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Everything posted by SmoothAl

  1. [replyMe too! I'm coming! YIKES! I'm really going to have to try to make it out there on Sunday, now...I need a new jumpsuit! SA / Alfred
  2. Is granny going to Chick's Rock?! Sweet!!! SA
  3. That's great, Rosa! Congratulations! If you happen to slow down the jumps a bit, we might be able to both do our 300th together. SA/Alfred
  4. Those are great mouse shots! SA
  5. Hey Ammon, Every once and a while I head out to Perris on a Monday, not as much as I would like, but mostly because there are few people to jump with. If you're ever out in Perris on a Monday, send me a PM. I'll meet up with you! SA
  6. Looks like it's going to be date night for me and the little woman! She loves the horror flix. Thanks for the recommendation. SA
  7. Ahhh...that back memories of watching "Soap", growing up. A young Billy Crystal. Thanks for making me feel old! SA
  8.'re an addict! Welcome to heaven. SA
  9. Maybe that's what he names his "chachos"..."Hoo" and "Has". One's Chinese, the other is a cowboy. SA
  10. SmoothAl

    iPod Help

    Then he should download some podcasts of his favorite radio shows to his IPod....oops. Nevermind. SA
  11. Just watched War Games the other morning! "Mr. Potato Head! Mr. Potato Head! Back doors are not secret!" ...ladies! SA
  12. How dare you, a gentleman doesn't show his naughty bits to just anyone! I'll get one up later today SA
  13. Oh dear God! Please post a warning on those so we don't open the pics all willy nilly like! SA
  14. Just saw "The Shining", this past Sunday night. A couple of days prior, popped in "Car Wash" and "Wild Style". Talk about classics! SA
  15. I'm there too... SA
  16. Good luck with that! I was so excited the night before my 1st AFF jump I couldn't sleep. I was up half the night tossing and turning. Try to get a good night's sleep! I'll 3rd the of the most important things you can do , that will keep you focused. And finally, have a blast! Take care, be safe, jump to live! SA
  17. Okay, I've been wondering this for a couple of years now. I belive this is in the city of Torrance, just south of Redondo Beach Blvd. There is a navy blue SUV with a SKYDIVE.COM sticker on its rear window. Does this belong to someone out there? SA
  18. Congratulations! Glad to hear it was a pretty successful reinstatement to the skies. SA
  19. Now...are they really laying all over everyone? Or is it just the 105 lb, blond, who catches the boys' eyes? Hmmm... SA
  20. Quit reminding me! *sets head down on the desk* SA
  21. How can we find you? Got a link for us? SA