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Everything posted by topdocker

  1. I am very sure this will be clarified at the BOD meeting this month! Craig Stapleton, Pacific Regional Diector Jump more, post less!
  2. yeah, please remove evidence! top Jump more, post less!
  3. Bad news: Our DZ banned pies. Too messy. Good news: More money for beer! top Jump more, post less!
  4. That really doesn't matter. This past weekend, I slapped a Go-pro to get some footage while we were doing rotations. I was surprised at how much of a distraction that little camera was on jump run. Normally, I'm doing my last gear check, making sure my handles are in the right location, rig tight, etc. But now I found myself dicking around with the camera and distracted just a bit from my routine. I think that is one of the hidden dangers, even if you are just going to do your normal dive, your pre-dive routine is alterred, your exit is alterred, and its just one more distraction. Young jumpers are shocked when I talk with them about snag hazards and the camera. Most don't know what they don't know. Just because you have gotten 200 jumps does not magically make you qualified to fly a camera, but it is a minimum to consider. If you were the best student, had no issues all through your first 200 jumps, are situationally aware at all times, and getting excellent mentoring from an excellent camera-flyer then you could go ahead at 200 jumps. Most should wait even longer. Like many things in this sport, its fine to do right up until something goes wrong, then it can be more of an issue than you can deal with effectively. top Jump more, post less!
  5. Naaa, what you really need is flares! I wonder if Jim Bolton would be nuts enough to take some roman candles up, dock last on the bottom then light 'em up! I wouldn't mind firing the roman candles off the bottom, just tell me which canopies to point them at! top Jump more, post less!
  6. I was involved that day, and Barb's age had nothing to do with it. She was having her best day, beating the more experienced guys to the slot, getting the job done. She was locked in her slot, flying great, when the other side of the formation hit her. The reason she was involved in that accident is she was in the right place at the wrong time, purely a victim, and it could have been any one of us on the jump that day. If you knew Barb, you would know you were way off base. She had summited Mount Whitney just three weeks prior. She had just been promoted at work as a correctional officer, a field dominated by young men. She could bike further, hike higher, and was jumping better than ever before. Basing a medical opinion on only one factor (age) is very poor practice. Determining a specific person's mental faculties based on averages is poor practice. top Jump more, post less!
  7. Open a little higher and work on your canopy skills. Front risers, rear risers, brake turns, and flaring out of quarter brakes. Do these high enough not to be a hazard to other canopy traffic, and ask manifest if they have a maximum opening altitude. You can combo freefall skill dives with canopy skill dives and get much more bang for your buck! top Jump more, post less!
  8. Maybe you could give him a hand! top Jump more, post less!
  9. While I may not want to take a whole lot of advice from these guys about dressing for success, flossing, or relationships, they might know more about gear than you think. There's a whole lot of world records and Nationals medals standing there! MTCW, I've got over 5000 jumps on my pull-out, and our CRW team has had over 25,000. I don't think we've had more than 1 or 2 dropped puds in all the years, because someone was sloppy and not on the ball. Before that, we had throw-outs with all sorts of tows and variations in opening altitude. I jump a pull out on my freefall gear as well. top Jump more, post less!
  10. Someone launched a geek-seeking missile? top PS. Very nice shot! Jump more, post less!
  11. So why don't CRW jumpers that use a tailpocket/daiper get more tension knots/mals? They are exiting at a slower speed, have big, fat Dacron lines held with one stow, and jump all ranges of wing loading; but tension knots are almost unheard of on well-trimmed CRW gear. top Jump more, post less!
  12. Go do a bunch. My night jumps are some of my most memorable ones I have made. top Jump more, post less!
  13. Or balloon jumps, they've been around a lot longer than airplanes. top Jump more, post less!
  14. Chuck Yeager has some pretty good stories about Pancho and her bar/brothel in "Yeager." Good book, too. I'll definitely check out the movie about her! top Jump more, post less!
  15. An autographed picture of Jay Stokes? top Jump more, post less!
  16. Is it free??!! top Jump more, post less!
  17. Looked like they gave him/her "Love Potion #9!" Why??!! top Jump more, post less!
  18. James- As an avid crw-dog and competitor in the discipline for over twenty years, I too am saddened by the loss of the four stack patch. But to answer your questions: 1) It says there are not enough of us requesting patches that it is worth it to USPA to keep them in stock 2) Yes. Sorry. Look at the number of teams competing at the nationals over the last few years. 3) Don't know. You obviously wanted one, others must too. 4) Eh, if it's the battle you want to fight, then have at it. Maybe you could get them made and take over selling them to people that earn them. Also, if youwant it and I can find mine, I'll send it to you! top Jump more, post less!
  19. Maybe Frayed Knot? top Jump more, post less!
  20. We were going to switch this meet to your dz, but Scobbie complained that he might possibly be making arrangements to come watch, so we had to stick with our original plan! top Jump more, post less!
  21. Might be too busy of a weekend for that, but PM me and let's set up a date for that before then. bring beer. top Jump more, post less!
  22. Maybe we could set up a two-way net challenge, East v. West? top Jump more, post less!
  23. This is the problem right here. If you got your A in 09 and have made 40 or so jumps in the 15 months since then, that's 2 or 3 a month. You are not doing enough to stay current, let alone learn knew skills. Your words say that you are into this sport, but your actions are saying another, you're getting called on it. You are receiving some smart-ass comments from instructors/upjumpers at your DZ because they know you are not into learning to survive in this sport, but just enough to kill yourself or someone around you. I'm not trying to be a wise-ass, just letting you know that the reasons you are not able to get time in the air do not matter, just the result. The people commenting on that fact are trying to motivate you to be there more often. What you should worry about more is when they stop commenting to you, because they have given up. See below. top Jump more, post less!
  24. No and yes. No, no chance of moving it, and yes its worth the bike trip out here (or plane or whatever)! top Jump more, post less!
  25. Looks like you set up for a "blindman" a little early! Glad you're ok! top Jump more, post less!