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Everything posted by DanG

  1. Amused enough to perpetuate stupid rumors. I suppose you're also going to claim that you never had doubts about Obama's birthplace, but were just amused about the whole thing? - Dan G
  2. So, you think someone murdered him with a pillow, but decided to leave it over his face as a cute little clue? Don't you think a murderer would be smart enough to tuck the pillow back under his head? - Dan G
  3. I don't have time to look up all those quotes and show the context, but here is the first one. I'll let the readers decide if your selective quote captured the essence of what he was saying: - Dan G
  4. Such prominent climate change "alarmists" must have written these things down. Perhaps you can cite one or two examples. Or do you really want us to just believe that they only said these astounding things in a couple lectures where you happened to be present? - Dan G
  5. This is America, we don't really care about the rights of non-Christians, do we? - Dan G
  6. Huh? You must be confused. In fact, I don't think she's qualified because she's a black woman. God wanted women to be subserviant to men, and He also wanted the races to remain separated. A dark skinned woman has no right, on Earth or in Heaven, to rule on issues of import to white Christian men. Duh. - Dan G
  7. There are no requirements to be a Justice. The Constitution does not say anything about who may be appointed. No age, legal experience, or even citizenship requirements. The number of justices is not even called out in the Constitution. The only thing the Constitution says is that the Justices serve "during good behavior". When I said Anita Hill isn't qualified, I meant that in my opinion she does not have the experience to be a Justice. She is technically qualified, as are you and I, but none of us would make a very good Justice. - Dan G
  8. QuoteAlthough we disagree on many levels, you usually have well reasoned posts. So my question to you is this, what are your objections to Ted Cruz? How does he enhance your fear/anger, to borrow from winsor? [reply/] First of all, I'm not afraid or angry. I'm mostly happy, with some occasional frustration and disappointment. I object to Ted Cruz because he has no respect for the Constitution, despite being well educated on the subject. He wants to fundamentally change this country. In that respect, I object to him for the same reasons you object to Obama. I also object to him because I think he allows his religious fundamentalism to color how he wishes to direct our secular country. - Dan G
  9. If most of your posts are drive-by one liners, do not be surprised when people assume that a post such as this is a drive-by one liner. Of course, it actually is a drive-by one liner, but I'll play along. Maybe you have some sort of valid point besides giggling about sexual harassment. Anita Hill is not qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice. - Dan G
  10. I'm gonna barf. I don't like Hillary, but she's about 1,000x a better choice than Trump. I wouldn't vote for Trump for dog catcher. What's more, many, many Americans feel the same way about him. You want to hand the election to Clinton? Nominate Trump. I've pretty much decided I'm going to vote for the most appealing 3rd party candidate unless one of two things happens: Trump gets the Republican nomination, or Cruz gets the Republican nomination. Then I'm voting for whomever the Democrats put up. - Dan G
  11. I agree that Congress would likely keep both Sanders and Trump from implementing much policy. What really scares me about Trump, however, is that a president doesn't need Congress' approval for his conduct of foreign policy. Trump would be a foreign policy nightmare. In recent years it seems like a president doesn't even need Congress to go to war, so long as he claims it is terrorism related. I can seriously see Trump involving us in very serious foreign policy issues, including major combat, that we have no business being in. Sanders doesn't seem all that concerned with foreign policy, although his domestic agenda is ridiculous. - Dan G
  12. Why would transcipts of speeches given to private organizations after Clinton left office be classified? I really can't understand why this is even an issue. - Dan G
  13. Yeah, like funding Planned Parenthood. - Dan G
  14. That is a great looking dog. We had a pit bull that we had to put to sleep about a year ago. He was a handful to say the least, but he was also a great dog. We still miss him. Good luck. - Dan G
  15. You don't go get Jason Bourne, Jason Bourne comes for you. - Dan G
  16. They are not ignoring data. They are just smart enough to recognize that the climate has many drivers. Man is one of them, but not the only one. The fact that is was warmer or hotter hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago doesn't mean that we can't change the climate today. Here's a simple analogy (that you'll ignore, but whatever). A man walks into the hospital bleeding profusely. The ER doc says, "You've been shot!" The man replied, "No doc, I've bled profusely in the past after being stabbed, hit by a brick, and fallen off a ladder, but I've never been shot before. My current bleeding couldn't possibly be because I've been shot. Don't be an alarmist." - Dan G
  17. Yes, he is. "Alarmists" are not ignoring the data. "Deniers" are ignoring the data. There is more data on the climate than the last 120 years. There is a wealth of data from sources other than man made temperature records. Has the planet been hotter in the past? Of course. Does that mean that man cxan't be making the planet hotter now? Of course not. There are many drivers that can affect the climate. Your central "belief" is that man can't be one of them. You are wrong. I'll write whatever I want, thank you. Yes, it does riducule. It ridicules people like you who think it is okay for you to say what "alarmists" are thinking, but not okay when people like me say what "deniers" are thinking. - Dan G
  18. There are precious few facts there to argue with, at least in the portion you quoted. For instance, he says, "The misdirection is based on the false assumption that only a few variables and mechanisms are important in climate change, and they remain constant over the 4.54 billion years." No scientist is actually claiming that. He's setting up a simple strawman. I suspect he knows it, but I also suspect his audience doesn't, so he figures he'll get away with it. Looks like it is working, at least with you. - Dan G
  19. I didn't watch the hearing, but the only legit reason I could see for a Congressional hearing like this is to allow Congress to identify loopholes in the current laws that need to be closed, or problems with current laws that prevent the market from working properly. I very much doubt that was the purpose of the hearing. - Dan G
  20. The Cruz campaign mailers were highly improper, in my opinion. They implied that voters were being graded by the Iowa State Dept on their voting record, and their grades were being shared with their neighbors. If you have to resort to lying to people to get them to show up at the polls, it implies you're not a very inspiring candidate. - Dan G
  21. Link already provided, if you were really interested, you know you are wrong already. - Dan G