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Everything posted by topdocker

  1. Incidents Forum? top Jump more, post less!
  2. Spent yesterday with Alex and Susan yesterday. Did a couple fo jumps with them, even some CRW with Alex. You would ber so proud of them! Next year, up Mt. Whitney for a tribute to your spirit! Sure miss you... top Jump more, post less!
  3. Hard to believe its been a year already! Miss the other football fanatic on the team... you'd be so diappointed in USC now! Top Jump more, post less!
  4. topdocker

    One word

    Asshole. Jump more, post less!
  5. Don't just work on in-air skills, but gear checks, safe and proper loading of the A/C, handling canopy traffic, and checking in after the jump. Many students are somewhat isolated from normal jump operations and then are overwhelmed when no one is acting as the instructor. And, yep, simple, small skydives with easily attainible goals! top Jump more, post less!
  6. On a crw jump, I managed to fly over, topdock, and release the tension knot on a teammate's canopy. On a competition jump at Nationals! top Jump more, post less!
  7. Happy First Anniversary, Robby! Alana and you were a pefect match, a great marriage in every sense of the word. We'd be getting so much beer out of you for your anniversary.... top (eta: yes, I know it was yesterday, but couldn't get online!) Jump more, post less!
  8. Arright, I figured out how to do it! top Jump more, post less!
  9. We trained a new camera flier for our CRW team. He was pretty young, and new to flying camera and doing CRW. For the first twenty jumps or so, we had him wear a wooden block on his camera helmet rather than our expensive camera. All the camera guys started to laugh and then went, "Oh, wait. I wish I had done that, I would still have my first camera." Learning you are x inches taller takes some practice. And scrap 2x4's are cheap! BTW, he's a darn good camera flier now! top Jump more, post less!
  10. I started when I was 24, in Dental school. Since then, I have moved to CA, bought a dental practice, gotten married, had children, gotten divorced, gotten remarried, sent kids to college, jumped with my kids, and travelled the world....jumping. Some of my jump buddies have faded away, some have passed away, but the core group are my closest friends in the whole world. They have been with me through all the above and more adventures to continue. We used to just jump together, but now we travel, get together for dinners, and do other wild adventures. It is up to you what happens with the sport, you invest in it, it will pay you back in fortunes (in friends, memories, and miles of smiles). Good luck! top Jump more, post less!
  11. For as long as you can still hear, before your hearing is damaged. I already have hearingproblems and I do not want it to become worse. . I just haven't had any hearing problems after 24 years of jumping.
  12. For as long as you can still hear, before your hearing is damaged. I already have hearingproblems and I do not want it to become worse. . I just haven't had any hearing problems after 24 years of jumping.
  13. For as long as you can still hear, before your hearing is damaged. I already have hearingproblems and I do not want it to become worse. . I just haven't had any hearing problems after 24 years of jumping.
  14. Sell your rig to your parents! You get the money and they won't be using your gear. Buy it back when you get back on your feet. top Jump more, post less!
  15. Good earplugs have a nonlinear frequency response that attenuates background noise more than speech frequencies. You may just find you can hear "Lookout" better with good earplugs. Good earplugs are not what are found around most DZs, just the plain foam ones. Piled in the ear, then covered with a full face helmet. Also, the "background noise" may be what I am trying to hear, a slider flapping, line whistle, the jumper next to me cussing his line twist, etc. Most people who wear earplugs can't hear someone standing in front of them trying to talk to them unless the pull off their helmet, unstow their earplugs and shake out their hair, and then say, "Huh?" Try it sometime. It's personal preference. I'd rather have one more sense telling me about potential danger. top Jump more, post less!
  16. I see them come and go at various dropzones, whatever the latest fad/fashion there. Personally, never wear them. I like to be able to hear what is around me in the plane, on opening, in the pattern, on landing, and walking through the landing area. You never know when someone is going to say, "Lookout!!!" That split second warning could be a lifesaver. After twenty plus years of jumping, and many refuels of the turbine aircraft without ear protection, my kids still complain that I have "bat hearing." top Jump more, post less!
  17. Well, if you weren't there, you missed out!! Free jumps for all competitors! Results listed below: Rotation- four rounds 1. Redline 42 points 2. Next best Team 21 points 3. Too Wrapped Up 7 points Sequential- four rounds 1. Redline 37 points 2. Clean Undies 13 points 3. Next Best Team 9 points 4. 2 Tharp for CRW- 0 points Two Way- four rounds 1. Age and Treachery 43 points 2. SCReWed 29 points 3. Stuck in Lodi 25 points (won on tiebreaker) 4. Crewton 25 points 5. 2 wrapped up 17 points 6. Crew de Gras 12 points 7. Circus Crew 9 points All teams received a two-dvd set of all the competition dives. All the judging was done by Nationals judges. A sixteen way diamond with four wingsuit flyby on Saturday night! Awesome stuff! Thanks to the Parachute Center and its staff for making room in the planes. Thanks to Lori Bartlett, Frank Lupica, Cheryl Michaels, Zena Zinn and others for judging. Thanks to Whiskey Bill for making all the downloads happen and getting dvds out! Thanks to Mike Hermann for cooking while we were jumping and to Mara Pillott for putting up with drunks at the house.... And most importantly, thanks to all the competitors and jumpers who made the West Coast Crew Challenge so much fun! top PS. We will be having the 20th WCCC next year! We will be doing something special for that too! Stay tuned..... Jump more, post less!
  18. As Deedy has said, she has tried to reason with this co-worker for months. There's really nothing she can do verbally, it is that bad. I voted to get a slingshot and aim at the co-worker's head when no one was looking and then as soon as she goes down, hide the evidence. Set up a Go-Pro to video the coworker complete with soundtrack. That way when the engineering dept has to fix the screwed up a/c unit and the computer guys have blown servers, she can take 100% of the blame. Especially great if you time/date stamp the video, so the company can see how many times a day she adjusts the settings! top Jump more, post less!
  19. Leave thermostat, put a clear lockbox over it. top Jump more, post less!
  20. I have two llamas. The spitting is really not a problem. There is plenty of warning and you need to be close- it's more like a dog sneeze than a well placed phlegmgob. top eta: of course, you still need a shower after getting some on ya! Jump more, post less!
  21. Alpaca, the other white meat. top Jump more, post less!
  22. Most likely the best words ever written on this site! top Jump more, post less!
  23. It is also time to be a student not a statistic! We can only coach those who are willing to listen, learn, and follow instructions. top Jump more, post less!
  24. Back in the day, you wouldn't be asked to remove your camera.... some up jumper would have ripped that Go-Pro off your lowtime helmet, stomped on it with French Paracommander boots, and then make you stand before the entire DZ asking for forgiveness. Maybe you'd end up with a nickname like "Little dick camera Bob" or "My camera is as big as my brain George." After 200 jumps and proving yourself air worthy, he would still make fun of you and lick the lens when you weren't looking. But he would still keep an eye on you. So it shows, the old-timers are nicer these days! top Jump more, post less!
  25. Gav You are the exact reason that those with more experience bang their head on the wall saying, "Why don't they listen?" Stop fooling yourself, put the camera in your gear bag and get more experience. The fact that you have to come here and defend yourself against so much experience shows you are a danger to yourself. People with thousands of jumps are telling you something and you chose to ignore them, people with tens of thousands of jumps have helped write the recommendations and you chose to ignore them. Last thought, what example are you setting for jumpers coming up? if you are a coach, then you should lead by example, not showing them how to ignore safety recommendations. top Jump more, post less!