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Everything posted by druvaughn

  1. I would like to note that each of us seems to be trying to pull a trump card of bigger or more obscure words with each post. I would have to agree with anvil -- FOX is the least biased, but with the degree to which the others are liberal, FOX does hold a truer line. Anvil -- Zilch, nada, nope -- gotta laugh out of me -- I wasn't trying to say that the conservatives dislike minorities; I do have an artists rendition in my head of a gun toating redneck conservative that dislikes anything not white anglosaxin protestant (sp). Note the cartoonish picture, this is not a group label. Conservatives don't hate minorities, the South does. The minority, more and more though, isn't divided along race as it is divided along the "Haves" and the "Have Nots". All on its own, this divide will seperate along racial or ehtnic lines, but not wholly. As we group the red states it does seem to stretch away from the "educated" North (note the CT point of origin here). A red cross section including the bible belt and cotton fields. Red states that govern the bedroom, the govern the woman's body and that govern the right to bear arms ( what a lengthy discussion this could open). This is my delicate way of saying that I don't think the red states are ready to vote in a minority -- of any ethnicity, and I think voting in a woman is going to be a stretch. This is where Hillary beats Condi; Hillary carries the blue states and enough of the reds to pull out the victory. Yes GWB won on red alone, but he was a good ole boy from the South ( one I voted for mind you ). - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  2. as a guy, it would be wrong of me to say "I don't drink beer" ( bud light doesn't count as beer as much as flavored alcohol laden water ) it would also be wrong of me to suggest Lindeman's Lambic Framboise as good beer However, as a drunk, can I offer "Irish Car Bombs" by the dozen -- or is that more of a mixed drink? - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  3. very well put ( especially the debate ) -- but... You seem to be relying heavily on the liberal push in media to swing the views and issues away from Condi -- I would have to rebut with -- we are talking about two women. The woman's movement jumps to the polls, but to which side? The left love the poor (their failing attribute) and most of their economic agenda, domestically and internationally follows this trend, protect and elevate (through social programs) the less fortunate in this country. Great!!! My hard earned dollar going south. That being said, how many more laws are the conservatives going to put into affect to govern our bedroom behavior before we put an end to it. What we really don't need is a constitutional amendment telling us what marriage is...this is very conservative. Mierrs nomination to the bench should go to satisfy that the conservative party is going to legislate around Roe v Wade. If the womens voting block is to one side or the other, the dems take it unless Condi can show strong pro-life and liberal social agenda. As for race -- it should be a non-issue, and you are correct it will be, but no one needs address it publicly. The polls will, albeit unfortunately, that the country is very segregated. Fact of Life. Born and raised in the NE, with family in the SE, I can safely say the US isn't ready for all this at once. Female Pres OK, but even with a strong ( read Colin Powell ) minority candidate, it is going to be a very tough sell to the conservatives ( read Bible Thumpers ). Also, in the political arena, in public the Republicans can push Condi and still "hate blacks" as long as they hold the power (think kissing baby while stealing candi). And remember social agenda, are the voters going to rely on the side of race, or are they going to turn out for the blue party who will continue to fund welfare? Your final argument, might be your best, I really don't think that American voters want to visual Bill getting freaky on White House furniture AGAIN. Good Volley... - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  4. My apologies Ian -- I was referring to TheAnvil's endorsement of Condi -- Still learning the ins and outs of the whole posting system - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  5. This could open Pandora's Box: In a country not ready to accept homosexual relationships and a woman's right to govern her own body (abortion), are we honestly thinking the next presedential election will showcase two women. If one party does so first, the other would be safe nominating Castro and having him be elected just because it isn't a woman. Few things would please me more than to have a staunch liberal in the White House, I mean really, what do you care what we do with our bodies or our partners, but America is certianly no where near ready for this (niether am I, I like the elephant's economic agenda). I'm curious to know why you thought Condi wins in the head to head match. Never talk polotics in a bar... - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  6. If I briefly continued, lets look at other possibilities ( can you win if you keep firing ). Is the US ready for a woman pres ( are we ready for a VP ). Little could be worse than Cheney, who as previously mentioned, stnads no chance of being elected (way too many skeletons). Shall we add on that the Republican Congress may not hold in the coming year's midterms if the country continues on the current path. This certainly opens the door for the dems to jump back in. The Rep Party is going to need an ace up its sleeve, and who wins the woman's race, Condi or Hil? Sadly, Hillary takes this one on paper. The preverbial ACE -- the man who saved NYC in 2001. Oh Yes. You'll note he popped up during the last election for some speaking time on the winning side of the 2004 election. Rudy. The logical thought here, keep him in the wings, giving the dems less time to rebutt. Imagine the runoff, Hillary vs. Rudy. Would Condi then be Rudy's VP as well, she would already be established? Love the speculation!!! - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  7. 5, 6, 10, and 21 are great but I got lost on the little mermaid one - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  8. It would certainly be important to recognize that the Dems are starting 2008 pitches already ( as if Hillary's senate bid wasn't just that anyway ). The sitting Pres is out and his VP stands little chance, regardless of who the dems nominate. That being covered ( albeit briefly ), could this actually be a way to get the first woman VP seated and possibly aid her possible Presidency run in 2008. The highest ranking Senate Rep. just recused (sp?) himself for fraud -- thanks Delay. Just some fuel for the specualtive fire. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  9. With people talking about their feelings sitting next to the door: I'm a large jumper (270+ depending on breakfast) so in the 182 I always get the seat next to the pilot. This is fine when you have your own rig, but not great on your first tandem with nothing but a little seat belt holding you in for somebody's h&p. Of course, it serves noting, that it isn't a great seat until you have a chute and are over safe alti. I get nervous for a couple of seconds everytime the door opens, but it is certainly a great view when it does. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  10. The difference is that a "student renter" is required to rent the DZ gear (unless he owns his own personal Manta & student Cypres, which is pretty doubtful), on top of the high price of his student jumps. A non-student renter has the option of renting the DZ's gear or getting his own gear to jump. Andy, thanks for the reply -- I would still think that you are renting the gear, regardless of the reason for renting. Is the rental contract different for students and non-students?. The fall back for the DZ and renter would be clearly written terms in a contract. You would of course need two contracts, one for students and one for non-students. The followup thought would be that when renting a boat or car, camper, or parachute, you still have the option of renting or not renting. If you don't rent, however, you don't get to engage in the activity, but it is "your choice to rent or to own". Could a DZ operator or a coach elaborate -- if I buy a student rig with proper wing loading, why can't I jump my own equiptment, provided that a rigger packs the chute? - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."
  11. I hope this isn't repetative: If you are renting the gear, what is the difference between being a "student renter" and a "renter". You are a renter either way. Your student status, I would imagine (lack of actual knowledge, though otherwise referred earlier) had little to do with the malfunction unless you cut away prematurely in the case of line twists that you didn't try to kick out of ( this would make the renter, not rentee liable ). If we think of other rental scenarios ( cars, TVs, power equipment ), if you are the cause, you owe for the property -- it was your negliect. - - "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."