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Everything posted by SethInMI

  1. I never liked DMX's voice. Too grating. This is more like it: It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  2. I'm 42, so I can't answer your poll, but I like some of it. 45 is probably about the cutoff for having grown up with rap; I remember watching Beat Street in middle school, and NWA was big when I was in high school, and The Chronic came out when I was in college. So I think you are right, under 45, it probably is a personal preference, not an age thing. My feelings toward rap have been the same ever since I first heard it. I love the inventive wordplay, intense emotions, and inventive mixing and sampling. I don't like the repetitive themes though. (Money hoes and clothes all a brother knows...) It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  3. Apparently the video was partly/largely corrupted. SpaceX is offering the raw video if anyone wants to have a go at repairing it. You can see what they have to work with and what they managed to recover here: It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  4. On the topic of using front risers for things other than HP landings, Does anyone use/teach a technique of one front riser and one toggle as a means to "lower" yourself while maintaining heading? I never have seriously tried it, but I have heard it mentioned before, usually as a CRW technique. The idea is to pull one front riser, then compensate with opposite toggle to keep heading, and this should result in a sink. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  5. Skydive Allegan, Michigan. We had a cutaway trainer, what not to do videos, grilled brats and a raffle. I won a H&P and redeemed it 30 min later; it was a good day. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  6. Ryan posted his question 9 years ago, I think he has decided what to get by now. The asshole here is Jill for bumping the thread with her trolling about personal loan shit. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  7. I jumped that EXACT setup before going to my Sabre2 135. It was a little tight, but it was fine, just like you have been told. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  8. What DiverMike is trying to say is you are working for a SEO company or just getting paid to plug a website. So bugger off. (Ok the last line was all me). It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  9. I've bungee jumped twice. I would do it again. I have never BASE jumped, but I think some of the sensations would be similar to a PCA or SL low jump. Standing at the exit point, jumping, and the 1st 2-3 sec of freefall would be similar, then they diverge as the BASE canopy opens and the bungee jumper really starts to feel the decel. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  10. The article stated that the footage was turned over in response to a Open Records Act request. Like an FIOA I guess, so it sounds the airport did not do so willingly. Why did the journalists wanted to publish it? What is the old saying, "If it bleeds, it leads...". Or on a more introspective note, like Walt Kelly said, "We have met the enemy and he is us." It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  11. [inline AspenAppr.png] Google earth of Aspen runway looking south. You can see from the skid marks everyone lands heading south, like Calvin said. The other direction, the ground falls away. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  12. I thought of this thread when I saw this asshole popping ski slope flying. How far we have come. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  13. I am fine with that term. It is a pretty common usage, for instance a google search of "lack of seat belt contribute" brings up a lot of news articles using the term in a similar way, like this: If a person is drunk and runs into a tree without wearing a seat belt and dies, the convention is to say the lack of a seat belt contributed to the fatality. [Not the accident itself, but the fatality] Seth It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  14. Lee, My uninformed read of the requirement means it is for brakes stowed flight, not full drive. I don't have a good feel for relative speeds, but my feeling is even high loaded parachutes slow down quite a bit in stowed configuration. I doubt my 1.5 loaded main is going that fast in stowed brakes, the wind in my face feels more like a 10-15mph breeze than a 25mph breeze. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  15. Thanks Jerry. From the PIA document, the max brakes stowed descent rate is 24 ft/sec or 7.3 m/s. This is the same as jumping off an object 2.7m or 9ft off the ground. Feels to me unlikely to be fatal. Interesting to know what that does to the max weights; what the max wingloading turns out to be to meet that rate. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  16. Does anyone have an idea of what the descent rate of a reserve with brakes stowed is at low (1.1) and/or high (1.8) wingloadings? Seth It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  17. Whenever I see pics or vid of something spectacular on the web, part of me wonders "Real or fake?" In this case, it looks like a bit of both. The green truck never fell in; that is a fun bit of photoshop. The green and blue trucks are the same pic, just with the cab and boom changed color. It is a nice example of a common web meme, start with something that sounds or looks believable, then just start stretching it for dramatic effect. Snopes is full of that of shit. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  18. I think the illusion of walking is just the fact that the body is twisting back and forth a bit as a result of the deployment. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  19. No. It could just be an extension of the existing record methodology, so most people on a 1 point jump (400). Now there are more records, most people on a 2 point jump, most people on a 3 pt jump, etc. So you beat each record by having more people on it. If the existing 2pt record is 130 ppl, then you do a 2pt with 140 ppl. If the 3 pt record is 101 ppl, then you do a 3pt with 102 ppl, etc. I don't know if that is what the rules are, but it would be a nice way to do it. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  20. Removing text for clarity gives: The record performance for the large formation sequential is the number of complete a sequence [of formations], giving a separate record performance for the total number of formations completed. It sounds to me like there are two records in the record books, the number of people and the number of formations (points). It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  21. Not exactly sure what you are implying, but when the rules say grips can't be retaken, they mean the exact same grip. If Bill's right hand has a leg grip on Steve's left leg, then after they sequence, Bill can't re-take the same grip, he has to take a different grip, like on Amy's arm or Steve's right leg etc. But everyone in the formation has to be connected, so there is only one connected formation at each point in the sequence. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  22. Leonard Cohen has been covered a lot, and with good reason, as he is a great songwriter, but not a great singer. People have covered the shit out of Hallelujah; John Cale's is my favorite. It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  23. Can I ask why you assume that? Out of ignorance. I have only seen a few HMA lined canopies and they were non-cascaded, but I guess that is because they were all from Precision, and that is what Precision does. I see now that PD does cascade their HMA canopies. Seth It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  24. Did PD do that for you? If not, who came up with the line lengths? (I assume you are now non-cascaded). Thanks, Seth It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".
  25. Thanks guys. Sounds like it just works that way, which is good, cause I don't have to try and fix it. I was considering getting some lines replaced this winter, either a complete lineset or maybe just the LSTs. I will probably just wait another season now. Seth It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".