off for 2 reasons -- 1) injured shoulder that I can't afford to have checked or fixed, 2) injured wallet that I can't afford to restock, without a job. I kept jumping after I had hurt my shoulder, then I realized that if i had to roll my shoulder back into it's socket, in mid flight, I probably wasn't being as safe as I should be...I grounded myself. My grandma says I should sell my rig because I won't ever jump again...I refuse to accept that, as well as consider selling any of my gear. Quitters?...neh, simply regrouping. SA
  12. Agreed. For those of you who can hear Tom Lynkis on the radio, will already know that men are waiting for the opportunity to get in bed with those women who are their "friends". Being a woman's "friend" is slap in the face..."You're such a good friend"...ugh! The difference between a someone you want as a friend and someone you're involved with is that a friend is someone you are not attracted to. SmoothAl
  13. Maybe I need to become retarded...I could use the money. SmoothAl
  14. I'm thinking there are 3 gaming and Trans Am related sites. SmoothAl
  15. Laurel, I just wanted to send good wishes and prayers in your direction. I hope William is getting better. SmoothAl
  16. Very cool. What is the music format for you guys? Do you pretty much have free rain or are you severly structured? SmoothAl
  17. Ya know, for the most part, I'd have to agree with you, windcatcher, but the damndest thing happens when I'm in a commited relationship...I always seem to meet the "pins in the needlestack" that love the nasty, and have no kwames to any of the things I mention. ... ... ... Nah, I think about it more! SmoothAl
  18. Good luck! I need to get in to see the Dr....get this damn shoulder fixed so I can get back to jumping. SmoothAl