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Everything posted by Shark

  1. No. Heck, half the time a student will not "see" a pull signal, let alone allow the JM to "assist."
  2. What do you think? Need another for that Beer Line violation, too.
  3. Probably, but the reality is that most skydivers are not ready for the AFFIRC with 6 hours of freefall time or more. Most candidates have well over 500 jumps when they enter. There were 7 candidates in my class and 5 had over 1,000 jumps. 2 of those had over 2,500. Me and another guy had around 600 a piece. We both passed while 2 of the more seasoned guys did not. Do we need to raise the requirments? Difficult to reason why. I've jumped with great fliers with less than 400 jumps and some people with thousands of who shouldn't be in the air. 6 hours of freefall may be adequate, but with a lot of emphasis placed on canopy control these days, a 500 jump minimum and D license would be good. In fact, TI requirements should also be used for AFFI candidates.
  4. Shark

    Adria Allen

    Her smile is what I remember just days before. She came up to me, very excited and thanked me for taking her friend up on a tandem and how much he enjoyed it. Her enthusiasm made it a better day. Mark AFF/Tandem-I Skydive Elsinore
  5. Bob, Good to hear you are airborne again! So, I guess you are relocating to El Snore, southern hemisphere??! For a second I thought you might mention that we talk funny here in SoCal. Yeah, get some more meat on that left shoulder or you'll have to do a tandem with me. Shark out.
  6. Hi GK, You got your Sept. issue this early? Shark
  7. Shark

    Vigil AAD

    I do not see anywhere that he stated that. There are no guarantees in skydiving, but you probably knew that. You also assume that problems will occur at sometime. That's laughable.
  8. What does income have anything to do with tipping? With the exception of the $3.00/hr waitresses/other servant type work who are expected to make their pay in tips. Let me know when your professor or waitress saves your life. Oh, wait! It's not their job! It's not my job to save anyone's ass either. It is funny, though, how you try to compare the two. Then again, I doubt you'd tip your doctor. Have you tried miniature golf? Check your attitude and enjoy your next skydive with your instructor. If you understood my post I could really care less about a meager tip.
  9. Have you ever had to counsel any of your students after a mediocre skydive? Let me give you an example. I've had a student with stability issues and worked long hours with this student including numerous times in the tunnel. This student, in my assessment, had the heart and "basic" skills to skydive, but had the typical leg asymmetry. It took several jumps just to get to Cat. D. Most instructors would have given up on this guy and given him the bowling speech. I saw something different and even spent several minutes searching for this guy's motivation, or lack of it. Cat. D was successfully completed, but on Cat. E he got into an uncontrolled spin at the bottom end. I redocked and pulled for the student. Should I have been compensated extra? Hell, NO! He did buy me a bottle of water, though and we sat down, talked and did corrective training. Since then he has completed AFF and will be on his A license check dive this weekend. Didn't you have stability problems as a student? I do not recall your instructors giving up on you. Did the wind tunnel help you in your freefall position and ultimately your confidence? Who will instill that confidence and encouragement? I'm not defending mandatory tipping. Humanity? Try kindness, compassion, and in some cases mercy. I'm glad you didn't get the Bowling speech from an inhumane instructor.
  10. Have you tipped your taxi driver before? Whoa, I keep forgetting that. I guess we're not human, either. I hope you are not treated as "just a student" by your instructors. Tips are nice and always welcome, but not encouraged. The gesture more than the amount can make a difference. Saturday I received a $2 tip from a college girl which was really cool. Not having a lot of money she'd saved all summer to do a tandem. (Bought a GoFast with it.)
  11. I'll be at 'Snore both days, and be sure to bring a beer or two Friday.
  12. When inquiring about rank, a typical response would include their rating. eg. a PR2 would be a Aircrew Survival Equipmentman (Parachute Rigger's Mate) Second Class. Basically and E-5.
  13. Dude, Make sure you bring your logbook, etc. Keep me posted, too. We'll keep the tunnel warm for you. Shark out.
  14. Shark

    Take a Break

    Yeah, don't forget that AFF jump you did at sunset Sunday. BTW, got 2 newbies for the Basic Camp. As of today they have new A licenses.
  15. ...and you'll look extra hot in a new Infinity.
  16. Yo, took 2 different Pinays on tandems yesterday... Only one of them threw up. (Possibly from the way I looked.)
  17. Dude, happy bday! Better get up to 'Snore sometime... not enough Pinoy Phlyers, 'cept me! Check six, Shark out.
  18. The list: Going!: Amazon atsaubrey champu DivaSkyChick EricaH Girlfalldown GravityGirl hmatousek Luna Nightingale Shark VanillaSkyGirl Maybe: bkdice katiebear21 Nope: GiaKrembs Vallerina
  19. The list: Going!: Amazon atsaubrey champu EricaH Girlfalldown GravityGirl hmatousek Luna Nightingale Shark VanillaSkyGirl Maybe: bkdice katiebear21 Nope: GiaKrembs Vallerina
  20. Dude, do you find this thread laughable as I do??? Why didn't you just ask for opinions regarding HELO jumps! Just do it!!!! You may freak out the pilot and will probably be the only one on the skids. At 340 lbs., don't be too concerned with reaching terminal.