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Everything posted by druvaughn

  1. I have had both services, XM previously and switched over to Sirius with a new car (included). I was skeptical at first because I liked XM but am much happier with Sirius. The music stations with Sirius seem a little better played with a better balance on each individual station. I have also found that the Maxim Radio channel is great. GREAT!!! Exactly like the magazine, just outloud. Both offer the news, and check into which sports each has. NFL on Sirius and Nascar on Jan 1st. I have heard hockey games and NBA games on Sirius as well. This seems strange, and could be an affect of the car, but Sirius cuts out less often than XM did. I don't think either will die out in the near future and both are certianly giving out great promotions currently in the subscriber race. If the two companies were to merge, analysts have said that Sirius would remain the dominant player because of the highend talent (Martha Stewart, Howard Stern, etc) they have and the faster subscriber growth. Hope this helps. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  2. I fly with my rig once or twice a month from LGA to MYR. I put the bag into a small wheeled suitcase (sturdy, not duffle). I wouldn't recommend carrying loose because it will tend to make other passengers nervous. We can all debate why, it has just been my experience. I have had several people get anxious when the TSA opened the bag to swab it and they saw a parachute. Then they ask lots of questions (none of which I mind answering). Just my thoughts... Dru - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  3. druvaughn


    Just last week bought a new mattress and box spring from Sleepys. King Size (everyone should do this)...Sterns and Foster Platinum Plus...covered with Pure Beech 100%modal sheets...awesome... - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  4. I concur, that is a great correlation. Along these lines, I was happy that someone finally called the crash PILOT ERROR. The original news reports quoted as the NTSB as saying "the wind caused the crash". Which may be true, but only because the pilots didn't know how to react to said wind conditions, which makes it the pilot's fault. Nice post NWFlyer - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  5. I agree that there is way too much inconsistency in the TSA handling of the issue... I fly regularly from LGA to MYR... At LGA I rarely get a second look and almost always get in line with the same screener (same flight each time I travel)... He remarked to one woman who hadn't ever seen a rig, "Did you miss parachute day at training"... He always takes care but most of the others just let me go. At MYR, they always, always, do a swab test and make me take the rig out of my travel bag (which it is in alone) and have had the same woman let me go one day, and hassle the crap out of me 3 weeks later acting like she has never seen a parachute before... They do have a thankless job and get constantly hassled...we are stuck with that state of affairs for some time. I would appreciate a bit more consistency for that warm fuzzy feeling, and I am certain they would like friendlier people going through security... A two way street... (I am in no way implying you weren't friendly - sounds like you were - and cooperative - same - , I was just trying to see daily life from their perspective)... Safe travels... Dru - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  6. I have a Spectre 230 (about 1.35/1). Love the 1,000 foot openings, on heading. I do have consistent endcell closure, but never anything that doesn't fix itself in a couple seconds. I would definietly get another. My understanding, in general, is that 9-cells have a longer glide path than 7-cells loaded similarly. I won't take offense if someone corrects me on this if needed. Good Luck. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  7. This past weekend I traveled from LGA (LaGuardia in NYC) to MYR (Myrtle Beach) and then back without any problems. I did carry on and had the paperwork with me but they didn't even ask for a swab or closer look. Fails to give me the warm cozzy feeling that I am safe. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  8. Like SIM "Cliff Notes" you're looking for In college, there was a note taking service... You paid someone to sit in the class and take immaculate notes. They were always better than the ones I took plus I didn't have to go to class... Worked out great for everybody! - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  9. Blue Hill is a must, ask to sit in the back room its nice and cozy. Service is great and food is better. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  10. I couldn't agree with AFFI more!!! Good service should be rewarded. If a person you are dealing with went above and beyond, why not reward their efforts? To address tipping in restaurants, go to lunch at an unfamiliar family restaurant; service will be polite but the server most likely won't have any cocktail or wine knowledge and will know the ingredients of a few menu items. Now, go to a "fancy" (read "fine dining") restaurant (think of Manhattan or Charleston or Vegas) and you will see an enormous difference. They are paid the same wage, your tip should reflect the level of service. Why would this not carry over to skydiving, massuese (sp?), barber, etc... Along these lines, the tip also carries down the road some. If I get the same server on my next visit, they will remember my tip and most likely that I like Iced Tea and a slow meal. The barber may slide me into their busy schedule because I am going out of town and need a trim for business; same for the massage therapist (easier than spelling massuese again incorrectly). Why is your skydiving instructor different. Having said this, a tip doesn't have to be money, beer and burgers work. Something to show that you appreciated their efforts. If you think their efforts don't warrent a tip, you should let management know that a member of their staff is subpar. Just my thoughts, from a career serving people. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  11. When you say classical, do you mean the period or the use of symphonies? I enjoy John Williams, whom you might know for his composing in major films; MI2, Gladiator, Star Wars, Days of Thunder, etc... - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  12. Mom's apple pie Macaroni and Cheese ( home made, with truffle oil and perhaps bluck truffle shavings ) that gets baked in the oven Amarone or Volnay - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  13. May have been miscommunication or misunderstood. SCC is still there and doing well. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  14. dude, the term is "tramp stamp".. get it right will ya... lol.. j/k..... The term "jersey plates" always puts a smile on my face -- - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  15. Aggie makes a great point about hitting the ground. A body that is in good physical shape and use to the riggors of physical fitness will handle impacts and hard landings better than a couch potato. I have had a few hard landings (a result of flaring too high) and walked away, I believe, as a direct result of years of football, lacrosse, skiing and physical training. My muscles, joints, and bones are all conditioned for more abuse than the average person. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  16. Have landed down wind twice to avoid low turns (of course putting "didn't plan far enough ahead to make a proper landing" should go in the other thread) Ask every question I can't answer regardless of how miniscule (sp?) it seems Had a hard opening and resisted the urge to jump for a couple of hours and make sure I wasn't too sore to run out the next landing if I had to - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  17. Gladiator at home X3 in the theater - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  18. Several of the scenes in "Seven" were a little tough to watch. The guy raping the girl with the knife was definitely rough (eventhough you don't actually see it). - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  19. I started working in restaurants at 16. It was a highschool job and I needed the money (I could make a lot more than bagging groceries). Should I have been subjected to the smoking of patrons? I agree with Billvon on the protection of employees. In CT the ban has been in effect for several years and longer in NY. Restaurants, almost completely, havea noticed a strong uptick in business as a result of the ban. Costs have gone down (bartenders aren't comping every other drink for the "regular" who is nursing his daily pack of smokes), sales have increased (it is cleaner to go to bars without the smell of smoke ruining your business suits for lunch of afternoon munchies and cocktails). Prior to the ban several local restaurants had become non-smoking and still did better business than those that allowed smoking. The exception to this may be bars or clubs, but once you can't smoke in any bars or clubs, the business owner is at no competitive disadvantage to the other bars. Similarly, as a restauranteur, I'm certain anyone who stops going out because they have to go outside to smoke, isn't a patron that I want (talk about low self esteem -- staying home so you can smoke). I think the ban is great and works for the betterment of the patrons, the staff, and the owner. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  20. From what I have been able to watch (not as much as I would like) -- It seems a great deal like he is getting beat up over the same issue day in and day out. "I didn't inhale" would certainyl suggest that we all have skeletons in our closet and his membership in a Princeton secret society back in college should have, I think, little to do with the work he has done since. I think Roe should stand, but I think he is a good fit on all other merits, and I think he would need something extraordinary to overturn Roe -- not something he will likely do despite what the liberals would have us believe. Just my thoughts... - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  21. The book is a remarkably easy read -- written for "everyone" to be able to understand. I got through it in a few hours. All of the issues that are being addressed in this thread are answered in the book. 1) Basic necessities such as food and household goods aren't taxed (living below the poverty line) 2) taxes are only levied on first time purchases (if you never buy new items you will never have to pay tax -- if that is the road you choose, best of luck) 3) an objective is to get more people to save money (from the rich to the poor) -- we want Warren Buffet to put more money in the bank as well as bring vast sums of money back into the US from offshore accounts -- money in the banks spurs investment... I could try to go on, but the book does a much better job. Personally, I think it could work out great, as long as there aren't "special exceptions" made for people. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  22. If I may, I would address this from the side of the student... While being taught (in anything) you are more apt to go with first instincts and listen to those who have taught you all along. If you overhear something, do not say anything to the student!!! You are going to create confusion for the student as well as open the possibility for the student to do something against their instructor's desires (the instructor had a reason). Telling the student something different might also cause them to lose faith in the instructor which would be bad. The ONLY exception, is if the the information opens the student up to a greater immediate risk. As mentioned above, ask the instructor to the side and discuss with them outside of the earshot of the student. I witnessed this repeatedly at the DZ one day. The student was hanging in the training harness while his instructor and another instructor debated the proper technique of pulling reserves (one hand on each handle or pull each with both hands). It was confusing to all involved, which of the two veterans do you side with? Just my thoughts as a student... - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  23. the lay on the stain naked idea is a great one (this is user specific though -- I shouldn't lay on the stain naked, oh, I'd cover it up just fine, along with everything else and with my knees, there might be no getting up. I found out that a professional carpet cleaner with a list of restaurant clients (read "cleans up some nasty s..t) can get out red wine puke. Or puke with red wine (4 or 5 different bottles), Veuve Cliquot, and some red sweet dessert bubbly (note the very red stain was on the BOSS's white living room rug. Carpet Doctor made it go away -- thank you... - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  24. You hit the nail quite squarely on the head. Awesomely true and this whole thread is both very funny and, well, brings out some phenominal memories. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."