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Everything posted by topdocker

  1. Your poll needs a little more information or options. Line twists on your reserve that go from your harness to the bottom skin would be dangerous, a half line twist would be inconvenient. Even a line-twisted reserve beats nothing out, but that still may not trump your reasons for not having/disconnecting your RSL. (CRW, etc.) top Jump more, post less!
  2. I have heard that if you fart on his airplane you are getting out wherever you are. One time we are out over the lake and all of of a sudden you can't breathe. I mean it is a bad one. I'm thinking I'm going swimming but he never said a word. Must have mellowed in recent years. Or Mike was the one who "dealt it"! top Jump more, post less!
  3. Ugly one??!! That's not what you were telling the goat! top Jump more, post less!
  4. I just wrote this email to the Director of Safety and Training at the USPA: Dear Mr. -------, I am writing you to propose developing a USPA regulated 'video safety' course for jumpers that wish to begin jumping with cameras. Any jumper, after passing the course could then obtain a rating. Or perhaps, as water training is required for a 'B' license, similarly video training could be required for a 'C' license. Currently there does not appear to be any required knowledge before jumping with a camera. Where as many are against further regulation, I feel this would be a step in making our sport safer for everyone in the sky with camera flyers. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Joshua Anderson #232118 ----- Joshua, The next USPA Board of Directors meeting is in July in Denver Colorado, which is in your neighborhood. Please take time out of your budding film career and bring your concerns directly to the Board. The Board of Directors would love to hear from the younger members (not necessarily age, but in membership/jump years) on how we have lost touch with the advances in video technology, do not understand the higher intelligence of new generation of jumpers, and that USPA is wrongfully holding back skilled skydivers. Please, the Safety and Training Committee did not ever consider jumpers when they made this rule, just their won selfish agendas. The Board members who voted for this rule were probably not paying attention and did not realize what they were doing, just looking to hurry through the vote and get on to the meeting in the bar. Seriously now.... Drive on down to the Board meeting and join in. You will find a group of skydivers very concerned about the well-being of the membership, the skydiving community as a whole, and of the organization. The SnT committee wrangled this rule for hours to balance safety, skills, and fun for the jumpers involved. The full Board also debated over the issue and studied it, and came to the same conclusion as well. Some minimum jump number is necessary. While the Camera Safety Course is a great idea, you left a few questions unanswered. First, what is the minimum number of jumps necessary to take the course? Who is qualified to teach such a course? How do we go about training the trainers? What is the cost to the jumper for the additional rating that they achieve? How do we grandfather that to existing camera jumpers? Lastly, how do we enforce someone jumping a camera without a rating? As you can see, there is a lot that has to go into writing up new rules, and I haven't even scratched the surface on the number of things that the SnT committee or the full Board would come up with. I'm not saying you have a bad idea, just complicated, like many of the issues face by the Board. Come to the meeting, voice your concerns (the Board will listen to intelligent, well thought out discussion), and become part of the process. Blue skies! Craig Stapleton, Pacific Regional Director Jump more, post less!
  5. How about just skydive? top Jump more, post less!
  6. Ridestrong, focus on your skydiving not getting video. There is nothing up there that the video is worth more than your life. All these people have weighed in against your joice, and yet you stand defiant. If you are not willing to listen to sound reasoning and experience, then perhaps you should realize you are the very reason minimum numbers for things keep moving up. top Jump more, post less!
  7. THAT explains all the burn marks on Oryguns lips!!! top Jump more, post less!
  8. Ugh....they beat my Alma Mater! top Jump more, post less!
  9. Well...I once dated a girl from Florida - does THAT count??? Does she suck as much as you do? top Jump more, post less!
  10. Cold, Cloudy with the chance of rain...perfect weather for shooting bears out the window of my single wide with my 50 cal pistol! Your wrist is too limp to hold a 50 cal pistol! top Jump more, post less!
  11. Yikes - CRW involves human sacrifice??? I HAD NO IDEA! Thanks for the tip - I'll watch my P's and Q's... Considering some of the people who we used, it wasn't much of a sacrifice! top Jump more, post less!
  12. Really, Ms Smails, you dont need to continue to apologize to me. I already accepted your FIRST apology. Being a magnanimous person of integrity, I have already put the electronic harrassment behind me and am willing and ready to start anew - "fresh" as it were (like the spring flowers that will soon be blossoming). My one real hope for you is that you can "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps", rise to the occasion, use me for an example - and do the same! In this way you can cement yourself as a pillar in the skydiving community - befitting someone of your advancing years. Eventually you could become a real example to younger, upcoming skydivers - like chase....and myself. You might need to put your reading glasses on! No apology from me posted, I only do that in person, with a hook knife. Take Wendy's advice, suck up early and often. Remember, any one of us can make you more miserable under canopy than you alone can make all of us! top Jump more, post less!
  13. Hmmm....kind of a strange apology - But I accept your apology too! Not an apology in any way, shape, or form. I only apologize under canopy, and usually letting someone know that I will get the freebag(s). I would be glad to give you one of those apologies! top Jump more, post less!
  14. That's not "old!" Old means they were shot in black nd white or etched on a stone tablet. Those are just "not recent."
  15. I will apologize in person, just get within bitch slapping -- oops I mean hand shaking -- distance of me. I just can't wait to squeeze your little neck -- ooops I mean give you a big hug! No need to apologize in person. I accept your apology. And I am glad that at least one of you is coming to his/her senses! Cuz the odds of YOU coming to your senses are probably zero! top Jump more, post less!
  16. What was that again? top Jump more, post less!
  17. so far it's the best thread in the CRW forum ever I think it's great how how not having to bath opens up so much more time for internet forum posting If you skip brushing your teeth or putting on deoderant, that frees up a lot more time too! top Jump more, post less!
  18. Not too much! Those are great ideas and I will pass them along to the "Newbie Torture Committee." top Jump more, post less!
  19. No goats, no glory! Sign up for goat wrangling this Spring! It's lots of fun and all the cool people do it. top Jump more, post less!
  20. I think you were my age five years ago! Keep it up, this is becoming one of the longest threads in the CRW forum! top Jump more, post less!
  21. Yikes - in that case, I'm sure glad I didnt ask for the "girlfriend treatment"! -Or is that what the goat was for??? No, she was there! She just rolled her eyes everytime you made a comment, had a glass of white wine while complaining about how much you drank, and then went to bed early because we "weren't really her crowd." Check the breakdown on the invoice I sent you. Line 64 I believe. top Jump more, post less!
  22. Being slobbered on by a retarded dog is NOT "extra security"! No, that's the "adoring fan" option you wanted so much. The extra security was the heavily armed redneck chick. (undercover at no extra charge!) top Jump more, post less!
  23. Advice is like borrowing a hammer from someone, they only give it to you when they aren't using it. top Jump more, post less!
  24. Oh no problem! Let me do some accounting here. Let's see - Looking at the stunts I have performed for your entertainment and the standard rates: Fire gag - $2,000 Skydiving Stunt - $,1500 Animal wrangling - $500 Nude Modeling - $250 Bar Tab $5,000 Meal Preparation - $150 Less Team Fees - You folks only owe me about $8,000 - You wanna write me a check - or should we keep it on account? (I'm assuming you're good for it) Didn't I tell you we were charging you the "Star Rate" at the house? That's to keep your fans away and limit incoming phonecalls. Since you obviously are such a big performer/entertainer, that would be befitting of your status. It's $10,000 a night, for three nights. We threw in extra security at no charge. Oh and the "bar tab" is what you drank, not what you charge us! You work for the state General Accounting Office as well? And the nude modelling, you said you would work for tips, so you can keep the $1.45 yiou collected that night. (Ithink the dollar was to put your clothes back on!) So I see you owe us about $20k, and we don't take checks. I'll just charge your AMEX account. Have a nice day! top Jump more, post less!
  25. We haven't seen any money from this Orygun guy, so really he's not on the team yet. top Jump more, post less!