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Everything posted by grimmie

  1. I'm suing Stinky for liver damages...
  2. I made the sunset load, only to find I wasn't packed completely. I forgot I just stuffed it in the rig while tending to Dwight. A 30 pack of Kokanee eased my pain!!! I would have loved to seen Barry's face when you rivered him!!!!!! Another great year in the books that I survived!!! I know it was a slow year for the boogie, but did anyone else notice Mac's presence missing in the evening fun???? Now I have to detox and ready my weary bones for never ends...thank God!!!!!
  3. I looked for you! I went back to Eden North and got drunk with Doug and Lyal. Isn't it "countdown to 2009"???? Love, ASSHAT
  4. fastphil, great comic! How true! GreenLight, wonderful idea, I'm in on Nick's jump and will go halves on the ticket! Yeah, skydiving has changed a bit, but the last time I checked so has the rest of society and the world we live in. I used to go to the DZ and it was all belly flyers, after a while then it was mostly freeflyers. Big deal, we did hybrids and I started freeflying, not well but trying. I went to an exotic boogie once and thought it was sort of lame, so I started my own. The tunnels came along, I thought it was a dumb idea. So I got in, those damn glass walls can't stay in their slots. Guess I wasn't all that after all! I go to other DZ's often and get welcomed with open arms. I'll jump with any newby. I went on some leaps with Josh Hall of Perris Fury when no one would jump with him. He had 32 jumps. Now look, he owes it all to me! I made my first jump in 1980 on a T-10, belly mount reserve and pounded into a cornfield in Ohio. I'm glad I experienced it, but I'll take my Katana and an Otter to 13,000 over that anyday! As in life, you reap what you sow at the DZ. Come on out Nick, let's make a leap and then go make a BASE jump! signed, T-Rex
  5. A DZ should offer a Basic First Responder Course for every jumper and instructor once per year. Most DZ's have doctors, nurses, EMT's and paramedics in their jumping ranks. They can assist the local First Aid instructor gear the course towards skydiving injuries. I have spoken with Bryan Burke at SDA about putting together a skydive injury related course above and beyond a Fisrt Aid class, sort of like the Wilderness Training. There are so many issues legally to deal with, it may never get done. The best thing a DZ can do is co-ordinate an emergency plan with the local EMS providers, incorporate their medically trained jumpers in the planning process and have some basic first aid supplies on hand. About ten years ago I trained the Eloy FD in all aspects of gear, safe removal/packaging and types of injuries skydive related. It enlightened them and improved DZ/FD relations, which in turn provided much better response and care. And I think everyone should take a basic first responder course, just for everday life encounters.
  6. It ran from the pin to the shoulder area, jammed and sticking out of the flap a bit at the top, above the tabs. The rigger was taken to task by the party involved. I should have taken a photo. Not the first time I have seen it happen. Moral of the story, know your gear and check it out, often.
  7. I just returned from the Lost Prairie boogie. A great time was had by all as usual. However... I noticed one jumper boarding with a misrouted chest strap. Another had a reserve rigged wrong, with part of the reserve cable exposed. Another jumper had a poorly closed main flap, exposing some canopy line, right next to the pud. Get a gear check before you board the plane! And for the one millionth time people...WEAR YOUR HELMET FOR TAKE OFF!!!!!!!!! If a jumper politely asks you to put a helmet on, please do it! The spinny things on the wings don't always keep turning. A hard shell lid strapped to your chest won't keep your eggs from being scrambled.
  8. Could you imagine any other group of pedophiles holding a World Youth Day? If any other organization had as many child molestation cases files against them and tried to do this it would be total outrage! And it is being held mostly at Randwick Race Course. How fitting for a Catholic event. Maybe a legal bingo game will break out for the kids! And this Cardinal Pell dude was accused of child molestation, and he has cover for others in his church for the same offenses. Who in their right mind is letting their kids go to this???? Blasphemy at its finest...
  9. Hmmm, now I understand why there is a "Golf Course Finder" at the top of this page!
  10. "Fucking Chrysler plant, here I come". Slapshot
  11. I spoke with Desmondo yesterday. He can't jump, the little prick has a neck problem, but he is coming down for a few days to party! The "other brother Smith, Doak, also is on the shelf and won't be attending the boogie. They aren't any good to me anymore, time to take 'em out back and shoot 'em! MJ, I may have spent all of my Ben Franklins by the time I make it back across the border and need to win some poker action! I'm ALL IN!!
  12. Can I borrow some for the weekend! I only own flip flops and a ballcap!
  13. It's off to Calgary thursday AM to have lunch with Dez before he leaves for LP and then on to Eden North. A weekend jumping with Canuckians in Canadia. Sort of like having sex with a fat chick. I'ts lots of fun, but you don't want your friends finding out!! I promise to avoid the maple leaf this year. Save me a seat at the bar, see you guys next tuesday, if I'm not still in the stocks for making fun of you hosers, Eh!!! "Oh Canada, my home and native land"...just warming up just in case!!!
  14. Darling Harbour in Sydney would be a great location for a tunnel.
  15. It was hot Saturday in San Diego and hotter out at the DZ. T-shirt jumping weather. Now go jump.
  16. Maybe we all should just concentrate harder on ending the need for an "Incidents" forum altogether.
  17. I just had the same discussion with some jumpers this weekend at the DZ. If you have a helmet, wear it! If someone asks nice to wear it, do it! Ever see 23 jumpers scramble to get helmets on and seatbelts tightened when an engine goes kaput on take off????????? "What"? The engine might stop running"?????
  18. I have a bad back from nearly 30 years as a FF/EMT picking up fat asses and doing CPR on them once in a while. We have had to take people out of windows, take doors off, bannisters down and call out special ambulances to haul them away. And all of them have fat ass little fat asses running around eating donuts and potato chips. Genetic, maybe 2% of the lard butts I have dealt with. We call the fat ladies "Queen Bees", because they just sit on their couch, or bed and watch TV, eat junk food and have the family provide it all for them. Most you can't get a "thigh cuff" on their arm to get a blood pressure. It cracks me up that the family wants to know "is he going to be OK?" while we are doing a futile attempt at CPR. 30 years of feeding him bacon and eggs and you want us to fix it in 5 minutes? We're good, but not THAT good! But no, they don't bother me at all, why do you ask????
  19. freeflymickey, put down the bong and go spread the word yourself. There are many folks here that have a vested interest in the skydive world other than just looking cool in their gear and telling anyone that will listen that they are a jumper. Anytime a demo goes bad, a fatality happens or a plane crashes it affects our sport. It may happen due to more regulation, less students, closing of a DZ etc. Some day you might understand.
  20. A skydiver here in SoCal (and a good guy and friend) flew into a concrete barrier on a demo into the drag races. His prosthetic leg flew off upon impact and he died. A number of my friends were there and were traumatized. I'm sure there were a few thousand folks that would never come out to make a jump after that. And it really sucks he died. I spent about $25,000 of my own hard earned dollars trying to get permission to skydive at the closed El Toro base. A number of other jumpers donated to the chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors for his re-election. I had a deal all ironed out. Then some assholes thought it would be fun to do a bandit jump onto Newport Beach. They created a mess and the county said "We're not sure we want skydivers here anymore, after what happened in Newport". Denied. I would like to kick their asses. My former teamate and all around good guy killed himself in a very spectacular way on a very high profile demo team jump. More folks to never come out for a leap. And it really sucks he died. A jumper at my boogie flew himself into a set of power lines, shutting off power to about 100 resorts and homes. He nearly died. The boogie was nearly shut down. A few hundred jumpers would have been really pissed off if we were shut down forever. And it really sucks he has a long recovery. I could write about 200 more examples for you.
  21. Poker will be conducted each evening for a $20 buy-in at the LP Lounge. 9ish! Lil Sis, I have the tape of it, I will try to remember to bring least I could sing "Oh Canada" to get out of the stocks. Watching hockey all of those years paid off, Eh!!!
  22. A guy runs down one little red and white maple leaf, geeezzz!!!!! What was that, like 10 years ago????? Poker festivities will be each evening around Lang O'Clock!