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Everything posted by bobsled92

  1. 174 sit 266mph head down 5-14-05 (see site below) _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  2. The weekend after this comming, I could be there. (I'll be at Chambersburg this weekend) _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  3. The person who drew the maps of days gone by, felt the waterways travel down. Note ancient maps of Egypt where south is above Northern Egypt=the only place know as opposite on large scale. The Nile flow up the map to the Med. _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  4. Then drive up to CrossKeys or Chambersburg! (ok we'll drive there) _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  5. That's great to hear! The Church here prayed for me last time I went as they THOUGHT it was "training". That I had to go to and get good at jumping from many different aircraft and High altitudes (King Air 23,500 jumps) They are good folks but, whuffos.(except 2 for members) p.s. they were convinced that I was getting paid to do this eventhogh I explained that it cost me $1,700 to jump there. _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  6. I want to get up enough $$ for: World Cup Speed SKydiving (July 22nd-24th) & WFFC (and atleast 1 oiled up session with my lady love, this Summer......slim to none) _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  7. Now you can brak out your "Weird AL" collection and she can't say a THING! "Polka Your Eyes Out!" _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  8. every time I was asked: "Why are you so happy?"
  9. marriage is awesome! Heck, I like it sooo much that I can't wait for the NEXT ONE! _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  10. Not faster than I freefall. (personal best: 266mph 5-14-05) see site below p.s. with my DZ's name & phn# in 2ft by 4ft at rear window of sta/wagon....I drive 5 over limit. _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  11. Pet Cemetary When the Dad had to RE-kill his little boy. (as a Father, I was really crushed by that) _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  12. JUst when I was going to pat myself on the back for being so SMART....... I forgot it was an Eighth grade task _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  13. RARE on speeding I work 11p-7am and I don't encounter RUSH hours. I use cruise control for my 42 mile commute each way/ each day. (gunning for MPG) Truck stays home. ********ALSO! I have my DZ 2ft by 4ft signs up on my Sta/wagon windows= gotta be a good representative of the DZ. (with phn# posted) _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  14. With all the pain and suffering of jumping with massive sinus trouble and occasion Virtigo symptom that leave me without vision and the need to puke.... I can't wait for the (guided)surgery to be done. I'm sure many are out there that have been through this. THis is my second one but, this cutting into my skull above my eyes and reconstruction is said to be very different from the last one.
  15. ? What a shame...if we wanted a smaller one, we'd just use the real thing.... that's a >>SLAPSLAP
  16. Burnaby Frontier is not far from there either. They are both near Niagra Falls (each at other sides.) _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  17. Being as HOTTIE as you are....I imagine it would be "hard" to be that innocent _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  18. Salisbury, MD Hawaii _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  19. throw'em in the back of the truck! Blatant predjudice, no sign of a FINE for having a Bike accident rather than a Soccer Mom-mobile (caused it) accident. _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  20. How do you eat your M&Ms? orally _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  21. Happy Birthday! You are awesome! Thanks for EVERYTHING (did you get my letter of "thanks?) -Grant p.s. I don't know if you remember me but, my daughter is now using a Vector (& my son will too, one day) _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  22. SWEET DADDY! Sounds of my 2nd daughter are ringing in my ears again _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  23. 1 from my past (and of course my children) _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  24. yES! JUST A SLICE OF HEAVEN "SCOTLAND FOREVER" _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.
  25. Equal rights/ equal fights =same pay I'm a telephone Tech and we have a problem with equal pay in effect yet only guys are required to go to certain areas of the city and not get granted help on the job when requested. _______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.